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Jesse: *eyes flash red and smiles and voice turns robotic again* I am back. Yay! I have finally finished processing Olivia's knowledge. It was all wonderful. Your town seems like such a nice place with so many people that have so much knowledge.

Lukas: it'll be just like before, you're never going to get into our town!

Petra: yeah! And we intend to keep it that way!

Jesse: oh Petra... Petra Petra don't get it do you? I will get away with it, I promise you and then everyone will be made useful.

Petra: and how will you do that?!

Jesse: it's simple really. *Walks over to the obsidian cage Otto is in*

Axel: that's obsidian! You're never getting through that.

Jesse: hm...*looks over at Hadrian and Mevia*

Hadrian: *is breathing heavily as he lays on the ground with a small gash on his head*

Mevia: *breathes heavily as blood is on her head and lips* great plan, Hadrian....

Hadrian: shut up, you idiot...

Mevia: *slowly gets up* well, it wasn't my idea to do that!

Hadrian: I said shut up! I've had enough out of you!

Jesse: ahem. *Smiles maniacaly* you two done yet?

Mevia: we're not done with you! Aaaahhh!!! *Runs up to her and attacks her with her axes*

Jesse: *immediately grabs them* oh...I'm not dying the same way as before. That would just be*picks her up* you! *Throws her across the room as she hits the wall so hard, she dies on impact* eheheheh so much for being an amazing Old Builder... *Walks over and picks up her inventory* ah...a pickaxe...perfect...

Hadrian: come on Mevia! What kind of rookie move was that?! *Pulls out his sword and sneak attacks her as she picks up the pickaxe and stabs her in her back*

Jesse: gah! *Breathes heavily and coughs up blood* *falls down onto her knees*

Hadrian: I made one mistake by giving you that Redstone heart, now I won't let you live. *Is about to kill her*

Jesse: tch...rah!!! *turns around and decapitates him with her pickaxe*

Hadrian: *his body is laying on the ground*

Jesse: ugh...*pulls the sword out of her back* *sucks the knowledge out of Hadrian's and Mevia's bodies* bye bye old builders. *Steps on their bodies and they poof* *walks over and picks up Hadrian's inventory*

Petra: I can't believe this is happening...

Jesse: *gets on her knees and passes out from blood loss*

Lukas: Jesse!

*Moments later*

*In Jesse's head*

Jesse: let me out PAMA! you stupid computer!

PAMA: please stop fighting, Jesse. I have made you useful and have made Hadrian and Mevia useful too. They were filled with so much more knowledge than I had hoped. It'll take a while to process all of it. Thanks to you I have finally made them useful.

Jesse: they may have been bad but they never deserved to die permanently! Stop making people useful PAMA! You're hurting them!

PAMA: you will never understand Jesse. You're so misguided.

Jesse: shut up! I'm not misguided! This is not how you treat people!

PAMA: hearing you say this is not very useful, but in the meantime, I must go and process this information. Good bye. *Disappears*

Jesse:...*tears fall from her eyes* you heartless computer...

*Back in the arena*

Lukas: she killed heartlessly...damn you PAMA...

Ivor: why would PAMA even do that?! When we were at Town Mesa, PAMA never wanted to kill us...just make us...ugh..."useful"...but why kill now?

Petra: it's probably because Jesse's and PAMA'S personalities are intertwined now....or something....

Lukas: probably. Jesse did destroy PAMA before and kill the Wither storm. So maybe.

Axel: well whatever it is, we need to get the old Jesse back and destroy this PAMA person.

Ivor: it's not a person, it's a computer...of some sort..

Axel: whatever.

Olivia: well whatever it is... it's so... what's that word?

Em: terrifying?

Olivia: yeah. That.

Petra: I didn't know you were still here Em.

Em: well, Jesse was nice to me and I can't just leave in her time of need.

Petra: you know, when we first met you, I thought you were a jerk...but you're okay...

Em: not much of a compliment but I'll take it.

Ivor: *is stitching Jesse's stomach wound closed*

Lukas: is she?

Ivor: she's not so great... Hadrian stabbed her clean through...and I forgot to bring healing don't know if she'll make it... She's lost alot of blood...

Lukas: no... Jesse...

Petra: can't be serious.

Ivor: I'm sorry but... this is as much as I can do... I'm sorry...*wraps bandages around her stomach*

Axel: if you let her die, you'll be next.

Ivor: geez calm down. We don't know if she's really dead yet.

Axel: still. Don't forget what I said.

Ivor: whatever.

Lukas: *is holding Jesse's hand* please wake up...

