Chapter 23

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I'm not sure how many people knew about the aurora borealis. Maybe not many. When you think of the northern lights, most people think of Iceland. Riley didn't know it was possible in the U.P and now she knows. The way her face lights up at the natural sight above us makes it incredible to watch. I want to see more facial expressions like those on her.

"This is insane!" Riley exclaims, amazed by the sky. "It's... beautiful. It's..." I don't hear much of anything she utters afterwards. The lights have stunned her speechlessness.

"It is beautiful," I agree based on what I recall. She is beautiful. Sure, the lights were nice and I've seen it many times but they weren't as beautiful as Riley Becker seeing the beauty in the northern lights. If that makes sense. I know. I'm down bad.

The colorful lights were like those ballet performances that Riley mentioned before with classical music playing as they swift, sway and stretch across the night sky. Or it could be painting on a canvas, something she could relate to even more. I'm certain she's doing internal cartwheels just looking at this. The way her eyes shine and her cheeks quirks up from the grin on her lips. Yeah. She's amazed.

"Look!"I point in the sky, urging my son. His eyes became wide with wonder, similar to Riley's. Turning his head in multiple directions, once my son realizes that everywhere he looks he'll still be able see the phenomenon, joy stretches his face.

Ah. This is incredible to watch.

The wonder and excitement doesn't leave Riley's eyes when she turns to us. "Do you like it?" She asks Tommy, trying to get him to interact with her.

"Green." He points in the air which earns a laugh from Riley followed by a nod of approval.

"Is green your favorite color?" She questions.

"Yes! My green Dino." He's so fascinated that he can't look away from the sky but at least he's responding.

"Oh, your green Dino. I remember seeing him. Guess what?" She touches his fingers, trying to get his attention. "My favorite color is also green. Only cool people have green as a favorite color, would you agree?"

Tommy turns away from the sky, he looks at me and then at Riley. "Is my daddy cool too?"

"Hmm." She rubs her chin in thought. "I don't know. What's your daddy's favorite color?"

"Blue." I answer.

"Daddy's cool." Tommy decides, dropping his head on my shoulder. That's my boy.

"I guess he's cool too." Her eyes meet mine, offering me a tiny smile and a wink. She's back to Tommy again. "I mean, I agree with you Tommy. Blue dances in the sky too. Though you can barely see it." Lifting her head, Riley squints up at the sky. "It's right... there."

Tommy's eyes sweep over the sky. "Yellow." He blurts out in recognition.

"And yellow."I nod, chuckling while looking up just like everyone else. "Good job little rockstar."

"Do you like it?" Riley's asking me the question now.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh? What about you? Do you like it?"

Her attention gravitates to the sky again. "Yeah. Brings me peace."

"Does anyone want to take pictures before we head back?" Aunt Shirley asks, making her way over to us through the thick snow.

"Yes please." Riley says, ducking her hands into the pockets of her coat.

"Asher, take a picture of us." Aunt Shirley urges, handing over her cellphone.

The pristine snow crunches underneath my boots when I step forward to grab the phone I'm being given. We're wrapped in the smell of pines due to the forests surrounding all of us. I don't know when I became a cameraman but this is my life now and I better accept it. I make sure Tommy's feet hit the ground and he runs over to Aunt Shirley and Riley, standing between the two.

I snap multiple pictures of them. I also snapped a couple pictures of my Mom and Dad. They're still very much in love so quite a few of the pictures are of them hugging each other and kissing. No French kissing. Just cheek kissing. My aunt joins some of the pictures and the rest just shows all of us with the lights being the star of the show.

Riley's phone is different. She's taken pictures of herself, the sky, all of us, me, Tommy and herself. She shows me pictures of myself when caught off guard and you know what she does when she shows them to me? She laughs. She laughs about it claiming that it's cute. 'You have off guard pics of me, remember? So we're even that's her response. And damn right I remember.



