Chapter 24

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I brush my teeth, shower and march downstairs where everyone's eating breakfast. The menu seems to be cold leftovers.

"Good morning." I greet, taking the chair that's closest to the glass door which leads to the porch.

"Good morning Riley. How did you sleep? Good?" Dave asks, holding a mug in his hand.

Shirley pops her head up. "Good morning. Oh! What's that? On your eyes?"

"Yeah, I ended up sleeping great." My eyes flicker to Asher who pitches me a grin. I realize Shirley's talking about my lower lash line. "Oh, it's fishtail eyeliner." My response catches Tommy's attention because then he looks right at me. Normally I'm okay with scaring others but I don't want that same effect on Tommy. He's too cute and adorable and I don't care what Rhett, Tyler or Cole says. I haven't seen that too hyper-sticking-his-little-finger into people's noses side of Tommy yet. Don't get me wrong, I've spent a couple hours with the kid before and yes he was like I expected a three year old to behave but it wasn't a horrendous experience.

"A fishtail what? It looks so good. I need you to teach me how to hide these wrinkles darling." Shirley laughs. "What people can do these days is interesting because I can't do it myself."

"I got you." I can teach her if she wants.

"Can I get gummy bears?" Tommy looks up at me. He remembers. He actually remembers.

I shift my focus to Asher wondering what's his stance on this but he doesn't give me a glance of disapproval so I take the sign. "Yeah. I'll go get it."

After breakfast (no one pointed out that the pumpkin pie was demolished) we all left for the Van Gogh immersive experience that Shirley booked. Inside is more than I could ever imagine. They operate on all your senses. What we hear, what we see, what we touch. We're taken on an adventure through Van Gogh's life, his most famous works, listening to the music they were playing and it was special to me since those are the same sounds I play whenever I paint. Some of my favorite parts about the whole thing were when we had to sit down in a room with a bunch of other people and watch the video projected on the screen. It took over the entire room. Starry Night and many others were shown that I had never seen before. Watching the illustrations was mesmerizing and I'll never forget it. Like a whole other world. Pictures won't do what was seen any justice.

The drawing studio was the spot Tommy enjoyed the most, we got to crayon there. He picked green crayons and we allowed him to do his thing. I know something like this wasn't Asher and Dave's scene but they participated in the activities, were fully aware and in tune. Turns out they clearly liked it because they dragged us to the gift shop by the end without Shirley saying 'let's go'.

As if we aren't tired enough, Asher takes us to the Ore Dock for sightseeing. For me and Tommy than everyone else but still. I feel like a tiny dot when I'm there, the structure being massive compared to me. They talk about how better it looks when the water freezes and people gather to skate. We didn't stay there for an hour. Too bad I won't be witnessing that today. Dave suggests we get something to eat so we stop at The Delft Bistro. Lindsay says it's an old theater and she's right, the setting definitely gives off that vibe. The capital 'Delft' in color and the marquee tells me that much.

On the inside, live entertainment was presented and we were lucky. On the huge screen a fun movie played for everyone. The food? Ten out of ten. The spicy chicken sandwich and cheese curds were shockingly good. I wasn't someone who ate a lot and that's been changing in the past couple of weeks. I've been eating more than I've ever had. Twice Asher's family have seen me stuffing my face like this and I'm not embarrassed about it.

When we get home, I decide to paint with Tommy. He enjoyed the studio so I figure why not. His brush strokes are chaotic. It'll work. For the entire time no one bothers us, I direct Tommy's brush when he needs the sharpening. I'm calm. In my happy place and for the first time in a while my mind is truly free. No worries. No negative huddles. Once we're done, I step back to look at the masterpiece we've created. I mean, it's not Van Gogh's exact work but it's close. Anyone can recognize the sources of light. I've missed painting and finally I can produce something even if that means getting a three year old to paint too.

"High five." I hold a hand to Tommy's level. "Do you think Shirley will like it?"

He nods, high fives me and gets paint on my palm. I watch his big brown eyes glimmer with curiosity as he takes in the world we unlocked.

Asher ducks his head into the mudroom. "Like what?"

"This." I point at the painting.

"You're a painter now?" Asher scoops his son into his arms, not minding the colors that would get on his own clothes. He lifts his head and looks at the painting. "It's good. Wow. I see where Tommy was doing his thing." He chuckles and it's so contagious I laugh too because he's right. Tommy's effort is evident. "Let's find out if Aunt Shirley likes it. I know I do."

