Part 2: Chapter 1

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"Mom, I get it. You don't want Grandpa to know we're broke".

"Not broke", she stated coldly, "Just battling some financial problems that your father had brought upon us". I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure".

"So, how long are we staying here anyways?" I asked her. She sighed, "Just for the foreseeable future, Jen". 

"English please?" She chuckled wearily. I knew she was in pain. Her and dad had been fighting for the past year until he finally couldn't take it anymore and left. He didn't even say goodbye. "It is English sweetheart. Just use the dictionary I bought you, and you'll know what it means", she mocked. 

"Honestly, you sound like the beginning of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. You know what? That reminds me. I need to finish that book one day". She laughed and I honestly and genuinely began to plan when I needed to sit down to read the book. I didn't really like not finishing things.

There was silence in the car for a while, and I didn't really like it. These days, all of the silence had either caused mom to drink or dad to wander the house in cold silence. Then mom passed by the street to get to Grandpa's house.

"Mom. Um, I think you missed the street. You're gonna have to turn back now". 

"Did I forget to tell you?-"

"Probably, seeing as I don't know what you're about to say", I interrupted. "Well", she continued, "You're father had Grandpa moved to that town for old people. There was an opening. It was all over the news too. The whole family story is so tragic. No one knew exactly what happened. But, it was Grandpa's wish to move there, and so we didn't hesitate to give him the chance", she told me. 

"Oh", I said. "Oh... What?" 

"I mean, its just... The place could be... you know... Haunted", I hesitated. In retrospect, that was impossible. In my mind, things like ghosts existed and all we had to do in life was avoid them. "You see, this is why I told you to stop reading those horrible duckbumps books and those other scary things you read", she lectured. 

I was confused for a second on what duckbumps actually meant until I realized what she was trying to say. "DuckBumps? Mom, do you mean Goosebumps?" 

"Goosebumps, Duckbumps. They're all the same thing", she stated. I didn't know whether to laugh or roll my eyes. "Mom, I stopped reading those years ago. They don't scare me anymore. I've progressed onto reading scarier stories that are actually true. I mean, ghosts and vampires and werewolves exist. All of them. I mean, seriously. Their lives on earth could all be proven by eye witnesses, dug up graves, deat-". Before I could finish my well rehearsed speech, mom was already pulling into a driveway in front of a huge house that looked almost the same as the others, except for a few subtle differences.

Every house had its own unique color and a different number symbolizing where you were on the street. That was all the differences came to. Everything else was the same.

"Ok. Before we even get out of this car, we are going to establish some rules", my mother told me with conviction. "Ugh!" I groaned. She ignored me. "You are not to bring in that haunted house crap into the house. Grandpa has enough trouble with his heart already. Second, please don't bring up anything to do with Grandma. Just, please don't cause any trouble in general. I know that with your father gone and stuff-".

"Mom, stop. I don't care about da- Richard leaving. I won't cause any trouble. I'm just hoping this goes as well as I plan it to go... For the 'foreseeable future'", I half- mocked, half told her. She smiled, and squeezed my knee. 

"Thanks sweetie. You really know how to deal with bad situations". I made no comment as we climbed out of the car, our luggage hand in hand, as we made it up the porch steps to Grandpa's new home. Our new home. For the, 'foreseeable future'.

The front door was already half opened and mom took that chance, considering as she never thought about privacy because I've been walked on in my bedroom and bathroom so many times that I have learned to lock the door. 

"Papa? Are you home?" She asked, quite loudly as soon as we walked into the house. I dropped the heavy bags on the floor as I stared up at the place we'd be living in and smiled. It was huge and spacey. Just how I liked it. 

"In the kitchen darling", said a voice. My mom dropped her bags quickly and ran over to the kitchen while I followed behind with a little less enthusiasm. 

"Look how big you've gotten Jenny! And you're only fifteen!" Granddad exclaimed as soon as he and mom finished their embrace. "Sixteen Granddad", I corrected grinning. His eye wrinkles deepened as he smiled wider.

"And you", he said turning to my mother, with a more serious tone, "Are you really going for the divorce?" Mom's face turned pink and she immediately turned to me. "Go to your room please Jennifer". I folded my arms and leaned on the counter. "Nah. I think I wanna see how this goes down", I said, smirking. Granddad let out a small laugh.

"Go to your room now!" Mom said, with a redder face. She looked a bit scary. "Fine. Okay, whatever". She didn't even give me a chance to explain to her that I didn't know where my room was. I rolled my eyes and ran up the stairs to what I thought was my room. It was a mess and I could tell that a teenage girl once lived in it. Considering that their whole family was gone without a trace, the realtors had left their stuff with us and Granddad. As if we wanted them. 

There were posters everywhere and clothes that weren't even mine strung all over the place. I wasn't sure about the art of selling a house, but I'm pretty sure leaving other people's belongings everywhere didn't cut it.

I skipped over the clothes and made my way to the window. Just before I could sit by it and complain to myself about the injustices that had followed me from my home to my new home, I saw someone sitting on the grass in our backyard, and he was playing guitar. 

He lifted his eyes to my window, and immediately looked scared and shocked. I couldn't help it. I was curious. And I have to admit, a bit stupid. But, I rushed down the staircase and made my way to the backyard, ignoring Grandpa's and Mom's hushed conversation in the kitchen.

"Hey! I know you're still here! I'm pretty fast and I'm sure you did not disappear in five seconds", I exclaimed as soon as I got down there. I began to look around, searching for where he could have went in such a short time. 

"Honestly, just come out from wherever you're hiding. I'm kinda tired", I said aloud, hoping that the mystery person would come out.

I saw hair sticking out from behind a tree and instantly ran over to pull the person away from its bastion. But when I got there, there was no one there. It was like he had disappeared.

As I have promised. Here are the first two chapters in my part two. I hope you enjoy. Like really. I love writing this story and I'll try my best to stay dedicated to it. 

And everyone, please check out the amazing stories written by my friends TeaceFindlay and 

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