It's been two hours since we got back from seeing the northern lights. Everyone's asleep but every time I close my eyes I twist and turn from a nightmare. I should be getting some quality rest so I can take on tomorrow with whatever Shirley has planned. I should be tired. I should be dreaming about flying into freedom. Instead I was dreaming about my hearing in the worst case scenario where Jade gets away with her cheating, stays at Taft and I'm packing my bags.

I push the covers off me and shuffle out of bed with a sharp pain at the back of my head. I'm dreading next week.

I rub my throbbing spot, a sigh escaping my lips as I reach for the door handle. When I'm outside the room, I'm hit with darkness from all angles. My steps are as quiet as I can make them, careful not to make any noise to wake up the whole house. The act takes me back to moments where I would sneak out of my Mom's house to hang out with my high school friends. I don't remember being caught so I expect the same result here.

I make it to the kitchen without disturbing the family. The first thing I do is pour myself a glass of water to make sure I'm hydrated. Certainly that can contribute to the headache I'm having and not only my nightmare. With the refrigerator's door open, I scan the contents for the pumpkin pie. If I'm lucky, a bite might be left. I can taste the sweet and spicy flavor on my tongue. Shirley did something with that pie because I've never had one like it.

In the middle of my hunt, a voice slices through the silence. "I see you've enjoyed dinner, stealing a slice of pumpkin pie?"

Involuntary, a squeal comes from me. My heart flutters in my throat. I'm taken aback by Asher's unexpected arrival. I thought he'd be asleep. I feel a little awkward with the glass in one hand and my other searching the fridge, moving items out of my way. "You scared me." I stand up straight, instead of bending to see lower levels of the fridge and look at him. "I'm not stealing."

His index finger sweeps over his lips. "Next time not too loud you're gonna wake everybody else. I also caught you red handed so don't lie now."

Next time?

I hate the way my brain jumps to moaning being the 'next time' but that's exactly what he meant and if that's not what he meant then the fact that I haven't gotten laid is playing tricks on me.

"I won't tell if you give me a slice."

He's seriously making a deal over this? "Is that what this is? I give you a slice of the pie so you won't tell?"

"That's what I said, pretty girl." He confirms, nodding just so I got it. "Though the way you said it made it sound like the pie being—

"I know what the pie is." I wave him off, sailing away from the topic of my pussy. I'm sure the conversation was going there. Asher's charming and sweet but don't be fooled, he can be filthy and I like it. But that's not what I want to talk about right now. "I can't find the pie from the fridge okay? I want it and I have a headache so just tell me where your aunt keeps the pie? In the fridge or is there somewhere else?"

"Let me look." He takes over, grey sweatpants swaying below his V line as he steps towards the open fridge door.

I step back. "Thank you. Be useful."

Taking a seat by the counter, I gulp down the rest of my water. Asher leans into the fridge shirtless, angling his body in a direction to gain access to the contents in front of him. He decides sleeping shirtless is the way to go and my eyes are appreciative of the sight. I'm not mad at it. Just because I'm not talking sexually or in code means that I can't look at him. In fact, I press my mouth against the glass admiring his butt. He's got a nice one.

Of course he retrieved the pumpkin pie in two seconds and all my efforts seemed like it wasn't enough. He closes the fridge door and scurries over to me with two forks. "We're sharing." He announces like it's final while taking the nearest seat to me.

I pick up the fork and dig into the pie. More than half is gone. "Sure. Thanks. You just made it look like I wasn't even trying at all." I bite back a laugh. "What are you doing down here? I know you didn't come for the pie."

Asher dips into the pie. "Couldn't sleep. Seems like you can't either."

My headache seems like it's subsiding. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep. Keep getting nightmares."

"What are they about? If you don't mind me asking." He dips into the pie again, seeming genuinely curious about my burdens.

It takes me a moment to admit it. "The hearing."

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't worry about that until next week."

"I know, I know. But it's still at the back of my mind, lingering." I swallow the bite. "I just don't know how it's going to turn out, you know? What if I'm not vindicated? I have to look at this from all outcomes."

