25. Hurt

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"Lis, look here!" I was startled by Yoongi oppa's voice as he brings his camera to snap my pictures. Even before I can pose or smiling, he already gets that stunned facial expression that make him chuckled. "Wow, I'll use this to blackmailing you." He beams watching the screen of his camera proudly.

"Oppa." I whined as he shrugs his shoulder and begin walking around to find another victim, I guess. We were at the beach, Rosé's idea.

Last night was so so bad. I did something stupid to protecting someone I cherish the most. And I almost fainted because of that. But the taste of his lips is really toxic for me. Thats really make me drunk. He keeps on checking on my condition even after Jin oppa helping me with the medicine he has.

All night I keep on pretending to sleep, hiding myself, I am not ready to tell him about what had happen to me. So, this morning I woke up with Jisoo and Rosé who's hurried me to be ready for the beach time. I relieved that Jungkook was already in the kitchen to eat the breakfast before me.

"But little miss!" I look at where Yoongi oppa should have left but he remains stood there with camera on his hand, looking at me sternly.

"Yeah." I turn my body to face his direction. Its unusual for him to talk to me because we have nothing to talk for. His aura made a high hard wall for me to approach, the opposite side of Jin oppa and Hoseok oppa who let me talk with them freely.

"I dont know what happen with you last night, but-" he hang his words and look up at the sky to find a word for what he want to tell me. "Have some mercy for the poor boy." He then gesturing something on my back with his head. But I am not dumb enough to turn around which is relief him. "He wont stop starring at you to make sure you are fine."

I cant say anything as Yoongi oppa smiling and leave me for real this time. I feel guilt creeping inside my heart, it's too hard to open up myself.

It's even harder knowing who he is and for whom he belongs to.

I know I have no right to ask her about her problem. But it's just worrying me till death make me awake the whole night as she falls asleep after we got to the cottage last night.

She was burning like fire, Jimin hyung saw us, and I relief he is wise enough to keep his curiosity in his mind because even if he asks me, I won't have the answer.

She has something big to carry.
Please be patient, she'll let you know when she belief in you enough to put the heavy loads on your shoulder too.

I am still questioning Jin hyung's words when he red handed me zoning out at the kitchen at the dawn. I cant stay near her without hugging her. And I know her condition is not in a good state for that.

I let her go like that, as she pretending that nothing happen last night, her face is still little bit red but she agreed to come with the girls to the beach, sometimes she just cant say no to make someone else happy. And I am mad for that.

I just relief that she wore dress, cause if she dares to wear those damn bikini I will lock her in our room. I swear. So here I am, only watch her from far, she is fine, I am glad.

I was fine on the beach and now should face the hardest time to be in the same room as her without questioning or touching her. I, feel disgusting to only watching her lips like a pervert old man.

"Thought you went with another." She said bit stunned as she found me entering the room. She was reading novel on her hand; bet she took it from Jisoo noona. She sat on the bed, laying her head on the headboard.

"I'll just cook dinner by myself. Its chilling outside." I said shortly and then begin to be awkward not knowing what to do. I was thinking that she might went with Jisoo noona and Jin hyung. Turn out, we are trapped.

"You can cook?" She then looks at me excitedly and I can't hide my smile for those shining eyes full of hope.

"Yeah. I try to learn from Jin hyung." I nod and she put the novel on the bed and clasp.

"Then should I watch your cooking attraction?" I almost laugh at her remark but i nod anyway. We were walk to the kitchen less awkward because she keeps us busy with asking for the ingredients I might need. She at least wants to help.

I was cooking as she leans on the counter watching me, a codac on her hand snapping my pictures here and there. I should have got annoyed but its annoyingly make me happy.

"How come I never know you can cook?" She asked mumbling while watching her codac. I smile and try to focus on the meat that I put the ingredient on.

"You never ask."

"But you should have tell me."

"So you wont come to cook for me?" She didnt answer and I snap my head at her direction. She was watching me with a wide open mouth. A confussion painted on her face. She is still thinking. "Thats why I never tell you that. Your food is the best, fyi."

"You are kind, handsome, smart, rich, can cook. And has sweet mouth too. Every man should be envying you." She said lightly as if it's not a big thing for me. I turn around try to calm my heartbeat, took the alibi to wash something on the sink. I belief that I blush hard right now.

And has sweet mouth.

Damn it. Why can't she be being sensitive lady for once. I try hard to avoid thinking pervert about her lips, but she just talking like that casually. How can I survive without attacking her.

Bless my soul, God.

"You cook for your own when I wasn't there?" She asked between her munch, pointing her forks toward his direction.

"No. I am not. I always lazy when I am alone. So, I just call delivery."


"Anything. Burger, I guess."

"From that fast food place?"

"Yeah, that fast food place." She sighs as he chuckled.

