Chapter 27

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Red and blue lights refracted in the atmosphere with blazing sirens accompanying them. All heads turned towards the ambulance racing down the street. Some wondered what happened while others hoped that the affected person was okay.

Isla and Claudia walked up the slopey road when the siren resonated in their ear. They turned their heads to look at the ambulance, which had stopped a few meters away from the cafe they were in.

"Weren't we just there a few minutes ago?" Claudia asked, but didn't receive a response. Isla's eyes had turned wide open as she grabbed Claudia's hand and tugged her towards her.

The both of them ran down with panicked faces. As they reached the door of the cafe, they saw a girl with tears in her eyes as she talked to the two policemen in front of her.

"Come with me." Isla whispered and walked into a dark alley.

"What's wrong?" Claudia asked, to which Isla motioned her to stay silent.

"What happened?" the police asked.

"I- I don't know." she said through muffled tears, "I was just cleaning up and I saw her grab her chest and fall to the ground. I didn't know what to do." 

"And there was no one else in here?" he asked.

"Two people- girls, were talking to her but they left a few minutes before she fell." the girl answered.

"So she died when nobody else, except you, was here?" the police asked suspiciously.

"Yes. That's all I know." she answered.

"That's weird." Claudia said, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation the whole time.

"It hadn't even been seconds since we left." Isla said, worried.

"What do you propose happened?" Claudia asked.

"It has to be Valerie's doing." Isla murmured.

"Who's Valerie?" Claudia asked.

"That does not matter. What matters is that she's dead and before she died, we made a deal in exchange for her killing Hayden." Isla said.

Claudia looked at her, shocked, but decided not to say anything.

She's heartless, Claudia thought as she continued to stare at Isla.

"You clearly want to ask something soo go ahead." 

"I thought you wanted Hayden alive, so she could vouch for you." Claudia asked, not wanting to mention what was in her head.

"Well, that was after I found out she was human!" Isla exclaimed angrily.

"There's no point in taking your anger out on me. You need to decide what to do next." Claudia said in a bitter tone.

"There's nothing left to do. Hayden's dead and I don't get the pack, neither do I get to know what Valerie did because she's fucking dead!" Isla bellowed.

"And who's fault is that? I felt sorry for giving the ring to Hayden but not anymore. I was willing to trust you blindly because I felt guilty but not anymore." Claudia said sternly.

"I know I've done some pretty horrible things but-" Isla began.

"And now you're just paying for it. Deal with this on your own, I'm out." Claudia said and stormed off.

"I didn't need you anyway!" Isla screamed after her but Claudia turned a deaf ear.

I've lost everything, Isla thought as she watched people lift Hayden's corpse and place it into the ambulance.

It was like everything she ever did was finally sinking in. All the people she hurt, the lives she indirectly ended, it was all getting back at her.

She knew that her failure could only be credited to her recklessness and selfishness.

Valerie was right, she thought, I'm the creator of my own doom.

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

Claudia shoved her clothes into her suitcase with much force with her eyes full of rage. She never liked Hayden but she couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if she was fully on Hayden's side.

Maybe then, I'd have a reason to stay in the pack, she thought.

She looked around and saw that it was only her, and Noah who were packing their things.

I guess he couldn't convince them all, she thought, scoffing. Noah walked over to her and she pretended as if she was looking at her suitcase the whole time.

"You were the last person I thought would leave." Noah remarked.

"Just to set the record straight, I don't think the pack is cursed. I just simply don't see the point in being in a pack at all." Claudia said, continuing to pack her things.

"And why is that?" Noah asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The claims of being united in a pack are just claims. In the end, everybody only cares about themselves and it's always been this way." Claudia said.

"It wasn't like this when our alpha was around." Noah said defensively.

"That's what he made you believe. The whole time, all of us believed that Hayden was responsible for Cameron's death when she did nothing! If the moon punished us this time for choosing the wrong alpha, then it did the same with Cameron too." Claudia said, letting it all out of her chest.

"I don't know why you're supporting Hayden. If the pack finds out they'll-" Noah said.

"What will they do? They're staying in the pack even though they know that Hayden is their alpha." Claudia said.

It's not like they know she's dead. And even if they do, what does it matter to them? Everyone here is only staying because they are too afraid to be out there alone, Claudia thought.

"Listen, Claudia. You should leave the pack but not for the reasons you mentioned. Cameron would have been a way better alpha than his sister." Noah said.

"I don't have time for your blind devotion to them. You can continue to view them as your god for the rest of your life but I can't." Claudia said.

"Where would you even go?" Noah asked.

"It's not like I'm completely broke and brainless. I'll go to the city and get rid of this waste of a life that I have been living for twenty-five years." Claudia said and picked her suitcase up. She didn't have a lot to call her own, which she didn't mind.

All she wanted was to leave the suffocating air and finally breathe freely.