"Then the hockey team will protest, walkout. Your friends will protest. Friends of friends will protest. I'm sure Taft wouldn't want that."

"You have an answer for everything." I chuckle, swallowing the chewable bites in my mouth.

"You're not getting expelled, okay?" The way he's looking at me tells me he believes the words that are coming out of his mouth. "I know it's hard to convince yourself because everything is at stake right now but I promise you that you're going to put up a fight and so will everyone else who cares about you. Give them hell at the hearing, you have some evidence, use it. There's no way in hell you're going to get kicked out over this."

"I guess you're right." I murmur, swallowing another tasty bite of pie.

A comforting hand caresses my knee. "I am right. You're gonna be okay."

"Yeah. I'm gonna be okay." I exhale, saying it is believing and with continuing to do that it'll stick and hopefully the universe accepts and does its thing. "Sleeping is off for tonight. I don't think I can do it."

Brown eyes gaze at me. "Have you smoked at all since you got here?"

No. Didn't get the urge either. "Surprisingly no."

"Oh. I will cuddle you to sleep, let's go."

"Why did you ask if I smoked? You didn't want to smell it when you'd cuddle me?"

"Bold of you to assume that I don't want to smell it."He starts off. "I can't get that smell out of my head from the hookah lounge, that night either. I'd have no problems if you smelt of smoke."

"I'm not a good influence on you. Now you're attracted to girls who smoke cigarettes?" Once I'm on my feet, I discard the forks and pie pan.

"It's hot." He admits. "No shame."

My eyes rake over his body. "You're hot."

Asher chuckles, examining my pupils. "Are you sure you're not high?"

I laugh, swatting his body away from me. He doesn't budge. He just turns the lights off and takes my hand so we can leave for the stairs. "I told you that I'm into you. Of course I think you're hot Humphrey. And you're shirtless right now and you want us to cuddle."

"Finally on the same page as me." He's impressed that I'm not suppressing my thoughts. "It'll put you to bed." A mischievous grin spreads on his lips. "I give fantastic hugs, I'll have you know."

I mean, I don't doubt it.

"You're luring me to a bed. I know what you're doing." I accuse, quietly moving up the stairs with each step I take.

"Like you lured me to kiss you in the restroom?" He counters as we reach his bedroom that's conveniently close to mine.

"Touché." I whisper, it's obvious Tommy's asleep and I don't want to wake him.

Asher opens the door to my room and I follow him inside. "About the restroom of the hookah lounge, why did you really run off? And I know it's not about your makeup. I mean, of course if you don't want to disclose why I get it."

I close the door. "Yeah. It wasn't. I didn't exactly lie? I was crying. I know. Don't look at me like that. My Mom sent me a voicemail for my birthday and I listened to some of it. I'm surprised she remembers the day I was born. I still haven't responded or spoken to her."

He sits down on the bed, the mattress dipping on impact. "Yeah, I saw the way you reacted when you realized that she was in the background with Cole on the phone. I get it. You told me about her too so I know your feelings about that. Come here, you need a hug." He stretches an arm out and grasps my hand in his, pulling me in.

My body collapses into his lap and he wraps those big hands around me. Inhaling his scent, I close my eyes but I'm still aware. I don't know how long we stay like that in the silence, breathing the same air as each other. All I know is that it's nice and warm and connecting.

"Cole said there are things with our mother that I don't know." I blurt. Wait. Why am I bringing this up?

"Yeah?" Asher massages his fingers through my scalp.

Mmm. That feels nice. All of a sudden I'm sleepy.

I don't stay in his lap for long, Asher spoons me, the heat from his body makes me warm and fuzzy on the inside with his hand in my hair.

I tell myself that he's right, he is fantastic with hugs and then I forget my train of thought. My concerns about my upcoming hearing disappears and I drift off into a deep sleep with one of his hands comfortably cupping the outside of my boob... or lack thereof and the other in my hair.

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