Will it be enough? - happy ending storyline

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{this chapter takes place after "Facing your friend"}

Male doctor: crap... we're losing her!

*Jesse's heart monitor beats rapidly*

Jesse: *glowing red veins appear on Jesse's whole left arm*

Male Doctor: *grabs a needle and injects it in her to stabilize her for a bit*

*Jesse's heart monitor beats slower*

Male Doctor: phew...that was so close...huh? What the? *Looks at her arm* hm....

Male Doctor: nurse keep an eye on her. I need to give this...redstone heart to that woman. *Grabs the redstone heart and leaves*

Nurse: alright.

Male doctor: here you go. The redstone heart. *Gives it to Harper*

Harper: thanks. Now...we need to give them their knowledge back...*walks over to Olivia and gives her her knowledge back*

Olivia: h-huh? Wh-what happened?

Harper: alot has happened. We'll explain later. *Finds the other doctor and gives her her knowledge back*

Doctor: h-huh? Wh-what? Where am I?

Harper: it's alright. You're safe now...

Doctor: I felt like in such a dark place...where nothing existed...

Harper: don't worry. You won't feel like that anymore. *Leaves and pours water on the redstone heart and drains it of its power* finally...

Lukas: is it over?

Harper: most likely. But we can't be sure until Jesse wakes up.

Lukas: right...

Male Doctor: *is cleaning the surgical tools*

Jesse: *is laying down on the hospital bed as her heart monitor beats at a steady pace*

*Hours later*

*Jesse hasn't woken up*

Lukas: *is sitting next to her bed* please wake up..

Male Doctor: it'll be a bit longer til she wakes up. It's 10:38 p.m....you should head home...

Lukas: no I wanna be here when she wakes up.

Male doctor: that might be a while. But let me know if you need anything. *Leaves*

Lukas: okay...*looks at Jesse's left arm* huh? What's up with her arm?

Male Doctor: we're not sure. We'll figure it out what it is soon.

Lukas: alright... I'm starting to get worried...

*Hours later*

Lukas: *is sleeping on the table next to the hospital bed*

Jesse: *slowly opens her eyes* h-huh? *Yawns* o-ow...*puts her right hand on her wound* that really hurts...ugh...what time is it?... *Looks at the clock* it's almost sunrise....geez...

Male Doctor: *walks in* ah... you're awake. How are you feeling?

Jesse: it really hurts...how long do I have to stay here?

Male Doctor: *gives her a potion of healing* about a day. We need to see if you're actually alright and everything is working fine. For now take this so it stops hurting.

Jesse: *drinks the potion and her wound is gone* that's better...thank you...*looks at her left arm and eyes widen* what's wrong with my left arm?

Male doctor: we're not sure but we're trying to figure it out what it is okay. We know it's nothing evil or fatal.

Jesse: phew... that's good...*turns her head and looks at Lukas* huh? When did he get here?

Male Doctor: he's been waiting for you to wake up for hours...I guess he got too tired...

Jesse: aw...he stayed with me...that's...so sweet.

Male Doctor: yeah. Anyways, let me know if anything else happens. *Leaves*

Jesse: okay...*looks around the room*....what to do?....*gets out of her bed and walks around the hospital*

Doctor: *looks at her* h-hello...*is a bit scared*

Jesse: I'm so sorry I hurt you...I didn't have control over it...

Doctor: it's alright...but...why are you out of your room? Do you need something?

Jesse: no... just a bit hungry...

Doctor: alright. I'll get you some food. For now go back into your room. *Leaves*

Jesse: alright. *Goes into the room and looks at Lukas' journal*

"I'm so worried for Jesse. She hasn't woken up for hours. I'm getting so tired. What if she never wakes up? No. She's Jesse. She's stronger than that. She's the most amazing person in this world. I just have to be patient and not fall aslee-"

Jesse: oh Lukas....heheh *strokes his hair gently and flips through the pages of his journal*

"Jesse was so amazing. I can't believe she came back to help me fight Aiden. He was a real jerk, I hope he's never like that ever again. That's the last time I let him get away with that. Jesse's so beautiful with her emerald green eyes and charcoal black hair. It's hard to believe that she had became a hero of Sky City, well former sky city now. I wonder what other adventures we'll have in the future."

Jesse: *blushes* does he really mean that?

Lukas: *wakes up and looks at Jesse* J-Jesse...what are you doing?

Jesse: *eyes widen and pulls her hand away* n-nothing!

Lukas: heh *yawns* don't lie to me. I saw you. And heard you.

Jesse: *blushes deeply*

Lukas: heh so you're finally awake...how are you feeling?

Jesse: I'm just fine. Thanks. *Looks at Lukas' journal*

Lukas: *eyes widen and realizes the journal is still open and slams it shut* eheheheh

Jesse: *smiles and raises an eyebrow*

Lukas: you already looked in it, didn't you? *Blushes*

Jesse: heh yeah.

