Unstable but Trying

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Trigger warning
This form will talk about an eating disorder. Please, if you're uncomfortable with this topic, do not continue with this form. If you would like to know about her but don't want to read, please let me know and I will be happy to tell you about her in pm. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or triggered by this form

Name: Nova Paxton Bentok

Nickname: Nov, Pax, Paxxy, T, Benny, V, Shooting star/star

Age: 26

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/They

Sexual orientation: Omnisexual with a male preference and Demisexual, Panromantic

Position: Submissive bottom

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Filipino

Personality: Nova is a very jumpy person. She tries not to let herself be a downer or a bust at times, but she isn't much of an extrovert to it happens more often than she'd like. She is a sweetheart and she is great at giving advice. If someone calls themselves ugly, they will be right their to tell whoever it is what ugly is, and explain how they aren't.
Nova is a very sensitive girl. While she has come a long way from where she started, and she can handle some things, a lot of things can still set her off. She still gets upset and overwhelmed easily. V struggles with social interactions, especially if it is a new person, but doing it through her YouTube channel makes it a bit easier, if the other person is okay with that.
Nova, while being all this, is a pretty bright girl--optimistic. She tries not to allow things to affect her as easily as she used to, and some days are better than others, but she does a pretty good job of it.
Nova is an extremely good listener and they are an amazing supporter as well. If someone wants advice, they'll give it, if they want a hug, Nova's got their back. A hand with something, someone to listen, just someone to lean their head on. Nova is always there.

Likes: Nov enjoys playing the piano. She is a very good player and has a nice time playing. It is one thing from her childhood that actually is still fun and relaxing for her. Nova loves when they have a good day. Nova loves good days. A good day consists of at least 2 meals and no negative thoughts about her body or the food that goes into it. While she usually has normal/okay days, good days are what her end goal is. Normally it takes some support for her to have a good day, but she never wakes up and immediately says it won't be a good day. Something Nova loves is how far she has come. She knows better than everybody how hard it was to get to where she is, and she is proud of herself.
Nova loves the coin her friend gave to her in junior high, before she began to get help. The friend had been worried about Nova for a while before it happened. Never left Nova alone at lunch, watched her eat it without he knowledge that she purged afterwards. There isn't anybody that Nova has met that she loves more than that friend. In order to remind herself of the coin, everytime she looked at her body to judge it or yell at it, or neglect it, she got it tattooed in the middle of her chest.

Dislikes: Nova hates the feeling of being hungry. She gets shakey and anxious, and she begins to have an urge to throw up. Nova hates her parents. She loves them, but she hates them. It's mostly hate.
Nova doesn't like food. She doesn't like looking at it, eating it, touching it, just being around it makes her crazy. She thinks that if she smells a carb she'll gain 50lbs and she won't be perfect. She doesn't think like that much anymore, just on her bad days, but it still sucks. That's another thing she hates. She hates her brain. How it works, what it thinks. She blames her parents for corrupting it at such a young age.
Nova hates beauty standards. She hates the word beauty. Beauty is what society wants it to be, when it should be what the individual person wants it to be. If her vision of beauty is slim with a big butt and big breasts then that is her idea of beauty, but that doesn't mean her best friend's idea, large hips, large waist, rolls, double chin, and small breasts isn't also the correct image. Her mentality is that if someone looks at it and thinks it's beautiful, any one person in the world, then it is beauty.
Nova hates when people tell her she doesn't look like she has an eating disorder. She prefers for people not to find out, but if they do, it doesn't bother her all thag much. Until they say something like she doesn't look like she has one, or she looks good for someone with one. It only makes it worse and like she should continue with it to look even better.

Theme song: Never Enough, Loren Allred ((The Greatest Showman))

Playlist: Beautiful-Christina Aguilera, Born this Way-Lady Gaga, I Built a Friend-Alec Benjamin, Who Says-Selena Gomez

Quotes: "You can't tell me I'm perfect. I know when you lie."

"Growing is fun. When you're a kid."

Hobbies: She plays tennis uncompetitively and she is trying to learn how to knit.

Habits: She rubs her stomach with basically any negative emotion and she scratches at her inner forearm when she is anxious or feels like she is about to throw up.