"That's not healthy. You should take care of yourself." She said again full of concern bring warm to his heart instantly.

"I have my painkiller around me. It should be fine now." He jokingly said make her rolling her eyes and swaying her hair dramatically. "But-"

She suddenly stop to take another piece of the meat when he hang his words. She feels nervous.

"Why do I feel like you always get to be hurt when I was around you." He said softly. "And I hate to see you like that, Lisa. I want to make you as good as me so bad. But all I can do was, hurting you."

"No." She cut him off quickly and took one of his hand gently. "Listen, its not always like that. Dont feel bad to have me around you. I feel good when I knew I can make you feel healthy. Painless." He shuts his mouth and looking through her eyes to her soul. "I just, just, cant help it. I- I really cant to talk to you what really happen behind all of this. But no, you never hurt me."

"You always look regret everytime we do something that make us closer. And its burdening me. I always thinking if you like me or not, you took care of your friendship, I know because every time we got to be closer you instantly close that door in your heart, so fast that I can't reach you. And it always come back to square one." He doesn't intend to raise his voice, but it just got higher as his temper raised. "I feel good when I am with you even though its only like this, you sat across to me, doing nothing. But the question is, how do you feel about me when I am around you?"

His question successfully shutting her. She can't give the answer to him because she is afraid that he will hate her. That he will think bad about her who liking her best friend's husband.


"I am sorry." She beams as one tears fall freely on her cheeks. He desperately come and kneel down in front of her, turning her to the side so he will look up to see her face to face. Grabbing her hand still he gently squees it.

"No sorry. I just want an honest statement for you." He assures her with a smile. "Because if you didn't like us to be closer like this, I will stay away from you. And even if you want me to be gone from your surroundings, I'll disappear. I swear to you. I care about you, but I, I just can't handle this feeling to be freed anymore."

"Jungkook oppa." She said half sobbing. "I am sorry."

"No. Thats not how you answer a question." He is keen on what he want. "Lisa, please!" He desperately bringing her hand to his face. "Look at me and tell me what you feel about me."

"You'll hate me." She whined.

"I wont. I wont ever bring myself to hate such kind soul like you. I know what you want, but I just want you to say it in front of my eyes. Please, be honest." He states full of softness in every of his voice and his touch to her.


"You what Lisa?"


"Tell me!"

"I lov-" she was sobbing mess when she is about to said that, not before the man cut her with his words and grabbing her cheeks to be pull in, to connecting her lips with his.

She loves me.

"Oh I love you more."

"I told you." Said Hoseok with a whisper toward Taehyung on his side. Taehyung looks like he lost 10 years from his life when Hoseok extending his hand to ask something. He is sighing disappointed to what happen in front of them while taking out his wallet, took few dollars and gave them to Hoseok.

"I disappointed to Kookie." He said sadly as he look at the two couples in the kitchen now kissing each other, its all happen with a gentle touch, no move. But when Jungkook standing up and lifting Lisa's body on the counter of the kitchen effortlessly make the girl moan and he begin to crash his lips roughly on her. "He should playong hard to get and let the girl chasing him."

"But he is the one who need her. Remember. And he was the one who had wife already." Said Hoseok calmly and then shocked of what he said and begin to tap on Taehyung's shoulder lightly. "Anyway, I feel bad for your cousin."

"Nope. I hate Kim Jennie too." Taehyung quickly said and takibg out his phone. Hoseok trying to cover his mouth from laughing at Taehyung's words as the younger turning on his camera. "I'll send them to the guys."

She snaps her eyes open suddenly and only find the white ceiling of their room. She cant recalling what happen. All whats she knows that she was currently with Jungkook, makong out so hot that it feel like burning her entire form.

His lips which is taste like a sweet strawberry make her drunk, and addicted. His soft and gentle scent send a wild imagination in her mind. It doesnt helped with a low groan from him, make the make out was wild and hot as fuck. She cant stop recalling how those lips make wonder, sucking, licking, bitting, he is the best at that. As far she ever taste.

He was touching her around, on her cheeks, her neck, her shoulder, her back bone, her thigh, her butt cheeks. She can still feel the pain on her center, that caused by his touch all over her body. But when his lips touching her neck those mind should be playing another memory, that wrecking the pleasure, hurting her like a knife stabbed right through her heart, again and again.

The face, the flash, the laugh, the touch, the heart broken.

You are forever mine.


"You awake?" The gasp slipped out from her mouth as she snap her head toward the door which is opened revealing Jungkook. He has food on his hand but his facial expression hardened as he red those facial expression of her.


"Do I hurt you again?"

Ps : a vote is touching. But a comment encouraging me. I wont force you to do that, but I will be happy to know how you think and how your opinion. And I love you. Sorry to keep you waiting, my husband was sick.

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