This can't be happening...

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Mevia: *has Axes in her hands* this game is over!

Jesse: no!!!

Mevia: *kills Jesse*

*Jesse poofs and her inventory is on the ground*

Jesse: *respawns* w-what? I....I

Hadrian: heheh...*picks up the Redstone heart* now time to get rid of Jesse forever! *Runs over to Jesse, breaks the fence barrier and shoves the Redstone heart into her chest*

"Jesse!!!" Her friends screamed, as she fell onto the floor and stopped moving.


Hadrian: don't worry. You guys will be next in line. Eheheheh

Jesse: aaaaaaahhhh!!!!! *Red electricity flows around her*

Hadrian: what the?

Jesse: *floats and changes into a new form {she looks like the picture above}* eheheheh ahahaha! *Has a robotic voice like when Lukas and Petra were controlled by PAMA* you guys though you could get rid of me didn't you? were sorely... mistaken! *Punches the ground and everything breaks apart* but first...*looks at Hadrian and Mevia* time to take care of you two. You killed me and now I will show you what tot feels like to respawn! won't be... ahahaha! *Grabs them, bashes their heads together and throws them across the arena*

Lukas: Jesse stop it!!

Jesse: oh look, it's the guy who used to be under my control. Eheheheh I can't wait to have you under my control again. You all have so much knowledge that I must process. This will surely be fun.

Jesse: now... who's knowledge shall I take first?...oh...I know... eheheheh....*grabs Olivia*

Olivia: aaahhh! Woah!! Put me down!

Jesse: I don't think so! *Drains her of her knowledge*

Petra: I'm not gonna stand for this! *Pulls out a sword she got from Hadrian's inventory room and attacks her*

Jesse: *grabs the sword* eheheheh are you serious right now? Heheh *tosses her over her head, making her let go of the sword*

Jesse: *puts Olivia down* eheheheh so much knowledge to process. I love it.

Olivia: ugh...ngh...*her eyes are greyed out and her body is weak* head...

Axel: Olivia are you alright?

Olivia: who's Olivia? Where am I? Who are you people?! *Backs away slowly but looks down at her own shadow* ah! Stop following me! *Runs around*

Jesse: eheheheh she's even afraid of her own shadow! That's hilarious!

Petra: *gets up and grabs Jesse from behind and punches her face*

Jesse: gah! *Falls down* tch...the warrior Petra. Your knowledge was very useful last time.

Petra: yeah, well I'm not giving you anymore! Now get out of Jesse!

Jesse: eheheheh well I'm sorry but...I can't do that. Our hearts are now beating as one. If you destroy destroy Jesse. Eheheheh ahahaha!

Petra: you're lying! *Pulls out another sword and they spar*

Jesse: eheheheh you don't know when to quit do you? *Their swords clash*

Petra: no, I don't! *cuts Jesse's cheek deeply*

Jesse: aaahhh!! *Covers her cheek as it bleeds*

Petra: you can't even use Jesse's body correctly. She fights way better than that.

Jesse: oh yeah? We'll see about that...ngh....*vision gets blurry, falls down and passes out*

Petra: Jesse!

*In Jesse's head*

Jesse: where...where am I?

*PAMA shows up in front of her*

Jesse: no...not you again.

PAMA: yes, it is me again. I have finally been brought back into this world to make everyone useful and gain knowledge from them. I will make all your friends useful and I have finally made you useful. I am very delighted I have made you useful. Are you?

Jesse: no! You better have not hurt my friends!

PAMA: sorry Jesse but it's already too late. Olivia had so much knowledge that I couldn't help it.

Jesse: you monster!

PAMA: you shouldn't be calling that. It's a reward. I have finally made her useful. Now I must go and process this information and make your friends more useful.

Jesse: I'm done listening to your nonsense! *Stabs the computer screen* tch..

*Back to the Arena*

Jesse: *wakes up* what happened to me? Ah! Ouch. *Touches her cheek and feels the stitches on it*

Lukas: huh? You're awake! Wait...are you really Jesse?

Jesse: yes Lukas but I don't know for how long...

Lukas: I'll go get the others. *Leaves*

Jesse: *looks at herself* wh-what am I wearing?

Jesse: *looks at her hair and sees red* what happened to me?....

*Her friends walk into the room*

Jesse: *turns her head and looks at them* guys! What happened?!

Harper: when you respawned, Hadrian put PAMA's redstone heart in you to kill you but that's not how it went and PAMA somehow took over your body.

Jesse: great... just great...

Jesse: *looks at Olivia and eyes widen* Olivia! What happened to her?

Harper: when PAMA took you over, PAMA grabbed Olivia and drained her of her she barely recognizes us...

Jesse: no... Olivia...I'm so sorry...

Petra: it's not your fault Jesse. PAMA took you over just like me and Lukas.

Jesse: *sighs* what are we gonna do?...

Lukas: I don't know Jesse but if it was anything like last time, we need water to get rid of PAMA

Harper: alright I'll go get it. *Leaves*

Ivor: I can't believe that redstone heart was capable of controlling Jesse. Although, since PAMA controlled a whole town, that doesn't seem too out of the ordinary.

Jesse: head hurts...*holds her head and lays down on a bed*

Lukas: hey, you okay? *Puts his hand on her back*

Jesse: yeah... I'm just getting a really hurts

Petra: that's how I felt after you unchipped me last time.

Jesse: I didn't know it hurt this much...*looks up and one eye is red and the other is her normal green*

Lukas: Jesse? *Touches her face* your eyes...

Jesse: no...PAMA's coming back! Ugh! *Holds her head* aaaaaaahhhh!!! *Electricity flows around her and makes a shockwave pushing Lukas back*

Lukas: ah! *Hits against a wall then falls down*

Petra: Lukas!

{PAMA is coming back! Will Harper get the water in time to save Jesse? Find out in the next chapter.}

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