Criminal Minds

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TW: There is a small mention of Rape in the Backstory. There is no detail or mention other than one time, but it is in the Backstory, so if that makes you uncomfortable please don't read it. If you would still like to but don't feel comfortable, the mention is in the last sentence of the second paragraph so you can skip it.

Birth name: "Name's Luanne. Don't forget it, but don't think of bothering me." She told you, her eyebrow raised without care.

Luanne Natalia Hills

Name: "I just told you idiot. Stop bothering me before I out you in a choke hold." She told him with an irritated look.

Luanne Natalia Plock

Reason for change: "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, her head cocking back sharply.

She changed it to her foster parents' last name

Pronounciation: "Of my name? I don't know. Clap your hands like a little kid and figure it out yourself."




Meaning: She tilted her head in confusion, not understand the question. "Meaning of what?"

Luanne means Famous warrior or Woman of War

Nicknames: "You can call me Luanne. Anything else and I might just give you that choke hold."

Lu, only to Spencer and JJ, Anne, Annie, Lua, Nat, Lia, Talia

Age: Her jaw clenched and she grabbed you by your collar. "What'd you say to me?"


Birthdate: "Who are you?!" She asked with an annoyed tone, pushing you away by your collar

June 18

Birthplace: She looked around to see if anybody else was around, putting her hand on the knife she carries everywhere. "Did somebody send you?"

Grimsby, England

Current residence: "Like I'd ever give out that information." She said with a scoff, waiting it out to see if she actually had to draw her weapon.

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Zodiac sign: "I'm not completely sure what that is. But I think I'm a junipai or something like that." She said calming down.


Belief in astrology: She tilted her head with a shrug. "I don't really. I mean. I don't care if anyone else does, but I'm not sure what the significance is

She doesn't believe in that type of stuff. She doesn't even know her own zodiac sign.

Biological sex: She immediately put her hand on her blade again. "What?"


Gender/gender identity: She lightened up ever so slightly and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm a girl."


Pronouns: She was a bit surprised by the question but didn't mind it. "Uh. She and her. But call me whatever you want. Not like I'll be seeing you anytime soon." She said with a shrug, hoping this would be over soon.

Any pronouns work

Preferred pronouns: She cocked her head back again and narrowed her eyes questioningly. "What's the difference between pronouns and preferred ones?" She asked, making a mental note to ask her genius best friend about it later.


Sexual orientation: She let out a light laugh and crossed her arms. "I don't care who or what you are." She explained bluntly.

Pansexual and Panromantic

Species: "Is that rhetorical?" She asked, tilting her head with an unamused look.


Ethnicity: She looked away at the question and then looked back with a short yawn. "I'm White and Black." She said simply.

Caucasian and African

Nationality: "Back to the interrogation huh?" She asked with narrowed eyes.


Main Language: She looked at you disgusted. "You don't need to know any of this."


Languages known: An angry look crossed her face and she shook her head. "I've entertained you long enough." She stated with an annoyed sigh.

English, French, Latin, Italian, and Portuguese


Personality: She cocked her head back and let out an annoyed scoff again. "Take a guess." She told you sarcastically.

Luanne is a pretty straight forward person. She doesn't like to hide behind facades of any kind, and usually that's what happens. Sometimes though, especially for work, she'll have to do that. She does it. She completed it flawlessly, but she doesn't prefer it.

She is very serious when it comes to her job, being meticulous and perceptive at all times.

The difference between Luanne in the field and out and about is unbelievable. It is something people would tell as an example of a hyperbole. She is extremely playful and she lets her guard down like she doesn't work for the BAU. This gets her into quite a bit of trouble.

When she is on the jet with her team, to go on a case, she cannot be seen with a smile, usually not even if Spencer says something to her. A lot of people are surprised to hear that Agent Hotchner actually has to tell her to lighten up a lot. Until they go out drinking as a group after a case. Then she is the life of the party. She is the one that could never and will never be the designated driver.

She throws em back like she is immortal and/or has nothing to live for. She get flirty with people at the event, unless, of course, Spencer or Emily are there. But even then, there is a very good chance that she'll get flirty with them.

Outside of work Luanne is there for a good time, not a long time, while inside of it she is there to get the unsub and get out.

Luanne doesn't take nice to strangers, but after getting to know somebody she is reliable and trusting. She sees everyone she works with as a partner and if they don't have her back her heart will be crushed.

Luanne can be a bit hot headed at times, occasionally losing her cool because of a little thing like too many questions being asked. But during certain events she knows that no matter how annoyed she gets, she has to keep it under wraps, that usually only being when she is with an unsub, or someone that has to do with them.

