Chapter 1; Demons & Night Terrors

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"Books are a uniquely portable magic."

~ Stephen King


Alice's P.O.V


    Darkness. Cold. Shouting.

    I run deeper into the forest, not knowing exactly where I'm headed. It doesn't really matter, as long as I'm far away from this awful place.
They're coming, they're going to catch me, I can hear them yelling from afar. As I jump over a low hanging branch I hear his voice, laughing at me, taunting me.

    I duck under the vines hanging from the tree in front of me as I foolishly space a glance behind me. I can see a group of boys, a few meters behind, gaining on me. Thankfully, I spot a small clearing of trees ahead and try my luck in losing them in the trees. Willing myself to run faster, I sprint across the clearing and into the shelter of the tall trees.

    I quickly look for the nearest tree and hide behind it, leaning onto it for support, my mouth dry and my lungs screaming for oxygen. I rest my bodyweight against the tree and wish that I could disappear into the tree, hidden from the ones who are chasing me. My breathing picks up as the shouting gradually gets louder as they get closer to my hiding place.

    I hold my breath as they run past me, praying that none of them will notice me standing there. I breathe a sigh of relief, wiping the perspiration from my forehead. But that relief is short lived as a hand is quickly placed over my mouth, preventing me from screaming. I am then grabbed by the waist and pressed against someone's hard chest.

    "Found you," says the demon's voice in my ear.
    His breath sending shivers down my spine, paralyzing me. "You can never escape me, Love. You're mine now."

    I wake up screaming.

    My mouth dry, and I'm covered in cold sweat, my night clothes sticking onto my skin. I'm lying on the floor, tangled up in my sheets. This is the fifth time this month that I've had this night terror. But this is the first time I've ever heard the demon's voice. My dreams usually consists of a group of hooded figures chasing me, then him finding me afterwards.

    And I always wake up in cold sweat after he catches me, but for some reason, this night terror was different. I shake off the thought of my nightmare and get up from the floor of my bedroom, picking up my phone that had dropped from my nightstand. I give the screen two quick taps, wincing as the bright light fills my vision.

    6:38 a.m.

    Yawning, I straighten my crumpled covers and pick up my fallen pillows. I then walk over to window and open it, letting the cold September breeze into my room, causing the curtains to dance in the wind. My hair flies in the breeze and only then do I notice that my hair had came out of its braid. I make my way to the bathroom to wash up, holding an outfit in my hands.

    I take a quick shower and change into my chosen outfit, which is a black crop with the quote "Normal People Scare Me" printed in white font, high-waisted jeens and a pair of dark red sneakers. I hum a tune as I run a brush through my wavy brown locks. I look into the the mirror above my bathroom sink and take in my features.

    Dark brown eyes stare back at me. My face is surprisingly still free of pimples (something that my mum passed on to me) despite me being sixteen years old. I haven't grown much over the past year either, standing at a mere 5"4. Which is pretty uncommon for a sixteen year old, unless you happened to have my genes. Again, I have my Eurasian mum to thank for that.

    After I had washed up and changed out of my pajamas, the time on my phone reads 6:50 a.m. I have about half an hour to kill until I have to leave for school. I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen. The only noise in the house is the sound of my footsteps as I walk down the spiraling staircase.

    My breakfast consists of an apple, a glass of water, and a cheese sandwich. The wooden chair squeaks as I stand up to give my dirty dishes to Nisha, our maid. You might be wondering where my parents are, and why they would leave me here alone. Well, mother is no longer with me, may her soul rest in peace. She died a couple years back, but the reason behind her death still remains a mystery to me.

     As for my father, he is very much alive and well. You would think that as I'm an only child, it would make my father want to spend more time with me. But no, he's always busy with an important project. He's a businessman, and a very good one at that. Because of his hard work, he is well known in many countries, which makes me well known, seeing as I'm his sole heir to his fortune and all.

    Because of this, I'm am placed in a private school, away from the public. Unlike most private schools, my school allows us to wear whatever we desire, as long as it isn't too skimpy or revealing. The teachers are nice enough and so are some of my peers, but sometimes I can't help but wish I that could be placed in a public school, where I don't have to face snobby teenagers who can get away with doing almost anything.

    I thank Nisha as I leave the kitchen and head to the library. As my father is never around, he has hired a couple of maids to help out with the housework, and to keep me company. Which is kinds pointless but it's the thought that counts. I walk up the stairs until I reach the third floor, where the study and the library is situated.

    The library is huge with bookshelves bulit all around the room, into the wall. The library floor is made of wood and the curtains are made from expensive silk. I walk up to the nearest book shelf and pick up a book at random. As I make my way to the loveseat I look at the cover of the book and realised that I picked up Divergent, the book that made me realize my love for reading.

    I lose myself in the fictional world of Veronica Roth's creation.
    As I always say, "Books are my escape from reality."
    I would've completely lost track of the time (again) if it wasn't for one of the maids reminding me that I had to leave for school. I say goodbye to the maids as I walk out the front door, my backpack slung on my right shoulder. I smile at the chauffeur as he opens the car door for me, and greets me.

    The ride to the school is silent, as it always is. When we arrive at the school, he opens the door for me then drives off as I walk away.


Hey guys, what do you think of my fanfic so far?


Goals for this story: 1K reads, 2 comments per chapter, and 100 votes



100Kay reads [28 June 2016]



- #151 in Fanfiction [???]
- #183 in Fanfiction [29.09.2016]
- #374 in Fanfiction [30.09.2016]
- #208 in Fanfiction [05.10.2016]
- #313 in Fanfiction [05.10.2016]
- #577 in Fanfiction [06.10.2016]
- #143 in Fanfiction [10.10.2016]
- #276 in Fanfiction [12.10.2016]
- #199 in Fanfiction [14.10.2016]
- #640 in Fanfiction [19.10.2016]
- #61 in Fanfiction [19.10.2016]
- #64 in Fanfiction [20.10.2016]

Other achievements:

#24 in OUAT
#1 in Peter Pan
#421 in Fantasy
#228 in Comedy
#12 in Robbie Kay


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3 xx


Edited: 19.11.2017

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