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Birth name: Reina Sabrina Decson

Name: Reina Sabrina Decson

Reason for change: There wasn't one

Pronounciation: Ray-na



Meaning: Of Spanish origin, meaning Queen

Nicknames: Rae, Nia, Bri, Bria, Sabby, Abs, Abby

Age: 20

Birthdate: February 14th

Birthplace: Salem, Virginia

Current residence: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Belief in astrology: She doesn't not believe in it, but she doesn't really put too much thought into it

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/her or they/them

Preferred pronouns: She/her, but she really doesn't mind they/them

Sexual orientation: Demisexual and Panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Korean and Japanese

Nationality: Japanese

Main Language: Korean

Languages known: Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, and English


Personality: Reina is a shy little ball of sunshine. She always has a smile on her face, she is always like a beacon of light for those around her. She gets quite flustered easily, but she'll try to play it off when it happens. That doesn't usually work as she gets red quite easily.

Rae has this weird trust in people that is hard to break, while most people have to build trust and then rebuild if broken, she automatically trusts someone, unless it is clearly obvious she shouldn't. Sometimes she can let her biases get in her way, mostly when it comes to men and women. She isn't proud of it, but she does try to control it.

She likes to joke around and have fun, but she can sometimes try to back out when it gets flirty or teasing towards her, not because she doesn't like it, but because she is easily embarrassed.

Reina is extremely determined. Whenever she sets herself on something, she does it. She goes out and she sees what she needs, only to immediately get it. Or at least as fast as possible. She is a headstrong lovebug with a heart of gold. She is encouraging and will always be the right hand man, to any and everyone, unless of course they're grade A assholes.

IQ: 141

Intelligence: 20/20

Common sense: 19/20

Reflexes: 7/20

Speed: 11/20

Flexibility: 15/20

Hand-eye coordination: 4/20

Upper body strength: 8/20; slowly getting worse

Lower body strength: 9/20; slowly getting worse

General strength: 9/20; slowly getting worse

Dominance: 0/20

Submissiveness: 18/20


~Helping others
~Looking out windows
~Doing good for the earth
~Learning things
~Being happy
~Citruis-y things
~Her partner showing her off


~Being cold
~Not having bangs
~Boba tea
~Pests, arachnids, and vermin
~Her splint

Habits: She plays with her fingers when she is uncomfortable or nervous. She also stares off when she gets overwhelmed.

Hobbies: She loves to thrift, but other then that she doesn't have much interests.

Occupation: She is currently a part time worker at a restaurant near her school. She is also a student at the Harvard Law School

Children: None, but she has always dreamed of having some

Family: Father: Jin Lee Soo-Hyun (Goes by Richard David Decson); Alive-53, Lives in Salem, Virginia with his two youngest daughters and son
When he was in his early 40s-

Mother: Kiyoko Rinko Takei-Soo-Hyun (Went by Erin River Decson); Deceased-42

The week before she died at 42-

Brother: Robert Norman Decson;  Alive-16, Live in Salem, Virginia with his father and two younger sisters

Sister: Morgan Rachel Decson; Alive-14, twin to Melody, lives in Salem, Virginia with her father, twin, and older brother

She is on the left, with the white hat-

Sister: Melody Raquel Decson; Alive-14, twin to Morgan, lives in Salem, Virginia with her father, twin, and older brother

She is on the right, with the red hat-

Pets: No family pets and she didn't get any when she went to college

Other: She volunteers at homeless shelters every other weekend, sometimes more often if she can



Skin tone: Pale Ivory

Natural Hair color: Black

Hair color: Black with a blonde under-dye

Facial hair: She has eyebrows, but that's it

Body hair: She shaves every other shower, using the same routine each time, she is basically hairless.

Eye color: Black

Vision: 63/34; terrible

What's done: She wears contacts. She'll usually just wear clear ones, but every now and again she'll wear green ones

She only wears her glasses in the morning, at night, when she runs out of contacts, or when she is running late.

