Chapter 24

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Her body froze as she gaped at the brute in from of her. White fur, piercing brown eyes, and a menacing glare.

Those features, plus a fire in her eyes was enough for Hayden to know.

It was Isla.

Her heart started racing, for she realized that she was at a disadvantage.

There's no way I can fight a wolf, she thought, her hands shaking as she didn't know what to do.

She was surrounded by the trees with no one to see or help her.

I should have prepared for this, Hayden thought with fear and regret when something raced inside her.

Something that felt so new yet so familiar. She tried to focus, and get herself out of this mess but it was almost as if her brain had stopped functioning.

Meanwhile, the wolf just stood there, taunting Hayden to make a move.

Hayden looked around furtively, looking for an escape but all she saw were trees and grass.

What do I do? she asked, panicked, hoping that the voice that returned to her could be her savior. 

Alas, no such thing happened and she was trapped in the tiny corner, with a wolf ready to tear her apart.

Just like that, her hopes came crumbling down as she closed her eyes, hoping it would ease the pain.

That one second felt like an eternity. She opened her eyes to see Isla standing still, not making a move. Before she could comprehend what was going on she felt it again, but this time, she knew what it was.

It was her will to live.

She quickly scurried her feet, running away with her newfound hope as she prayed to leave Isla in her dust.

But while Hayden was running away from her problems, Isla was facing her own.

Her feet were grounded once again, only this time, Valerie wasn't around in the same proximity.

Why am I a stupid wolf right now! Isla thought, anger rising in her head. She couldn't even call Valerie now. 

She grunted heavily in anger as she tried to lift her feet but they wouldn't move.

Well, there's no point now, she thought, it all lies on you kid.

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

She just ran away. Didn't even put up a fight, Valerie thought as poured herself a drink and sat on Hayden's throne.

Does she think I came unplanned? That I came without expecting her to flee? Valerie asked herself with a proud smile.

"It really sucks. If she had stayed, at least she'd have some information before she died." Valerie said softly as she stared at the clock.


The whole forest was in silence. Even the cries of the wolves were silenced with despair. No one moved a muscle, no one even tried.

They were all slaves to the moon's curse.

"Bet you're really proud, aren't you?" a shaky voice asked. Valerie looked up from her drink to see the short stature of someone.

"Well, you look terrible." Valerie chuckled.

"You are terrible." Gwenyth spat out.

"You're comebacks have only gotten worse." Valerie said, clicking her tongue.

"You have only gotten worse." Gwenyth retorted.

"Alright, enough with the rubbish. What do you want?" Valerie asked, getting straight to the point.

"I want you gone, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. There at least twenty people out there, waiting to rip your head off your body." Gwenyth said.

"Who? The pitiful wolves? I'd rather spare them from the embarrassment. Besides, that's not my doing."

"Then who would do such a thing?" Gwenyth asked, skeptical.

"Their alpha. If you cheat your way into leading someone, they are bound to perish. Reminds me of a coven I used to know." Valerie said.

"That's one way to blame someone else." Gwenyth replied.

"What do you really want, Gwenyth?" Valerie asked, losing her patience.

"This really isn't about what I want. It's about what you deserve." Gwenyth said.

"You mean my name written in all the books? Don't worry darling, I can accomplish that myself." Valerie said.

"Cut the crap, Valerie!" Gwenyth said. Her emotions were overflowing and she didn't know what to do.

"Someone's got a temper." Valerie said mockingly.

Gwenyth said nothing. She, just like Valerie, turned to the clock and stared with dead eyes. 

"Well this was cute but I don't have time for a family reunion." Valerie said, pulling Gwenyth by her hands. Gwenyth's lips suddenly twitched as she shook her hands away from Valerie.

"You know you're not as smart as you think." Gwenyth said, clenching her teeth.

"What makes you say that?" Valerie asked, curious.

"I'd watch my back if I were you. When you turn down deals a hundred times, it's hard to trust you." Gwenyth said.

"Are you referring to Isla?" Valerie asked and looked at Gwenyth. She had a weak smile plastered on her face, which piqued Valerie's interest.

Interesting, she thought, rubbing her chin.

"She's delusional to think that an obnoxious, fifteen-year-old girl can stop me." Valerie said.

Gwenyth looked at her with dead eyes. Although her eyes showed nothing, her lips said it all. She moved her tongue like a slithering snake, making Valerie ponder.

What is she so proud about? Valerie thought, not taking her eyes off of her.

"I don't think you realize what a huge mistake you've made." Gwenyth said, walking towards her.

"When you made yourself stronger by taking my magic, you linked us together." Gwenyth said stoically.

"And you're right. I can't beat you. No one can." Gwenyth said with an eerie tone to her voice.

"What are you proud about then?" Valerie asked, rolling her eyes.

"You know I heard that heaven is a lovely place. I wouldn't mind going there. I might even see mom and the rest of the coven there." Gwenyth said with a smile.

Hearing those words, Valerie was taken aback.

No way she'll do that, Valerie told herself but inside, she knew that it was a possibility.

"I'm calling your bluff." Valerie spat, hoping she was right.

"That would be a grave mistake. I'm so done with this terrible life." Gwenyth said angrily, her eyes filled with rage.

"Think this through you stupid child. We can bring the coven back, together!" Valerie said, panicking. 

"I fell for that once. I won't again." Gwenyth said as she put her hand inside her trench coat. But when she pulled her hand out, it wasn't alone.

A sharp, metal, kitchen knife lay on her palms as she looked at it emotionless.

"Gwenyth don't be foolish!" Valerie said, her voice shaking in panic.

She was trapped in her mess, unable to reach out got the knife for that would only increase the chances of Gwenyth killing them both.

"Gwenyth, please think this through!" Valerie pleaded, afraid for her own life.

"Isn't this funny?" Gwenyth asked with a chuckle, "The fearsome Valerie Houston pleading with me. I have waited all my life to hear these words from your mouth." Gwenyth said hauntingly.

"That's a lot of attitude for someone who is going to kill themselves." Valerie said, not being able to tolerate Gwenyth for another second.

She lunged onto Gwenyth as she gasped in shock. Wrestling on the floor, Valerie tried to snatch the knife out of her hand but she was holding onto it tight.

"Give it to me, moron!" Valerie demanded as she grabbed Gwenyth's hand.

Shaking her hand away, Gwenyth took Valerie's moment of distraction as her opportunity. Without a second thought, she leapt onto Valerie and pinned her down.

"You know Isla was right about you. Your pride will be your downfall." Gwenyth said.

Valerie looked into Gwenyth's eyes fiercely, and a smirk appeared on her face.

"We'll see about that." she said. Lifting her hand up she picked Gwenyth up from the floor.

"You both seemed to have forgotten that I still have my powers." Valerie said with a proud smile. 

She threw Gwenyth across the room, causing her to fall onto the dining table. As her back hit the wooden surface with a huge force, she groaned in pain.

"You have no idea what you've brought on yourself." Valerie said to Gwenyth who was wincing in pain.

You have created your own doom, Isla.


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