She is very strong and good at following directions, as well as good at giving them out. She isn't the best when it comes to the smarts category, which can make her feel inadequate or angry sometimes, but she does make up for it in agility and stealth.

IQ: She began to get angrier, one of her hands balling up into a fist. "My IQ?! My. IQ?!" She asked harshly.


Intelligence: She clenched her jaw and pulled out her blade, but didn't do anything, not wanting to get charged with assault or assault and battery. "Ask me again." She mumbled, standing there for a moment. She slowly began to calm down, putting the blade back and walking away to cool off.


Common sense: 17/20

Reflexes: 19/20

Agility: 20/20

Speed: 19/20

Flexibility: 16/20

Hand-eye coordination: 20/20

Upper body strength: 19/20

Lower body strength: 20/20

General strength: 19/20

Dominance: 3/20

Submissiveness: 18/20

Likes: Luanne loves to listen to music. It is her favorite past time and she does it as if it's her religion. Her favorite music genre is the one with songs and her least favorite is the one without words. She isn't really picky when it comes to her music choice, but that just makes her favorite songs all the more special.

Lu likes to train. Fighting is her god to the music religion she is apart of. She usually prefers hand to hand training, especially when she is with Morgan, but she also enjoys shooting with Prentiss, Hotchner, and Spencer.

Luanne loves herself. She isn't self-centered or conceited, she is just confident and self-assured. She knows what she looks good in and she knows what she is confident in. She likes to wear crop tops and jeans or jean shorts. She loves her body and loves the way it looks in this type of outfit. But she also loves baggier outfits like oversized pants and sweatshirts or tight jeans and a baggy top.

She likes sweet things, but she prefers sour ones and her favorite drink is water. She likes cold rooms and swimming, as well as long drives and cool breezes.

Luanne likes thunderstorms. They are calling to her and they make her feel at ease.

Dislikes: Luanne doesn't like the fact that she needs to do her job. She hates the idea of all these horrible people running around, with every catch there being ten that are uncaught. The feeling makes her sick.

Rolling off of that, she hates being sick. Whether it is a head cold or projectile vomiting, she can't stand it.

She doesn't like academia. She isn't very smart naturally, so what she lacks there she must make up in effort and sometimes she doesn't think the effort is worth it, making her dislike it. She doesn't mind it, but because she also hates struggling it is hard for her to feel adequate when she can't figure something out.

Luanne hates when the people she loves are in danger or when they see her in danger. She doesn't like when she can't handle something on her own, but she does accept it and understand that she needs to ask for help sometimes. She tries not to get in over her head or try to take on tasks she knows she can't complete.

Lua hates when people call her by her full name, making sure to only give it out to people she is extremely close to. She doesn't like hot weather and she hates when her hair is a mess or she doesn't have time to do it.

Habits: She began to calm down completely and slowly got up, walking back towards you.

She puts her hand on her knife when she gets annoyed or defensive and she bites people when she is bored, only if they're close and it is never hard enough to hurt them.

Hobbies: She furrowed her brows and tilted her head. "I don't understand what the relevance is." She said.

She doesn't really have any hobbies outside work and training. She sometimes goes thrifting, but she doesn't consider it enough to be a hobby.

Occupation: She smiled, her attitude from moments ago completely changing. "FBI."

Agent in the BAU, a branch of the FBI

Children: She looked surprised at the question, furrowing her brows. "Kids? Like. Any that're mine?" She asked.

She doesn't having, but she has always wanting two or three

Family: "Oh." She whispered, looking away.

Father: Williamson Francis Plock, Alive; 61-Lives in Oklahoma with his wife and daughter

Mother: Deidra Katherine Plock, Alive; 60-Lives in Oklahoma with her husband and daughter

Brother: Sean Williamson Plock, Deceased; 9

Sister: Alana Deidra Plock, Alive; 11-Lives with her mother and father in Oklahoma

Birth-Father: Dennis Raymond Hills, Alive; 53-Lives with his wife in England

Birth-Mother: Sasha Wanda Hills, Alive; 50-Lives with her husband in England

Best friends: She slowly looked up and gave a thankful smile for the change of question. "Simple. Spencer, JJ, and P.G."

Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, and Penelope Garcia

Friends: "Haha. Basically everyone else on my team."

Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, etc.

Partners: She tilted her head curiously. "You mean my team?"

Agent Aaron Hotchner, Agent Emily Prentiss, Agent Derek Morgan, Agent Penelope Garcia, Doctor Spencer Reid, Agent David Rossi, Agent Jennifer Jareau etc.

Enemies: She let out a small laugh again. "Literally every scumbag that hurts anyone else." She said confidently.