"It's not as easy as you make it seem." Noah said, snapping Claudia black from her dream to reality.

 "You're right. But I'd gladly struggle for a while than struggle for the rest of my life." Claudia said, turning her back on him. Just as she turned, she saw Isla enter the room.

Neither of them uttered a word. But the look in their eyes as they stared at each other described more than a thousand words could.

Their eyes were filled with hatred but neither of them spoke to each other.

Isla walked out of the house without a second glance. She had made up her mind and wasn't going to come back here again, no matter what.

With Claudia gone, Isla turned her focus to the pack. All of them seemed down, seemed as if they didn't feel at home.

Well, there's no point in delaying this. They've clearly made up their mind, Isla thought as she cleared her throat.

"I had gone on a search for Hayden and-" Isla began but she stopped. Even after all she did, she couldn't bring herself to tell that Hayden was dead. That she was the reason for yet another death.

"Hayden is dead. I don't know what happened to her, and-, there isn't really much for me to say." Isla said.

She looked around, expecting more enthusiasm, after all, everyone had grown to hate Hayden. But, not a word was uttered. Not a sound. Everyone just stared at her, waiting for her to say something more.

"Is there a reason you're all staring at me?" Isla asked.

"We were hoping you'd know what to do next." 

"Me? Why would you ask me that?" Isla asked confused. The only reason Hayden and herself were doing unspeakable things was because the pack wouldn't listen to a female.

And yet now, they sought judgment from her.

"Cameron really trusted you and," one of the pack members started, "we need an alpha."

Isla's ears perked up.

All this, just for them to hand the throne to me on a silver platter? she thought, dumbstruck.

"We believe that you are worthy of this." 

Isla had nothing to say. She simply nodded her head, unable to utter a word. 

I always thought that I'd be more enthusiastic about this than I am now, Isla thought as everyone silently went back to their work.

How foolish of me to think I'd remain the same when everything around me hasn't, she thought with a sigh as she looked at the pack.

Nobody was the same. There was always room for disagreement and arguments but now, everyone just agreed with what others had to say.

After all, what choice did they have? There was no one left to guide them and the most loyal one was leaving.

This simply isn't what I wanted at all, Isla thought, ashamed that she could be so ungrateful, but there was no point denying it.

The world has something planned for me. All that is left for me to do is watch as my fate unfolds.

Isla breathed in slowly and lifted her head up, "Alright. Next full moon, you can crown me as the alpha."

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

Hayden rubbed her eyes and protected them from the bright, white light. There was no way she could forget the place she was in.

Completely monochrome and endless, it was the void she managed to escape months ago and fate reunited her with it.

She heard footsteps approaching her slowly. She rubbed her eyes again before exposing them to the bright light to see a hand stretched out to her.

"I was waiting for you." 

Hayden looked up and her eyes landed on Valerie. She slapped her hand out of the way and got up on her own.

"How are you here?" Hayden asked.

"Didn't Isla tell you?" Valerie asked.

"No, I mean why are we together?" Hayden asked.

"Believe it or not, I don't know everything." Valerie said, sighing.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you, even after death." Hayden said, gritting her teeth.

"It probably doesn't mean a thing to you, but I'm sorry." Valerie said.

"I thought you were trustworthy. I thought you never went back on your deals." Hayden said.

"You killed your father to become alpha. If you can change for power, so can I." Valerie said.

"And how did that help? You died and you never held power over anything." Hayden said.

"That's isn't really important anymore. I will never be able to make it up to you, the least I can do is give you what you want." Valerie said.

"And what do I want?" Hayden asked.

"Answers. And there's no reason for them to stay hidden anymore." Valerie said and looked at Hayden.

She expected to see more rage in her eyes, but they looked calm. 

I'll ask her about it later, Valerie thought as she opened her mouth to speak.

"I never fully intended to help you. I wanted to keep you under my control, which is why I had a voice manipulate your actions. And once you were in too deep, I decided to stop." Valerie said, as she kept glancing at Hayden from time to time.

"I realized that you weren't smart enough to help me with what I needed which is why I asked Isla for help. And after I promised to help her countless times, I decided to finally finish my part of the deal." 

"I didn't show up to kill you, I had already made plans for that before. I only wanted you to get the answers before you died. I did some research on my own and realised that the only reason you cam back to life was because you weren't fully human." Valerie said.

"So you performed some spell that made me a human and the concoction I had would kill me." Hayden finished.

I knew the risk before I drank that. It only delayed my death but it never got rid of it, Hayden thought.

Valerie waited for Hayden to say something, but she didn't. 

"I'd expect you to be angry." Valerie said.

"I feared death my whole life and tried to impress everyone when I was alive. If only I knew it was a lot more peaceful out here, I would've have actually lived my life." Hayden said.

"Well I guess my experiment failed." Valerie said.

"Of course it did. After all, death is inevitable."


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