Attention: Gone

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Name: Preston Donovan Quap

Nickname: Pres or Donny

Age: 18

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexual orientation: Pansexual, Panromantic

Position: Dominant, switches between top and bottom

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Personality: Preston is a very up beat guy. He is fun and energetic, preferring to always being up and moving around than anything else. Pres has a hard time sitting still, but when he needs to, he can, for a set amount of time. Preston is very affectionate. His love language is definitely physical touch. He is kind of a big baby. He isn't whiney or anything, unless he is with a significant other or he is sick, but his attention span is that of a 7 year olds, and his hyperactivity is that of a track star. Preston has a very hard time reading the room. If it is something like a moment of silence, if he is not told directly, he will not understand and start asking people why they are quiet. He means well, really, he just sometimes isn't the best in social situation. He isn't really a partier, but he is one that knows how to have a good time. Preston can be a bit clumsy at times because of how fast his brain runs. He tries to kick a soccer ball, but his brain is already on the running somewhere else because everything is mapped out, so he falls and hurts something. It is a common occurrence with him. He also has a hard time understanding what people say because they'll start asking, his brain will fill in the rest before they finish and he tries to answer, but the rest of the actual words are coming in. It can make him a bit frustrated at times, but usually he can handle it. Sometimes though he does lose his temper, and has to take a break alone.

Likes: Preston loves physical touch. Whether that is playing patty cake, or making out on the couch, either way. He feels closer to those he can touch. Preston likes to play sports and be active, especially outside. He loves being around people and being in the sun with all the fresh air and animals. He really likes movies, but sometimes, when he is on his medication, he gets more analytical. He will dissect the movie and critique it. He will always jump up and give it a round of applause at the end, but during it, he will sometimes insult the director or the actors, not because he is an insensitive jerk, but because his brain tells him he needs to pick apart the flaws.
Preston likes to help people out. He loves all of his siblings, and he loves doing things with them, like painting their nails, or talking about their love interests. Some of his siblings don't like doing that, so instead he has nerf wars with them, or helps them learn how to bake something. Pres loves his family. They're part of his heart, and he would say, with confidence, that if they weren't there, he wouldn't he either.

Dislikes: There really isn't much Preston doesn't like. There are the basics that he assumes everyone with a brain hates: Homophobia, racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. But things that stand out are probably his disdain towards himself. While Preston loves himself, and constantly reminds those he loves that self love is the most important thing, his brain gets him into more trouble than he likes and sometimes he just gets sick of it.  Preston hates crying. Not because it is immasculating, but because he needs to be the rock for his family, and if they see him cry then the rock is broken. He doesn't like getting hurt, or seeing others hurt and he prefers to be out and about rather than at home all alone. Preston hates how he gets during the winter. His body clock gets all screwed up and he begins to get depressed as the sun the begins to go down earlier. He tries not to let it bother him, but he can't help it and ends up sticking himself in his room, unable to get up most days.

Theme song: To the Bone-J.T. Machinima

Playlist: Bubblegum Bitch-Marina and the Diamonds, Prom Dress-Mxmtoon, Kiss You-One Direction, Rat-Penelope Scott, Kiwi-Harry Styles

Hobbies: Preston plays soccer in his free time, but other than that he doesn't have any hobbies that he has stuck with

Habits: Pres grinds his teeth and bounces his legs when he has to sit still for an extended period of time. He also picks at the dead skin on his fingers when he gets overwhelmed or frustrated

Talents: He can do any bird call after hearing it once

Dominant hand: He is right handed

Occupation: He works part time at a fast food place a couple miles from his place

Do they have kids?: No, but he definitely wants some in the future

Father; Ryan Blake Quap, Alive-63, Lives with his family

Mother; Rhian Danielle Quap, Dead-54, died giving birth

Older brother; Samuel Wilson Quap, Alive-33, lives in Canada with his wife

Sister-in-law; Penelope Ann-Marie Quap, Alive-35, lives in Canada with her husband

Older brother; Tyson Philip Delson, Alive-27, one of the twins, lives in Canada with his husband

Brother-in-law; Gregory Johnathan Delson, Alive-30, lives in Canada with his husband

Older sister; Alexandria Vanessa Quap, Alive-27, one of the twins, lives in Chicago with her boyfriend

Younger sister; Sarah Carly Quap, Alive-14, lives with the family

Younger sister; Michelle Lauren Quap-11, Alive, lives with the family

Younger brother; Xavier Owen Quap, Alive-7, lives with the family

Younger sister; Francine Layla Quap, Dead-Newborn, died during child birth

Extra: He is the oldest left in the house, other than his father



Hair color:  Dark brown

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'10 or 177.8cm

Weight: 157lbs or 71.2kgs

Physical health: Amazing

Scars: He has a couple from rough housing and picking scabs, but none that are relevant

Tattoos: He has none

Piercings: He has none


Extra: They have a dog: Spots ((named by the youngest))


Backstory: Preston grew up in an always growing family, his eldest sibling was 15 by the time he was born and his other siblings were 9. There wasn't anybody for him to really relate to or hangout with when he was growing up, but thankfully his parents had his younger sister when he was 4. While he was still significantly older, they were a lot closer and they had a much easier time relating to each other, having fun together and what not. He had been happy and hyper, basically since the day he was born and he tried to infect his siblings with that happiness. Sometimes the only reason the household wasn't silent and distant was because of Preston, but he never really noticed. His childhood was daily simple. He didn't have to take care of his younger siblings, but he did help around with them and tried to get most of the house work down for his mother and father before she died during child birth at 54. It took a lot for his family to recover, but they did and she has yet to be forget.

Weakness: His family, especially his little siblings

Mental health: About average, declines during the winter

Blood type: B negative

Allergies: None

Disorders: ADHD and seasonal depression

Fears: He is afraid of losing everyone he loves as well as everyone leaving him 

Worst Memory: His mother and younger sister dying

Best Memory: Holding his youngest brother for the first time

One thing they couldn't live without: He doesn't have any objects that he can't live without, just his family


Turn ons: Dirty talk, sensual touching, teasing, thigh-riding, holding hand ((during intercourse)), soft kisses, heavy breathing, his name being moaned out

Turn offs: Feet, water-sports, being watched, being filmed, slow-paced, being rushed, blood, knives, noises in the background

Virgin: Yes

Safe word: Doesn't have one

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