Will it work?

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*All of them go to the hospital*

Harper: *talks to the woman at the desk* we need someone to perform heart surgery on Jesse.

Woman behind the desk: wh- *eyes widen* oh my gosh! It's the Order of the Stone! Guys it's the Order of the Stone!

*People in the main room crowd around them*

Harper: stop! We need someone to help us!

Random guy: I can't believe it's the Order!

Ivor: get away from us you idiots! We're here on important business!

Petra: *pulls out her sword* everyone shut up and back away!

*Everyone is quiet and back away*

Petra: now...we need a heart surgeon to help us remove something.

Doctor: *walks over* why would you need a doctor?

Petra: something got stuck in Jesse's heart and we need to have it removed.

Doctor: what is it?

Petra: a redstone heart.

Doctor: a what?

Petra: no time to explain. Just please hurry!

Doctor: ...well...I'll see what I can do. Follow me Jesse.

Jesse: *follows her*

*The rest of them try to follow them*

Doctor: I'm sorry. The rest for you will have to stay here.

Petra: what? Why?

Doctor: sanitary reasons.

Jesse: it'll be fine...

Lukas: please let at least one of us wait outside. Something back could happen to her.

Doctor: fine. Only one and only outside of the surgery room. So who's gonna go?

Petra: *elbows Lukas* heh go on Lukas.

Lukas: huh? *Blushes* a-alright.

Jesse: *turns her head and blushes a bit*

Doctor: let's just get started.

*The doctor, Jesse and Lukas walk to the surgery room*

Doctor: *places a chair by the door* wait here.

Lukas: *sits down* alright. Keep Jesse safe.

Doctor: we'll try our best. And heart surgery usually lasts about 3-6 hours so... please be patient...

Lukas: that long? Okay...

Jesse: see you later Lukas...

Lukas: yeah...see ya...

*Jesse and the Doctor go into the surgery room*

*10 minutes later*

Doctor: lay down for me.

Jesse: *is in a surgical gown and lays down* I'm a little nervous...

Doctor: don't worry. You'll be knocked out. You'll feel some pain for a while after but you'll be just fine.

Jesse: alright doc....

Doctor: *grabs a needle {sorry if you're afraid of needles}* this'll only hurt a little.

Jesse: *closes her eyes tightly*

Doctor: relax. It'll hurt more if you tighten your muscles.

Jesse: *opens her eyes as red electricity flows around her and her eyes are red* how about you relax?! *Grabs the needle and injects it into the doctor and knocks her out*

Doctor: gah!!...ngh..........*closes her eyes*.....

Jesse: *drains the doctor of her knowledge and then breaks out the window*

Lukas: *eyes widen as he heard the Doctor scream* what's goin- *eyes widen as he sees Jesse jump out* Jesse!

Jesse: *her surgery gown is cut up a bit from the glass as she lands on the ground and has a cut on her right foot from the glass* ugh! Ow! Stupid human body...*limps a bit and hides behind a building*

Lukas: *runs to the main lobby* Jesse ran off again! We gotta hurry!

Petra: crap! Come on we gotta go!

*All of them run out the door*

Petra: where could she have gone?

Lukas: I don't know. I saw her break through this window so let's go straight. She couldn't have gotten far.

*They run through the town*

Jesse: *rips off a bit of the bottom of her surgery gown til it's below her knees and wraps the cloth around her foot and slowly sneaks around town*

Lukas: where could she have gone?

Petra: I don't know but we need to keep searching. Let's split up. That way we'll find her easier. Lukas and I will search this part of town. Ivor and Harper, you search at the South side of town and Axel and Olivia can search the rest.

Axel: alright.

Harper: if you find Jesse shout out loud so we can find you.

Petra: if you can't find her in your section let's meet back at the hospital. We'll regroup there. Got it?

All of them: yes!

Petra: alright then let's do it!

*They all split up*

Jesse: this'll make things so much easier to drain them of their knowledge...but how will I defend myself?...I have nothing...oh...I know...*sneakily walks into the Order Hall* hm...what should I choose? {Before Jesse was killed she had on The Star Shield and the clothes she had on when she first became PAMA (the picture in the first part) but now all her belongings are at the hospital}

Jesse: ah! Perfect. *Puts on The Redstone Riot* now I need a weapon...crap...my sword is in the hospital...

Lukas: I'll check in here alright Petra.

Petra: alright. Don't take too long. We gotta find her.

Lukas: right. *Goes into the Order Hall*

Jesse: crap. *Runs to one of the display blocks and hides behind them*

Lukas: *eyes widen as he hears footsteps and looks around* *pulls out his bow* Jesse?! You here?! *Looks around and sees that The Redstone Riot is missing* she must've been here...

Jesse: *turns her head and sees him with a bow* *thinks* great...

Lukas: I gotta tell Petra. *leaves*

Petra: did you find anything?

Lukas: not Jesse but one of the other armor sets were missing.

Petra: she must be close by then...

*Both of them continue searching*

Jesse: *stands up* we really need a weapons room.

Jesse: *sneaks through town until she finds a blacksmith shop* hey a need a diamond sword. Got one?

Blacksmith: yeah I have one. But it'll be a bit pricey.

Jesse: come on. It's me Jesse. The hero of the world. Come on. I really need it.

Blacksmith: fine but you owe me a huge favor later on. *Gives her the sword*

Jesse: yeah, yeah. Thanks. *Leaves*

Jesse: now...who should I go after first?.... let's get the weakling out of the way...*goes after Axel and Olivia*

Axel: *has his arm around her as they're walking* hey are you okay?

Olivia: yes...I'm fine...for right now...my head just really hurts....

Axel: wanna take a break?

Olivia: no...we gotta find....uh....

Axel: Jesse.

Olivia: yeah...Jesse...

Jesse: *sneaks behind them and grabs Axel's head and slowly drains him of his knowledge*

Axel: aaahhh! Let go of me! *Pulls away and punches Jesse right in her face*

Jesse: gah! *A tooth comes out and falls down to the floor* ugh! Crap! *Spits out blood and touches where her tooth is missing* oh now you're going to regret that. *Eyes flash red*

{PAMA has set his sights on Axel. Will he be strong enough to take him on? Or will he be made useful too? Find out in the next chapter.}

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