Hearing: Pretty average. She can hear people and things around her, but after about 50 yards it gets difficult

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: Light ruby

Height: 5'0 or 152.4cms

Weight: 103.22lbs or 46.82kgs

Body type: She had a rectangle shape

Face shape: She has a very defined diamond shaped face

Age appearance: About 19 or 20

Scars: None

Tattoos: She has one on her lower abdomen of the cute row boat scene from tangled

Defining features: None really

Special markings: She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose shaped like a messy heart

Piercings: She has her first lobe on both ears


Blood type: AB Negative

Other: She also likes to steal her brother's clothes and she has to always wear a splint on her right leg, hip to ankle-


Mental health: Above average

Mental disorders: None

Mental treatments: None

Physical health: Poor

Physical disorders: Muscle Dystrophy

Physical treatments: She is always wearing a splint, she goes to physical therapy every week, and she takes steroids medically

Physical activity: She has to do at least 2 hours a day for her disorder

Emotional health: Average

Emotional disorders: None

Emotional treatments: None


Backstory: Reina was raised a die hard catholic. She went to church everyday, she went to a private Catholic school, and when she was old enough, age 13, she started to volunteer at said church.

She was raised to think homosexuality is a sin, abstinence is the only way to live, dressing modestly is superior, etc. When she was 16, her parents became less strict and allowed her to start making her own decisions. She began to skip church once a week to hangout with friends and it slowly escalated to her only going to church on Sundays. Her friends taught her things that she always though was wrong, like being gay isn't a choice and not all crimes are equal.

Her eyes were opened to so many different things and her once black and white life turned colorful. The only problem was that when she was about 16, learning all these new things, her body began to hurt. All the time. It wasn't just some pain here and there, it was genuinely debilitating. She went to the doctors and learned that she had muscular dystrophy. Her muscles were deteriorating as she lived.

She started physical therapy when she was diagnosed and Reina had to wear a leg brace on her right leg forever, it wrapped around her hips and held the leg all the way to her foot. She also needs one for her left leg, thigh to foot. She doesn't let it bother her, always being happy and ready for a chellenge. Her mother died when she was about 7, q year after her twin sisters were born, and even though it broke her heart, she didn't let it stop her from being happy. Her mom wouldn't want that.

Reina was always the highest in her class and after she graduated with 12 college credits in the bag, she began going for her bachelor's, getting it in a mere two years as a civil rights major. She is now studying to be a lawyer at Harvard law school.

Powers: None

Strengths: She is headstrong and never lets anything stop her from achieving her goals.

Weaknesses: She is headstrong and often doesn't speak up for herself.

Dreams: Helping people for the rest of her life

Fears: Being taken out by her physical disorder

Phobias: Thalassophobia; fear of deep bodies of water

Best memory: when she started making her own decisions

Worst memory: When her mom died

Wants in a relationship: Reina wants someone that will be with her when her pain is unbearable. When her positive Sheila breaks and she needs the to rebuild it. She needs a behind the scenes person who will hold her and help her put her splint back on after she gets out of the shower. Who will know when it's time for her next steroid shot and who will give her the shot cause she is too scared to.

Type of lover: Reina is such a sweetheart. She will be with her person until the end. Even then she'll make sure they know she is still lthere if they need her. She will push her pain to the side of they get a cramp, or if they fall and just need a shoulder. When she finds her person, she will be their person until she can't anymore.

One thing they couldn't live without: Genuinely, her splint
Emotionally, her family


Position: Submissive bottom

Love language: Quality time is her biggest thing, but all the other ones are great as well, especially physical touch.

Turn ons:

~Soft kisses
~Lots of foreplay
~Dressing up
~Dirty talk
~Them putting their thumb in her mouth while holding her face
~Being told exactly what to do

Turn offs:

~Wicked rough
~Too much degrading, or just straight up degradation without any praise sprinkled in
~Being ignored
~Period sex
~Being watched
~Watching others
~Anyone but her life long partner

Kinks: Praise kink

Safe word: Daisy means slow down, going a little too far, and dandelion means stop completely.

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