Marvel type beat

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This character, when I say a marvel type beat, is set in a kind of power like type world. It would be unlikely for the things that have happened to her to have happened to someone in a normal, modern setting.

Birth name: Maeve Stella Melicks

Name: Maeve Stella Melicks

Reason for change: There wasn't one

Pronounciation: Maye-v



Meaning: Maeve means intoxicating

Nicknames: May, Eve, Evey V, Stella, Ella, Melly

Age: 19

Birthdate: February 14th

Birthplace: Venice, Italy

Current residence: Auckland, New Zealand

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Belief in astrology: She enjoys looking at it and seeing about her or signs of those around her, but she isn't a hardcore believer

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Preferred pronouns: She/her

Sexual orientation: Pansexual and Panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Italian

Main Language: Italian

Languages known: Italian, English, French, Māori, and German


Personality: Maeve is a kindhearted, optimistic bunny. She will do whatever to make others comfortable, but without compromising her own comfort. She is someone that makes sacrifices and compromises when she is dealing with or involved with someone she cares for.

There aren't many layers to Maeve. She is straightforward, honest, and pretty transparent. When she gets emotional in any way she is the person to step away and work on whatever she needs to work on, she doesn't expect everyone to start getting hyper-intuitive and constantly stepping on eggshells when they're together.

Maeve is a sweetheart. She doesn't make enemies very easily nor does she hold grudges. She is the type to forgive genuinely and forget when it's been redeemed. She is not a rug. She will not lie down and be stepped all over. She uses kindness as a first resort, but she won't hesitate to match energy if she tries and fails repeatedly to be kind.

IQ: 121

Intelligence: 15/20

Book smarts: 19/20

Street smarts: 11/20

Common sense: 17/20

Reflexes: 10/20

Speed: 12/20

Flexibility: 16/20

Endurance: 18/20

Hand-eye coordination: 11/20

Upper body strength: 12/20

Lower body strength: 13/20

General strength: 13/20

Dominance: 10/20

Submissiveness: 11/20


~Specific aesthetics
~Buikding things
~Embracing what makes her different


~Getting frustrated
~Being asked if she'd get a real looking finger
~Sometimes rainy days
~Pistachio ice cream
~Most fruits
~ Over-the-top outfits, on herself
~Rude people

Habits: She draws, non-digitally, when she is stressed
She buys/makes tea when she is about to start a new project
Maeve does yoga at 8 am every day without even thinking about it
She builds a new project every month

Hobbies: Yoga and drawing, non-digitally, are Maeve's hobbies, as well as building things

Occupation: She is a digital artist and animation creator

Secrets: It isn't necessarily a secret as she doesn't actively hide it, but she doesn't tell people that she lost her finger 

Talents: She has amazing balance and can pick up nearly any skill very quickly

Children: None and is content with her cat alone

Family: Father-Christopher Harold Melicks; 48, Alive, lives with his wife in Venice, Italy

Mother- Caterina Agnese Melicks; 47, Alive, lives with her husband in Venice, Italy

Siblings: None

Other Relatives: Her grandparents are dead and she has two maternal aunts that travel across the world together, but her mother doesn't have any more siblings, and her father is a foster child without any known family 

Other: She used to foster cats, but one day she began to foster Mocha, as seen in the pictures below, and she decided to fully adopt the kitten.
Her dad taught her how to build when she was growing up



Voice Claim: Sayaka Kinoshita

Skin tone: Ivory is her natural tone, but she is in the sun a lot so she is normally a beige

Natural Hair color: She was born with black hair, but when she was a toddler she was struck by lightning and her hair turned permanently white.

Hair color: White

Facial hair: None other than her eyebrows. She had laser hair removal for her 16th birthday

Body hair: None, she got laser hair removal when she was 16

Eye color: Blue

Vision: 20/20

What's done: Nothing, it's perfect

Hearing: Amazing, way above average

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: Pale orange

Height: 5'6 or 167.64cm

Weight: 120.3lbs or 54.6lbs

Age Appearance: 19

Scars: She has one big one on the back of her neck from when she was struck by lightning. She also has a couple from her cat and other cats she had fostered before getting her permanent one.

Tattoos: She has one around her left bicep of ocean waves, and one-the new one- around her left wrist, also waves

Defining features: None

Special markings: Maeve lost her left ring finger in a horse accident when she was a teen. She now wears a prosthetic finger. She also has freckles all over her face, but they are very light and practically unnoticeable unless she is outside during the summer

Piercings: She has her first lobes and her tongue pierced, but that's it


Blood type: AB negative

Other: She basically only wears leggings


Mental health: She has her days, but overall it's great; Average of 89-91/100

Mental disorders: None

Mental treatments: She has weekly self-care regimens to make sure she is supporting herself mentally.