With Tommy in one hand, he picks up the painting with the other and heads for the door. I'm peeling the apron in a hurry, catching up to the boys. We run into Shirley in the living room with Dave and Lindsay. They're having what looks like an adult conversation and oh boy we're interrupting.

"Hey you guys," Shirley smiles bright when she realizes that it's us entering the room. "Hungry?"

I guess we're not interrupting and I knew why I thought Shirley's such a motherly figure. She wants to feed us all the time.

"No, we're not hungry. Actually, we want to show you a painting Tommy and I made. I want it to serve as a reminder of our trip today. Half of it." I clear my throat and nudge Asher in the arm to reveal the work.

He grins, turning the painting for everyone to see. "It's not completely dry I think. I'm no expert."

I swear I hear a gasp, I don't know if they're really stunned or trying to make me feel good. "It's beautiful." Shirley's the first to admit. "It looks so similar to Starry Night. Woah. Amazing really and we're not just saying that darling."

"A true artist." Lindsay hums impressed, she can't take her eyes off the colors.

A true artist? Isn't that something my Mom said on the voicemail when she called for my birthday? I know my brain isn't tripping out. She said 'my fierce artist'. Unlike my mother, Lindsay and Shirley appreciate my paintings and they don't even know me well.

"Thank you. Thank you. Tommy is the one I owe it all to." I bow, unable to contain my smile.

"I'm impressed and you're sure Tommy stuck by your side the whole time and helped?" Dave questions in disbelief and I nod.

Lindsay turns to her husband. "Right? I thought he'd make such a mess."

"He is messy honey." Dave chuckles, glancing at his grandson who currently has mostly yellow paint all over his little face and arms.

"Asher, why don't you hang it up for us? Make use of those muscles. Come, I'll tell you where to put it." She stands up from the couch. "Thank you Riley. I love it. I think it matches the theme a little bit here."

"I agree." Lindsay winks at me.

Shirley orders Asher to put it near the window by the build-in cabinet stone fireplace. "Oh it's perfect. If only Victor could see that I'm getting a free painting."

I'm reminded of what Asher said about his Uncle Victor. I'm sure he was wonderful. Shirley's not crying about it, she's laughing.

"You're very welcome." I supply, turning to head back to the mudroom so I can clean up. "I better go clean and take a shower."

An hour later, I found myself in the bath. If I lift my head up, I'll be able to see through the window and outside is aesthetically pleasing. I don't even mind. While in Warren on Taft's campus, leaves crunch underneath our shoes, here in Marquette it's white fluffy snow and though the world knows I don't love the frigid feeling I can't deny how good it looks.

My bones are relaxed. Ah. This feels good. So, so good. I enjoyed today like I do most of my Fridays but it does make me tired. I'm sure I've mastered ten thousand steps or more. As long as I don't doze off here I should be fine.

A knock on my bedroom door. "Riley?"Asher calls, followed by another knock.

"I'm in here!" I answer from the bathroom.

The bedroom door creaks open, I'm hearing footsteps. "Jeez. Boob city."He mumbles behind the bathroom door.

"Except there's no boob at all." I laugh, the bubbles are covering everything from my neck down. "You can come in."

Asher opens the door to the bathroom. "Shut up, your chest is perfect." He emphasizes the word and I want to slap him.

So I get a chunk of bubbles and splash it towards him. "You love my flat chest."

"Damn right I do." He shifts and doesn't deny it.

"Horny bastard. Why are you here? Are you looking to join?" I mean I don't mind the company but we both know if he manages to get in here we'll not be sitting and I'm sure we're waiting to visit the health center at Taft soon.

"Tempting, really. I was here because Tommy wants you to read him a bedtime story instead of me. Do you believe it? I raise him and then—

I'm rinsing off and jumping out of the bath before he can finish what he's saying. Butt ass naked. "What? I'm not passing up the opportunity. Now move." He's already seen my pussy when he fingered me and he's also seen my breasts before. There's nothing to hide nor am I shy.

On the way out of the bathroom with a towel in my hair, he slaps my ass and I can practically feel his intense stare like a laser in my back. "That hurts!" I exclaim but Asher just laughs like he's enjoying this. The type of laugh that screams 'you think that hurts yet?'

A shit eating grin plays on his lips. "Get use to it. I'm warming you up."

"Always got a response." I shake my head, shuffling through my belongings to find a pair of underwear and pajamas.

"The fact that you're in a hurry. I thought you said you weren't good with kids though?" He's teasing, watching me.

"Well he's not just any kid. He's your kid."


Happy Tuesday?

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