Chapter 2; For A Nerd You're Pretty Dumb

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"Sometimes Me Think, 'What is Friend?' and then Me say, 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with."

~ Cookie Monster


Third Person's P.O.V


    "Hey, you made it," said a tall boy with brown hair, jumping off a metal railing.
    The boy wore a white shirt with the Hogwarts logo printed on it, brown ankle-length jeens and blue high-cut sneakers.

    "I told you she'd come. Alice is not the kind of person who'd miss the the last day of school. Now, pay up," demanded a boy with raven-black hair who was wearing an 'Evanescence' top, holding out his hand, palm facing the brunette.

    "Okay, okay. Here," said the brunette, handing him a five dollar bill.
    "Thank you," replied the boy smugly, folding the bill and placing it inside the pocket of his jeens.
    "You guys seriously bet on whether or not I'd show up?" asked Alice, raising an eyebrow.
    "Yup," chorused the two boys in unison.
    "After all, it's not like you didn't show up on the last day of school before, Alice," added the brunette.

    "That was one time!" protested Alice as she adjusted the strap of her bag.
    "For a book fair, Alice. A book fair," said the raven-haired boy, shaking his head.
    "The books were half off on that day. Besides, I couldn't pass that up for something as unimportant as school," stated Alice, gesturing to the building in front of them.
    He laughed. "You really need to get your priorities sorted out."
    "Yeah, whatever. Come on, we're going to be late," replied Alice as she walked past the school gate.

    Well, it's about time I introduced the boys. Firstly, the boy with raven-black hair is Lewis, Lewis Q. Miller.
    Lewis's backstory is just like Alice's, he lost his Mother when he was young and his Father mostly ignores him. As for the brunette, his name is Will, Will C. Robertson. Will's story is just like the rest of them his parents are rich and famous, the only difference is his parents are divorced.

    Unlike Lewis and Alice, Will has siblings, well, half-siblings, twins girls and a baby brother. The boys are average for sixteen year olds, Lewis is 5"8 and Will is 6"1. Appearance wise, aside from the shoulder-length black hair, Lewis also has red highlights with snake bites, and piercings on his ear.

    As for Will, he has short, wavy light brown hair, a sharp nose, freckles and glasses. What a weird group right? Although Lewis may seem like the stereotypical emo he's kind of a musical prodigy. In fact, he is a musical prodigy, after all he can play any musical instrument. As for Will, athough he looks like a total nerd and gets 'A's for every single subject, he's their school's star athlete.

    The three of them all grew up together and went to the same nursery and primary school together. Okay, enough of the history lesson, let's go back to the present.

    "I can't believe it's already the last day of school," said Will as they entered their classroom.
    "I know right? From tomorrow onwards we can finally sleep in," added Alice.
    "Are you guys ready for tonight?" asked Lewis, sitting down.
    "Yup, I've already packed my bags," replied Alice, nodding her head.

    "And I've already packed the snacks," said Will, holding up his red drawstring bag.
    "Great, I can't wait for school to be over," said Lewis, putting his headphones on.

    As the hours crawled by slowly and the teachers returned them their exam papers, the boys and Alice started feeling very restless. By the time it reached the last period, they had already started to count down the minutez and seconds till the lessons were over.

    "Two minutes and ten seconds..."
    "Two minutes and nine seconds..."
    "Two minutes and eight seconds..."
    "Two minutes an-"
      "Would you stop that!" shouted the geography teacher. "If I hear someone counting down till the end of the lesson, I'm giving you all detention!"

    "One minute and forty five seconds..." muttered Will under his breath, which caused Lewis and Alice to grin.

    At the last few seconds of the period, the entire class had started counting down together.
    "TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!" screamed the class keeping their eyes peeled to the digital clock, which was above the whiteboard.
    At the exact moment eveyone shouted 'one' the last bell of the day rang loudly, causing all the students to run out of the classroom.

    "School's finally over!" exclaimed Will as they exited the school doors, dramatically throwing his worksheets in the air.
    "You do know that you still have to pick that up, right?" said Alice, pointing at the worksheet strewn on the grassy football field.
    Groaning, Will bent down and picked up the fallen pieces of paper.

    "For a nerd, you're pretty dumb," said Lewis, shaking his head as he watched his friend pick up the pieces of paper.
    "Whatever," said Will, rolling his eyes.
    "Stop it, girls. You're both pretty," said Alice, trying not to burst out laughing.
    "I'll have you know that I'm a man," said Will puffing out his chest and flexing his muscles.

    "Some man.  If my memory serves, you were struggling to open bottled water yesterday," teased Alice, poking his bicep, causing all of them to laugh.
    "Come on guys, my car's this way," said Lewis as he walked towards the red Ferrari parked at the side of the curb.
    "I call shotgun!" shouted Alice they neared the red car.

    "Aww, but I wanted to call shotgun," whined Will childishly.
     "You snooze, you lose," teased Alice, sticking out her tounge.
    "Guys, just shut up and get in the car," said Lewis, unlocking the car doors.


    "Are we there yet?" asked Will for the umptheen time.
    "Will, this is the eighteenth time you asked me that in the past hour," replied Lewis, clearly annoyed.
    "It's just— Argghh! This stupid guitar is stabbing me in the ribs!" groaned Will, pushing the said guitar aside.

    After the ribcage incident, there was ten minutes of peaceful silence...
    Until Will decided to break it again by saying, "Now, are we there yet?"

    Which caused Alice to burst out laughing, and Lewis to make a cross between an annoyed and frustrated sound.
    After a long drive and countless of "Are we there yet"s, courtesy of Will, they finally reached Lewis's mansion. Alice un-buckled her seat belt as the car passed the matal gates, and came to a stop in front of the mansion.

    "Home sweet home," said Lewis, swinging the mansion's French doors open...


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Edited: 19.11.2017

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