Lukas: *face turns completely red*

Jesse: eheheheh aw don't be embarrassed...what you wrote was sweet....

Lukas: *stays silent*

Jesse: *moves closer to him and puts her hand on his cheek* did you mean all that in your book?

Lukas: *slowly nods yes* it's just that you're so amazing...I didn't want to lose you. Nobody did. Especially me...I care alot about you...and I want you to be happy...

Jesse: *hugs Lukas* I'm happy, now that I'm awake and able to see your face again

Lukas: *blushes deeply*

Jesse: *eyes widen and tries pulling away*

Lukas: *wraps his arms around her and looks at her*

Jesse: *blushes more and smiles* heh...but.. I'm not that amazing..

Lukas: *touches her cheek* well...to me...you are...*pulls her in to a kiss*

Jesse: *eyes widen and face turns completely red*

Jesse: *eyes slowly close and puts her hands on Lukas' shoulders*

Doctor: *looks in the room and eyes widen* *slowly puts food on the table and leaves the room as quietly as possible*

Lukas: *breaks the kiss* heh sorry...I couldn't help myself...

Jesse: don't apologise. I liked it. Your lips were really smooth...

Lukas: heh so were yours.

*Both of them blush*

Jesse: aw heck...one more time...

Lukas: heh alright. *Kisses her again*

Jesse: *closes her eyes and touches his face*

Lukas: *strokes her hair*

*The sun has risen*

Male Doctor: *walks in and eyes widen* ahem.

Petra: what? *Sees them kiss* ooohh eheheheh

Jesse and Lukas: *eyes widen and break the kiss*

*Jesse and Lukas look at them while blushing deeply*

Male Doctor: you have visitors. *Leaves*

Petra: ha! I knew it! I knew you two were gonna be a thing. What did I tell ya? *Elbows Axel*

Axel: alright. Alright. Here's your stupid diamond. *Gives her a diamond*

Petra: heheh.

Jesse: w-what are you guys even doing here?

Petra: we were actually here to see if you were okay but it seems like you're more than okay. Eheheheh

Jesse: shut up!

Petra: heheh sorry. Anyways how are you feeling?

Jesse: alot better except that the veins in my left arm are glowing red for some reason. The doctors are trying to figure out what it is.

Petra: ah. Okay well I hope it's not anything dangerous.

Jesse: the doctor said it isn't.

Harper: good because the last thing we need is another bad thing happening.

Olivia: yeah.

Jesse: Olivia! How are you feeling?

Olivia: alot better.

Jesse: I'm so sorry I hurt you...

Olivia: stop apologizing. It was an accident.

Jesse: yeah... you're right...*sits on her hospital bed*

Petra: so how long are you staying here?

Jesse: at least a day...until the doctors figure out what's up with my arm...

Ivor: here let me see. *Grabs her arm* hm....I'm not so sure what it is... it's nothing like I've ever seen... glowing veins....

Petra: wait glowing veins? *Looks at her arm* it kinda reminds me of when I had the wither sickness. Do you feel hurt Jesse?

Jesse: no. Not at all...in fact...PAMA told me about it.

Harper: he did? What did he say?

Jesse: well...he said that this is a power that I now have the power of Wither. He said I can wither things away and destroy anything you touch if I wanted with this hand...but it's not hurting you guys is it?

Petra: no. Maybe you can control it.

Jesse: maybe.

Ivor: wait did PAMA say how you acquired  this power? I'm getting very curious.

Jesse: he said that I acquired this power when I built the formida-bomb or when I broke the command block. He said that I was in the Wither Storm for so long that it linked a bit of itself to me...I think...

Ivor: fascinating. We must learn more about this.

Petra: hold on Ivor. This is probably alot for Jesse to handle but...Jesse could you try to use your wither powers?

Jesse: I'm not sure how.

Petra: well...try to. Here. *Gives her a block of stone* try withering this

Jesse: okay...*concentrates and clenches the block with her hand and her glowing red veins turn black*

Jesse: *eyes widen and her arm transforms and the block withers away and her eyes turn black* {her arm looks like the picture above}

Jesse: *eyes widen* wh-what the?

*Everyone's eyes widen*

Axel: woah! That's so cool!

Jesse: *eyes turn back to her normal green and her arm is back to normal*

Jesse: *breathes heavily* that's...gonna take some getting used to...

Petra: yeah. But that was so awesome!

Jesse: *lays down on her bed* it was...but now I feel very exhausted....

Petra: alright. We'll give you some rest.

*Everyone sits down on chairs*

Jesse: *eats an apple and falls asleep*

{This was a really long chapter. I really hope you like this. There will be a continuation story of this storyline called "A new power" I hope you enjoy it. See you in the other story! Good night everyone.}

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