Talents: She can sing and play piano pretty well

Dominant hand: She is right handed

Occupation: She is a YouTuber and works at a bar every once in a while

Channel name: Doricon

Sub count: 1,054,806--One Million

Content: Her content is a bit all over the place. She has different playlists that she sets up for the channel, consisting of;

Gaming: Not normal

Singing: Normal

Dance Tutorials: Not normal

Hair videos: Normal

Make-up videos: Rare

Reactions ((Usually reddit/funny vids)): Normal

Serious topics ((Mental illnesses, deaths, serious drama, personal issues, etc.)): They have only done it once

Do they have kids?: No, hasn't really thought about whether or not she wants any

Father; Alejandro Aldo Bentok, Alive, lives in Australia

Mother; Scarlett Rae Bentok, Alive, Lives in Australia

Siblings; None, They are an only child

Extra: Nova was born and raised in Australia, but now lives in Europe, still had a thick Australian accent



Hair color: She has, naturally, black hair, but dyes it all the time, currently pink

Eye color: Dark brown

Height: 5'3 or 160cm

Weight: 116lbs or 52.6kgs

Physical health: Poor, but works on it everyday

Scars: She has one along both her inner thighs from her trying to kill herself, and she has on on her side from a kidney transplant. She also has self hard scars all over her arms and legs

Tattoos: One bunny on her upper right arm, a mustache on her right index finger, and a coin in the middle of her chest

Piercings: She has three on her lobes, her left helix, her septum, her tongue, and her right eyebrow


Extra: She doesn't have eyebrows because accidently burned them off during a chem lab in her high school years


Backstory: Nova grew up with very strict parents in Australia. She was taught how to walk and talk before the normal age. All her toys were flashcards and if she wasn't sleeping or eating, she was practicing those or how to play the piano. She went through her entire life like this, no friends, no time to play, no birthdays, nothing but being the prodigy child. It had been drilled into her head that she was the perfect child and her parents didn't need a second child because of how great Nova was. She got more and more stressed and by the ripe age of 13 developed Bulimia and Anorexia, being diagnosed with both a couple months after she developed it. It was rapid. She was already a thin girl, never allowed to have any type of sweets, always exercising to be the best on any and every sports team, but after she stopped eating, purging what she did eat, it was easy. Her parents would call her chubby when she was a healthy 100-110lbs, so she began dropping weight until she was no longer allowed on these teams she was once the captain of. Her grades were still the best, she had an in everywhere, but a teacher found that a 70lbs 13 year old was unhealthy and seen as child abuse. She was hospitalized, but not before her only friend gave her a coin, one that helped her through it, one she never let out of her sight. She went through years of rehabilitation, only getting to a semi-normal weight at the age of 19. She was still slightly under, but she was deemed healthy enough to leave. She relapsed about a month later, dropping 15 pounds in that short period of time. She was readmitted until 23 and moved to Europe when she was discharged again. She worked at a bar for a while, as a singer and sometimes waitress, starting her YouTube channel at 24. She has been doing videos ever since, only working at the bar when things get on the low side of income for YouTube.

Weakness: Food, body con outfits, and scales

Mental health: Extremely poor, but works on it everyday

Blood type: AB positive

Allergies: Latex

Disorders: Anorexia and bulimia; recovered

Fears: Nova's biggest fears are gaining weight ((She was diagnosed with bulimia anorexia when she was 13)), losing weight ((Relapsing)), disappointing those she loves, dying alone, and not being enough

Worst Memory: Everything in Australia

Best Memory: Moving to Europe, getting the coin from her friend, or starting her YouTube channel

One thing they couldn't live without: She has a small coin that a friend gave to her when she developed her eating disorder, she has it tattooed in the middle of her chest as well


It is very hard for her to get comfortable enough with someone to allow them to see or touch her body. It is very easy for her to renounce her consent. If she feels self-conscious about her body, weight, anything of that sort, she will use the safe word.

Turn ons: Light touching, praising, love bites, being gentle, dirty talk, teasing ((touch, not words)), whispering, more praising,

Turn offs: Degradation, teasing ((words)), rough, public, her body, looking at herself ((if they made a tape/in front of a mirror)), threesomes or more, strangers, being watched, feet, blood, food ((yes, some people use it in sex. Thought I'd make it clear)), beastiality, knives, being tied up, slapping, spitting, bodily fluids

Virgin: Yes

Safe word: Quit

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