Physical health: It's great, she is very healthy; Average of 87-90/100

Physical disorders: None

Physical treatments: None

Physical activity: She works out regularly

Emotional health: She is very healthy here as well. She doesn't ever keep her emotions inside for an extended period of time. Average of 79-82/100

Emotional disorders: None

Emotional treatments: She keeps a monthly emotional journal


Backstory: Maeve had a slightly less than normal growing up, but other than some freak accidents it was typical.

When Maeve was born she had the most beautiful black fuzz. Her hair grew rather quickly and by a couple months she had a full head of black hair.

Everything was normal. Her parents raised her normally and she lived in a happy, healthy home.

When she turned 2, Maeve was taken to the park for a surprise party. There was no rain, no prediction of a storm, nothing, but in an instant she was unconscious. Maeve was suddenly struck by lightning, on the back of her neck, causing a huge scar to immediately appear and her hair to become shorter.

It was about right above her butt, but after the lightning strike it was cut to a bit below her shoulders. She was out for only a couple hours, but when she woke she was in the hospital hooked up to IVs with needles all over the place.

It wasn't a big deal for her, she wasn't really scared after she saw her mom pacing by the window and her dad sitting in the chair with his bouncy leg next to her.

The girl was okay after some tests, none to confirm how she survived or how her hair turned white. She was monitored for a couple of months, just some checkups and whatnot to make sure she really wasn't dying or something.

From then on it was normal again, except her hair never grew and it was white. She never really tried to cut it, she didn't have dead/split ends. There wasn't any preferable length she wanted to cut it to, so she just left it as it is.

Her entire growing up was normal after that, until 14 when she was horseback riding. She was caring for an old blind horse while his owner was away and while feeding him a carrot got her ring finger on her left hand bitten off. It was a clean cut and it barely hurt at first. She was just surprised. She kept the bleeding as held down as she could until she was taken to the hospital. She didn't have the finger to sew it back on and so she just had it stitched closed and was fingerless for a while.

She got a prosthetic finger when she turned 18, but only wears it sometimes. She is a really positive person and hasn't really let her unfortunate circumstances stop that.

Social Class: Upper-Middle class

Powers: No official powers, but she is kind of like Domino from Deadpool 2, very lucky and very hard to kill

Strengths: She is loyal, honest, trustworthy, and extremely kind. She is strong willed and talented

Weaknesses: She can sometimes put too much on herself

Dreams: Living a happy, fulfilling life, whatever that looks like

Fears: Making everyone around her leave and failing

Phobias: Arachibutyrophobia-fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth

Best memory: The first moment she looked in the mirror and felt pretty.

Worst memory: Losing her finger probably

Wants in a relationship: All Maeve wants is effort. She'll never be upset at her partner is they try. She wants conversations and laughing. She wants a little bit of selflessness and a lot of compromise, unless of course agreeing is extremely common.

Type of lover: Meave is an all in lover. She puts her partner right next to her and she put her energy into them. It isn't a 'if you do this, I'll do that deal' with her. It is more of a 'you're my person. I will

One thing they couldn't live without: The tattoo on her wrist. The one on her bicep is of her life. It represents her growth, her change, her passion. She got the one on her wrist for Mocha, her cat, and although she knows Mocha won't always be there, the tattoo will always be a reminder of her baby.


Position: She is a switch regarding both Dom/sub and top/bottom, but she has a hard submissive lean with men

Love language: Quality time is her primary love language and acts of service is her secondary

Turn ons:

~Corsets; Wearing and watching others wear
~Being overpowered
~Fighting for dominance; Losing and wining
~Senual touching; Giving and receiving
~Licking; Giving and receiving
~Teasing; Giving and receiving
~Rough, when she's receiving
~Dress up/costumes; Wearing and watching others wear

Turn offs:

~Being too rough
~Angry sex, but only if they are angry with one another, if it's just anger in general she doesn't mind
~Not respecting boundaries
~Anything to do with anal
~Too public

Kinks: Dress-up kink

Dominance: 5.5/10

Submissiveness: 7.5/10

Endurance: 8.5/10

Giving or Receiving: Loves both, mostly depends on the specific thing

Drive: Average, although gets higher with the excitement of different projects

Praising or Degrading: Both with a slight preference for praise

Virginity: Gone

Safe word: Clorox

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