Big ones are Foyet, Scratch, and Kat Adams, but there are also the normal ones: killers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters, etc.

Love interest: Her face got hot and ink very quickly. "E-excuse me?"

Spencer Reid

Back-up love interest: She scoffed and shook her head. "As if anyone could replace him."

Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, in that order

Other: "Other? Other what?" She asked, clearly not understanding what you mean.

Her brother died after being kidnapped which is what caused her to get her job.


Looks: She narrowed her eyes in both annoyance and confusion. "I'm right in front of you...."

Skin tone: "You aren't blind...." She said, cocking her head back.


Natural Hair color: "Same as it is now."


Hair color: She tilted her head seriously and watched you closely. "Are you?"


Facial hair: "I'm not completely sure, but I don't think that is a compliment." She said, mostly to herself.

She has eyebrows and peachfuzz on her face. She trims her eyebrows and gets the rest of her face waxed every two weeks

Body hair: She looked a bit surprise, furrowing her brows again. "Little personal." She stopped and slowly brought her eyebrows down. "Don't you think?"

Her legs, her armpits, and her arms are a bit hair. She shaves her legs and armpits everytime she gets her face waxed

Eye color: She returned her face to it's normal state before stopping and frowning. "It's okay if you are."

Mocha brown

Vision: "Better than yours." She joked.


What's done: "I'm pretty sure I don't need anything. You on the other hand...." She said, mumbling the last part.

Nothing, her sight is perfect

Hearing: She looked confused again. "I dunno. I guess I can hear pretty well." She said with a shrug. "Listening is a whole different story though."

Amazing, above average

What's done: "You've got a thing for strange questions huh?"

Nothing, it's great

Lip color: She looked surprised at the question, putting her fingers to her full lips.

Her bottom lip is a pale pink and her top lip is a very light brown

Height: She stopped for a moment and thought about it. "I think I'm like 5'5 or 5'6 or something." She said with a nod.

5'5 or 165.1cm

Weight: She frowned at the question and clenched her jaw, trying to keep her cool.  "The hell you mean?" She asked coldly.

120.31lbs or 54.572kgs

Body type: "Ask something like that again and I won't hesitate to go to prison." She said seriously.

She has a small frame, but a slightly full shape. Kind of half full if you will. Her top half is pretty boxy. She doesn't have a very large chest and her shoulders aren't extremely broad, but she does have strong, muscular thighs as well as a toned butt. Could be described as pear shaped.

Face shape: She brought her hand to her face, touching it before letting go and scoffing. "Shut up."

She has a very strong face. It could be described as a square or a triangle. She has high cheekbones and a defined, but smooth jawline.

Age appearance: "If you can't even see why does it matter?" She asked, still convinced you're blind.

About 18 or 19

Scars: "Scars?" She asked with an amused tone. "Yeah."

Tons, mostly from the field and surgery, but also from small things like tripping or getting scratched

Tattoos: "None that concern you." She snapped quickly.

She has her brother's name on her upper left arm, a half sun half moon on her upper left back and a bundle of flowers on the front of her right thigh

Defining features: She tilted her head. "Defining features? Like what?"

Most people can tell who she is by her smile, but other than that no

Special markings: "Like a Harry Potter scar?" She asked, crossing her arms loosely.

She has small black beauty marks scattered across her body, including her face

Piercings: She smiled and began to glide her finger across her piercings. "Cute ones."

She has her nostril pierced, on the left side, as well as both her first lobes and her industrial on the right ear. She also wears the double lip ring in the middle of her bottom lip when she isn't at work

Outfits: She looked down at her sweatshirt and shorts. "....I'm fluid."






Blood type: She just stared, slowly blinking at you. "My blood type?" She asked monotonely.

AB Positive

Other: "Again with this other. Other what?!" She asked seriously.

Her feet point inward when she walks


Mental health: She looked away and shrugged slightly. "Dunno. It's fine I guess."

Pretty good considering what she does for a living and what she's seen. A bit below average, but not bad.

Mental disorders: She scoffed and just rolled her eyes, uncomfortable with the topic.

Acute PTSD

Mental treatments: "Don't need treatment if there isn't anything wrong." She explained simply.

She has to have a mental evaluation every now and again, but other than that nothing.

Physical health: She preferred this question, clearly. "Wicked good." She said with a small, confident smile.

Physical disorders: She gave a weird look before shaking her head. "Nope."


Physical treatments: She sighed and crossed her arms again. "Again. There are no treatments for perfection."


Physical activity: She furrowed her brows and actually thought about it. "Hmmm. That's a good question."

A lot. Way about average, especially if she has a bad week.

Emotional health: She sighed again. "Fine." She said stiffly.

