Chapter 23

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The sound of the noisy chatter of the birds seemed to come to a stop as the stars twinkled in the sky. Behind the thick clouds, a full moon was hidden, ready to shine in its full glory.

The leaves rustled under the footsteps of men and women, as they wandered forward and back, looking for a safe place.

Hayden bit her nails frantically as she watched her pack. 

They felt something that they hadn't in a while. Anxiety.

It was the first full moon after they accepted Hayden as their alpha and things could go incredibly great or horribly wrong.

Some were worried for themselves. Some were, surprisingly, worried for Hayden.

"Quit slacking and find somewhere to transform." Hayden ordered as their feet shuffled out of the house in an orderly fashion.

Where are you when I need you, Hayden thought, seating herself onto the sofa. There were a million questions in her head and no one to answer them.

She looked at the clouds with anticipation, knowing that they would clear soon, making her pack nothing but hungry wolves.

She longed to hear the voice that used to echo in her head, the voice that put her down and provoked her many times but it was just, gone.

Her thoughts seemed to be running constantly, changing their destination every thirty seconds. She didn't know whether to worry about the changes, now that she was the alpha or to worry about Isla.

So, she decided to lean on the white sofa with her eyes closed.

When the time comes, I'll know what to do, she muttered, hopefully. 

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

"Are you done?" Isla asked, worry in her voice.

"Calm down. I'll deliver what I promised." Valerie spoke calmly.

"Well, what's taking so long?" Isla asked.

"I didn't see any need to rush." Valerie said, shrugging.

Isla clenched her teeth together but didn't utter a word. Valerie was acting like her old, intolerable self and she had no choice but to deal with it.

"Well, could you hurry up? I'll be transforming soon."  Isla said.

"That's really not a problem. I don't need your human-self to help me." Valerie said with a small smile.

Isla growled softly but decided to ignore it. After all, this was her only plan and she had no backups.

They better not screw this up, Isla thought as she walked out of her house.

Isla stared at the sky to see black clouds filled in the atmosphere but steered clear of the moon.

It's time, she thought as she heard faint howls from the distance.

Her hair stood on end as her body lumped over to the ground. She found herself stuck there, unable to make any movements on the ground.

She flailed her arms and kicked her legs as chaos surrounded her. The screams were more distinguishable now that she was a part wolf. 

It appeared everyone was in the predicament she was in. On the ground, unable to move with hair covering up their body.

She grabbed the grass beside her as her lips trembled, unable to call Valerie for assistance.

At least now they'll know what a terrible idea it was, making Hayden their alpha, Isla thought.

Her eyes darted as footsteps approached her. Hurrying towards her was Valerie, who seemed to be muttering something under her breath.

By now, she had fully transformed and had no way of getting up.

What will I do now, she thought with panic, but that only lasted a few seconds.

She felts her limbs relax with no force weighing her down. Instantly, she got up, not wanting to take any chances. She looked at Valerie who had a fire in her eyes.

"I'll explain later." Valerie said and marched forward, ready to seal the deal.

Now I'm even more interested, Isla thought as she waited for Valerie o be a decent distance away from her.

There's no way I don't watch this.

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

What on Earth is going on, Hayden thought, wide-eyed. Before her eyes was her pack, howling as they lay in the same spot for the last ten minutes, unable to move.

She was hyperventilating and this was not the moment to do so.

She ran forward trying to analyze the situation but there was no point. She felt a lump well up in her throat but it wasn't due to sadness. She felt helpless. 

She was so close but could do nothing to help her pack.

She ran into her house and turned the sofa upside down, frantically looking for her phone.

I have no choice but to ask her, Hayden thought with disgust.

As she quickly dialed the number, she heard it. The voice that had left her weeks ago.

I thought when the time comes, you'll know what to do, it said mockingly.

Hayden spun her head around in shock. What she saw only surprised her even more.

"Long time." Valerie said.

"What are you doing here?" Hayden asked, holding back her breath.

"I wanted to see if you were doing well." Valerie said with a smile.

"I'm doing just fine." Hayden said through gritted teeth.

"It didn't look that way with your pack howling in pain." Valerie said with a chuckle.

"That's none of your business." Hayden spat with a glare.

"You need to chill. I was going to help you out." Valerie said.

"And why would you do that?" Hayden asked skeptically.

"Because, I need to pay you back somehow for going back on our deal." Valerie said.

"What deal?" Hayden asked, confused.

"The one in which I said I could make you immortal." Valerie said casually.

What is she talking about, Hayden thought when something clicked in her head. She shut her eyes immediately, trying to transform into her wolf self.

Seeing this, Valerie spoke, "It's not going to work."

"But... How?" Hayden asked, panic rising in her chest.

"It's too bad. Sometimes you have to break some deals to seal the others." Valerie said nonchalantly.

She didn't think twice. Pushing the door with her shoulder, she ran and didn't stop to look at her miserable pack.

She knew what Valerie meant and wasn't going to let it happen.

Her head started fogging up and her vision blurred as she continued to run away from the forest, hoping to reach the city soon.

Her legs trembled as she stopped next to a tree and turned back. She couldn't see anyone but she heard footsteps.

Footsteps that could be real or simply her mind playing tricks on her.

She tried to catch her breath, but it was pointless.

She felt woozy and saw no other way. She dropped her body to the ground and prayed no one would find her.

She felt something breathe beside her. She felt goosebumps appear all over her hands as she turned around to look.

Well, this is quite the mare's nest.


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