Petra: *puts her hand on Lukas' shoulder*

Ivor: I'm gonna try finding a potion room. I'll try making a healing potion. *Walks away*

Lukas: please hurry!

Petra: yeah!

Jesse: *coughs up blood and sits up* ugh! Aaaahhh!! That hurts so badly! *Eyes are back to their normal green*

Lukas: Jesse! *Hugs her tightly*

Jesse: augh! Ow! That hurts!

Lukas: I'm so sorry Jesse. *Blushes*

Jesse: *breathes heavily and blushes a bit* s-so.. what happened?...

Petra: you defeated Hadrian and Mevia... that's good I guess..

Jesse: yeah but...what happened here? *Puts her hand on her stomach stitches* ugh!

Lukas: careful. Don't touch them.

Petra: Hadrian stabbed you, clean through your body..

Jesse: so that's why my back also feels like it's on fire...

Lukas: yeah... we're so sorry for not doing anything. We were just so scared.

Jesse: it's least I got revenge for you guys...right? Heheh...

Petra: stop joking around...this is serious.

Lukas: your life is on the line...

Jesse: yeah...yeah...sorry...

Harper: *comes back with the water* hey is everything okay?

Jesse: *continues coughing up blood* we're just fine.

Harper: oh no...I'm so sorry. I should've come back sooner but I have the water now.

Lukas: awesome.

Petra: yeah, but how are we going to get it on PAMA'S redstone heart? Jesse is in very bad condition.

Harper: I'm not sure but it'll be very difficult...

Jesse: guys I promise I'm fine...

Lukas: no you're not... you're getting weaker by the second... your skin is so pale now...and it feels so cold...

Jesse: I'm sorry..

Axel: Jesse stop apologizing.

Lukas: yeah. You have nothing to apologise for.


Ivor: *comes back* I have a potion of healing!

Lukas: good! Give it here!

Ivor: *gives it to Lukas*

Lukas: here your mouth...

Jesse: I don't need help... just...give me the bottle...

Lukas: no... you're too weak...*opens the bottle and makes her drink the potion* there. Better?

Jesse: yes...thank you...

Em: now how are we going to get that water on her heart?

Harper: we'd have to perform surgery on her or something...

Jesse: *eyes widen* please no...

Harper: sorry Jesse. It's the only way...

Jesse: wait. There's a doctor in our town. Maybe he could help with getting the water in...

Harper: alright. We'd have to get the Atlas from Otto.

Jesse: crap! He's still in the obsidian cage along with the other players.

Lukas: well let's go get them out.

Jesse: *pulls out her pickaxe* yeah.

Jesse: *walks over to all the obsidian cages and mines them out*

Otto: woah?! what happened to you Jesse?!

Jesse: it's a long story.

Lukas: one we don't have time for.

Harper: we need the Atlas Otto.

Otto: alright, but I want to do what's right and send these people back to their homes.

Lukas: please hurry. We're in a rush.

Otto: alright alright.

*30 minutes later*

Otto: alright Jesse. Here's the Atlas. You have defeated Hadrian and Mevia and you deserve to keep the Atlas.

Jesse: thanks Otto. How do I use this?

Otto: just tell the Atlas where you want to go...and the Atlas with show you the way...

Jesse: okay...well..see you later Em and Nell. Maybe our paths will cross again.

Nell: yeah. See you later dude. *Hugs her* get better yeah?

Jesse: yeah. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.

Nell: yeah. It sure was. Don't be a stranger okay *Waves goodbye and goes through the portal*

Jesse: okay! Bye! *Waves back*

Em: Jesse I wish I could help you more but I have no idea about anything about this.

Jesse: it's alright. You stay safe okay Em?

Em: yeah. See you later Jesse and stay safe *Walks through her portal*

Jesse: you too. Bye.

Otto: by the way...When Lukas, Ivor and Petra died, I stored your stuff in a chest* I think these all belong to you. *Gives them their things*

Petra: my armor! *Puts her armor on*

Ivor: *puts his Robe on*

Lukas: my journal! Thanks Otto. *Puts his armor on*

Otto: you're welcome. Now go fix Jesse.

Lukas: right!

Jesse: alright...*opens the Atlas* book...take us home.

*The book shows the way home*

Everyone: woah! Amazing!

Lukas: come on guys. We gotta fix Jesse as soon as possible.

Petra: yeah!

*Harper, Petra, Lukas, Ivor, Axel, Olivia and Jesse go through the portal*

Jesse: I can't believe that we're home.

Harper: come on! *Grabs her arm* we gotta get her to the hospital!

Lukas: right!

{This was such a long chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I have so many ideas written down in a rough draft. I can't wait to share more stories with you. For now, I hope you enjoy this.}

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