Facing your friends and fears - alternative storyline

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{this alternative story happens after PAMA tells Jesse about her withering powers. This alternative story line will have "-alternative storyline" at the end of the story title parts so you know which is which. I hope you enjoy this. It's just something I made on the fly}

*In Jesse's head*

PAMA: now I'll use this new wither power to help make your friends useful and everyone else in beacon town. It'll be a fun time.

Jesse: you bastard! You have no idea what you're dealing with!

PAMA: we'll see...goodbye...*disappears*

Olivia, Hadrian and Mevia: *all have red eyes and appear behind Jesse and hold her down*

Jesse: ugh!!! Let me go!!!

*Back at the hospital*

Jesse: *closes her eyes tightly then opens them as one eyes is red and the other is purple*

Jesse: *giggles and creates a red and purple shockwave that destroys the straight jacket and muzzle*

Petra: what the?!

Jesse: see you guys later! *Runs out of the hospital*

Lukas: come on!

*All of them chase after her*

Jesse: crap...*looks around as she runs* eheheheh. *Her right hand turns to a smoky black and touches a building and it crumbles as she walks past*

*As the structure crumbles, it almost squishes everyone else*

Olivia: watch out! *Pushes Axel out of the way*

Petra: what?! Since when could she do that?! What the heck was that?!

Ivor: I don't know but we gotta do something about it now.

Jesse: *runs away, hides and breathes heavily*

Petra: great! Now we gotta find her again!

Petra: just split up and find her!

*All of them split up individually*

Harper: PAMA has never been able to do that. What the heck was that?...

Jesse: *climbs on to a tall build and looks over everyone* hm...what should I do now?...

Petra: *looks around for Jesse*

Jesse: heheh... I guess I could make you useful again. Your fighting style will be very useful to me. *Climbs onto the wooden fence and jumps down landing onto Petra*

Petra: gah! *Falls on the ground and drops her sword* get off me!

Jesse: I don't think so...your fighting style will be very useful to me. Eheheheh *eyes flash red and transforms and her left hand changes* {she looks like the picture above. That picture is actually artwork based on one of my favorite single player main character from a game called "Tales of Berseria" if you love a strong yet sad story, please look up gameplay of it. It's amazing}

Petra: *struggles and tries to push her off*

Jesse: bye bye Petra! Say hello to Hadrian and Mevia for me! RAH!!

Axel: *lights tnt on fire and throws it at Jesse*

*Tnt explodes*

Jesse: gah!! *Gets pushed back and falls on the floor* *quickly gets back up* I'm getting sick of this now! I'm done playing around! *Stomps her foot on the ground and runs after Axel and grabs his head with her wither hand {the red, large hand in the picture}

Jesse: time to make you useful once and for all! *Sucks out all of his knowledge and crushes his head*

Petra: *eyes widen* Axel!!

Jesse: *slams his body on the ground and it poofs* farewell! Eheheheh ahahaha!

Petra: *gets up* how could you do this?!

Jesse: *turns her head in a crooked way* oh Petra...I realized something...I don't need you anymore...and the only thing that's standing in my way...is the rest of the Order...And now... it's time to get rid of you...

Petra: not without a fight! I'll take you one one block at a time!

Jesse: we'll see...*runs after her and punches her with her withered hand*

Petra: *guards it with her sword* I was always stronger than Jesse so this is nothing! *Forces her back*

Jesse: you're alot stronger than when I last made you useful

Petra: shut up! Grraaahh!! *Swings her sword at her multiple times*

Jesse: *dodges all of the swings* eheheheh what's the matter Petra? Can't keep up?

Petra: get out of Jesse you stupid computer! Raaaahhh!!! *Forces the sword into Jesse*

Jesse: *the sword stabs Jesse's withered hand as she blocks it* gah!! Tch...*clenches her fist around the sword, pulls it away from Petra and stabs her with it*

Petra: gah!!! *Coughs up blood*

Jesse: eheheheh you really have gotten rusty! Too bad you had to be defeated by me again!

Petra: you...stupid... computer....*falls to the ground*

Jesse: *grabs her lifeless body and sucks the knowledge out of it and her body poofs* eheheheh... that's 2 down...*picks up Petra's inventory* 4 more to go...*eyes flash red, turns around and starts searching for the rest of them*

*In Jesse's head*

Jesse: *squirms as she is being held down* let me go! *Pushes them off her and runs away* I need to get control of my body again.

PAMA: *appears in front of her*

Jesse: you stupid computer! What do you want now?!

PAMA: I have successfully made Axel and Petra useful. They were filled with so much knowledge. I need to process it all now.

Jesse: no...Petra...Axel...*eyes water and tears fall* you heartless computer!!!

PAMA: I am not heartless Jesse. We are now one in the same you and I. I have finally made them useful and will continue to do so until everyone in every world is made useful.

Jesse: nobody wants this!!!

PAMA: but I will help them be on a better path. Now I must go and process this information. See you later Jesse.

Jesse: no....no more....

*Back in Beacon Town*

Jesse: *eyes widen and her eyes are back to her normal green* wh-what... what's goin- *looks at her left hand* gah!!! What the heck is this?! What...what has PAMA done to me?....*tears fall and shivers in fear*

Jesse: what am I now?.... I'm a monster...I can't let PAMA hurt anymore of my friends. *Turns around and leaves town while tears fall from her eyes* I'm sorry....I can't stay any longer....

{Jesse has left town...will Ivor, Harper, Lukas and Olivia be able to break her out of this mindset? Will they be able to find her? Find out in the next alternative chapter. I'm sorry I took a whole day to write this. Sometimes I had writers block and didn't know what characters would say so I hope you like this. Anyways, see you in the next alternative chapter! Also, there will be another alternate ending! Woah it's like a Telltale games fan fiction where your choices ACTUALLY MATTER. In this alternative ending, Jesse does not run away from beacon town. The alternative story for the other storyline will have " - staying hidden within" after every chapter title. I hope this isn't too complicated. The next chapter for when Jesse runs away will have the title: "Trying to protect your friends - running away. alternative storyline" and the other version where Jesse stays will have the title: "Friend or For? - staying hidden but within. Alternative storyline" I hope this makes sense. Please tell me if it doesn't. There are now 3 main storylines that may or may not continue to branch off (that's if I have more ideas). There is one where Jesse finally has the redstone heart removed, the story line where Jesse runs away and the storyline where Jesse stays in Beacon town. I hope this clears things up}

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