It's decent. Below average, but she doesn't make a big deal about it.

Emotional disorders: She looked away, refusing to answer.


Emotional treatments: She still refused to answer.



Backstory: "Ask a different question. Or I'm out." She said seriously.

Luanne's parents had her, by accident, at a very young age. Her mother was 16 and her father was 19. They couldn't take care of her adequately, so she was taken away at 4. She was with a foster family for 12 years and was returned to her parents. She didn't know them. Like. At all, so it was an uncomfortable two years before she moved out and began working. She payed her way through Uni, visiting her foster parents throughout. She moved to Virginia when she was 22 and began training, immediately, at the FBI. At 23 she became apart of the FBI officially, and at 24 she became part of the BAU.

When she was in her foster home she had two younger siblings, her brother and sister. Her brother was, unfortunately, a target of a recently released neighborhood pedophile. He was on his way to a friend's house when he was taken, raped, and killed.

When the family got the news Luanne knew immediately that she needed to grow up to catch these bastards. She began to work out whenever she wasn't in school, sleeping, or eating. And when she got to highschool she did her own research about catching criminals and profiling.

She had a very nice childhood with a very nice family. Her foster parents, who she considers to be her real parents, made sure that even after their first biological child died she had a happy life and a loving family she could always go back to. She was not exactly happy when she was given back to her birth parents, but she endured it. The household wasn't exactly the same, nothing really could be, but it wasn't terrible. For not wanting to be there, she had a decent time. She went to Uni, studying Criminology before she started training at the FBI, soon becoming a profiler.

When she turned 30 the man that killed her brother was released from prison and put into witness protection for, obviously, reasons unknown to Luanne.

Powers: She tilted her head with a soft laugh. "Powers? Like. Super speed?" She asked jokingly.


Strengths: Her eyes moved up and then back to your face with a tilted head. "Like my legs?"

She is extremely determined and isn't knocked down easily. She is also really good at both following directions and giving them.

Weaknesses: "Kyrptonite." She joked with a smile.

She doesn't have much patience, especially when it comes to academia. She can also have terrible tunnel vision

Dreams: She didn't say anything for a while before she shook her head.

Catching the bastard that killed her brother

Fears: She looked away and shook her head again.

Her brother never getting justice.

Phobias: She cocked her head back and smiled. "I don't have any." She joked.

Arachnophobia-fear of spiders

Best memory: She smiled and gave you a nostalgic look. "Joining the BAU."

Joining the BAU

Worst memory: She swallowed and sucked on her teeth silently.

When her brother was killed and when his killer was released.

Wants in a relationship: She cocked her head back and laughed. "Yeah. Nunya." She mumbled.

She wants someone to lay on the couch with and have a cute movie night. She wants to be able to fall asleep in the middle of it and be carried to bed with a small forehead kiss and cuddles.

She also wants someone that knows how to give personal space. She doesn't want to be smothered or annoyed when she is having a bad day, but she does when she isn't.

She wants someone that is able to communicate what they want, but also respect what she wants.

Type of lover: She scoffed and shook her head again. "What's it to ya?"

She is the jokester of any relationship. Not many people can out-clown her. She loves to make her partner feel loved and accepted, not stopping until they do. She is basically just a beacon of light in a relationship.

She understands that bad days are basically an essential thing to be human and she understands that there is trauma she doesn't even know about. She doesn't try to know everything, but she does try to help based on what is going on.

She is always willing to learn in her relationship, as long as she is allowed to bite.

One thing they couldn't live without: She raised a brow. "Me? I finna. My heart?"

Her brother's old baby blanket


Position: Her face got bright red almost immediately. "None of your business!"

She is a submissive bottom, but she can be a top if her partner wants.

Love language: She gave you you an unamused look.

Her main one is physical touch, and her secondary one is words of affirmation

Turn ons: Her eyes widened again as her face got hot. "Way too personal!"

⟩⟩ Soft biting

⟩⟩ Light kisses

⟩⟩Being tied up

⟩⟩ Being choked

⟩⟩ Thigh riding

⟩⟩ Being gagged

⟩⟩ Being dominated

⟩⟩ Hair pulling

⟩⟩ Being teased

Turn offs: She looked away and, without a word, walked away.

⟩⟩ Feet

⟩⟩ Bodily fluids

⟩⟩ Sometimes public

⟩⟩ Beastiality

⟩⟩ Watersports

⟩⟩ Threesomes

⟩⟩ Orgys

⟩⟩ Being watched

⟩⟩ Watching others

⟩⟩ Bad odors

Kinks: She could be seen walking away quickly.


Safe word: She kept walking until she was out of sight.


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