Chapter 39; It's Not Just A Storybook

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"I'm waiting for the day when I'm able to say, "I made it."

~ Jacob Holguin


Felix's P.O.V


    "How's the situation in Storybrooke going?"
    "The reports are positive," I say. "Greg and Tamara are confident that they'll be able to carry out their mission without any more speedbumps."
    "What of The Saviour?" Pan asks. "Is she still on to Tamara?"
    I nod. "Yes, if anything, she's even more convinced that she's up to something."

    He shakes his head. "She's a persistent lass, I'll give 'er that."
    "Is there anything else I need to know?" he asks.
    "Greg and Tamara said that they're planning on abducting The Truest Believer soon," I inform him.
    "Good, so you're familiar with the plan for when he gets here?"
    "Yes, but what about Alice?"

    "Don't worry about her, I've got it all planned," he assures me.
    "You do know you can't keep her in the dark forever, right?"
    He nods. "Yes, I am well awear that this'll all backfire someday."
    "And when it does?"
    "I have a plan for that, too."


Alice's P.O.V


    "Just. A. Little. Bit. Further," I mumble, extending my hand towards the shelf.
    I hear footsteps approaching me. "Alice—What are you doing?"
    I crane my head to the side, seeing a familiar brown-haired boy. "Oh, hey, Peter."
    "What are you doing?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.
    "I'm trying to reach that book," I say, turning my attention back to the bookcase.

    "Ugh!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up. "I give up."
    Peter pushes himself off the doorframe and walks past me me. He reaches up and effortlessly pulls the faded leather bound book out of the shelf.
    He holds the book out towards me. "Here."
    I roll my eyes, taking the book from him. "God, I hate tall people."

    "Well, it's not my fault that you're so short."
    "Stop calling me short."
    "What would you rather me call you then? A midget?"
    "Now that's just plain mean."
    "Well it's true, isn't it?"
    I walk away from him, headed towards the couch. "Don't start."
    "You started it not me."

    I plop against the couch cushions and spread my legs across the couch. I tune Peter out by reading the book...
    It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened. No. Wrong word, Jonas thought. Frightened meant that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible was about to

    "Hey!" I exclaim as Peter takes the book from me. "Give it back."

    "What are you reading?" he asks, glancing at the cover.

    "Peter, I swear, if you don't give the book back to me right now, I'll knee you so hard you won't ever be able to have children."

    "The Giver," he reads out loud, ignoring my warning. "Hmm. You don't strike me as someone who reads children's books."
    "It isn't a children's book," I say.
    Peter ignores my previous sentence. "Why are you reading this children's book anyway?"

    I snatch the book from his hands. "It's not a children's book. And if you must know, I'm reading this book because I promised Cassie and the twins that I'd tell them a bedtime story. I've run of stories to tell them."
    "That and I need to unwind from this afternoon's training," I add.
    "Don't you have better things to do than spend time with the younger kids?" he asks.

    "I'm not saying that I'm against it, I'm just wondering why you spend time when them so much," he adds as an afterthought when he sees the look on my face.
    "The boys have stopped talking to me ever since that incident," I say. "And if you haven't already noticed, I don't exactly have a social life."
    "Why can't you just make new friends?" Peter asks.
    "Like I said earlier, I'm not a very sociable person," I say.

    "I'm the type of girl who hates everyone but a handful of people, and if I like you, you must be really special to me," I add.
    Peter places his hands over his heart dramatically. "Aww, thanks, love."
    I scoff. "What makes you think that I like you?"
    "You know you love me," he says.
    "Do I?"

    Peter gets on the couch and pulls me onto his lap. "Yes, you do."
    I attempt to get up, but Peter pulls me back down, causing the book to fall out of my hand and onto the floor with a thud.
    I cry out dramatically, attempting to get out of his grip and reach for the book. "No! My baby!"
    "It's just a book."

    "It's more than just a book," I say.
    "I can't believe you're defending a stupid book."
    "It's not a stupid book."
    I look at the fallen book then back at Peter. "Let me go, you mean giant."
    "Not until you admit that you love me," he says.
    I try to pry his hands off my wrists but he doesn't move an inch.

    "Ugh! What's with you and doing things like this?" I exclaim.
    "You know you like it," he teases.
    I roll my eyes. "You're so full of yourself, you know that?"
    "Don't lie to me, love"
    "I'm not lying."
    "Yeah, I can tell."

    "I'm not getting off you until you say it."
    "Don't you have better things to do?"
    "No, not really."
    "So you aren't going to check up on the Lost Boys?"
    "Nope, I have Felix for that."
    "Then what exactly is your function?"

    "I'm in charge, I make sure Lost Ones like you don't do stupid things on a daily basis."
    "Ouch, you know, if you're going to insult me, you might as well let me go."
    "And why would I want to do that?" Peter asks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I am not letting you go until you say it."
    "You're being immature," I say. "And it's really unattractive."

    " "Peter" and "unattractive" are two words that can never be in a sentence together."
    "Oh yeah, says who?"
    "Says me, Peter Pan, the devilishly attractive leader of the Lost Ones."
    I roll my eyes. "Your ego is showing."
    "Is that really a bad thing?" he asks, his face an inch away from mine.

    "Yeah, would it kill you to be modest?"
    "Actually yes, it would."
    "Could you please let me go?" I ask nicely.
    "Let me think about it. No," he replies.

    I groan, wanting nothing more than to read my book. "Will you get off me if I say it now?"

    Peter pretends to think about it. "No promises."
    "Then no deal."
    "Fine," he replies, letting go of my wrists and brushing his hands up my sides. "Feel free to stay quiet for as long as you like, I don't know about you, but I quite like this position."
    He then starts tickling me and at that moment I swear I had never wanted to hit someone that badly.

    It takes me less than a few seconds to cave.

    "I GIVE UP!" I shriek. "I lo-"

    The sound of the library doors slamming open cuts me off. "Pan!"
    Peter groans, pulling back. He grits his teeth, glaring daggers at the blond boy standing by the door. "What do you want, Felix?"
    "We have a situation," Felix reports.
    "Can't it wait?" Peter asks, letting go of me.

    "No, it's about—" Felix trails off, suddenly noticing that I'm in the room with them. "May I speak to you in private?"
    Peter looks at me then back at Felix. "You go ahead, I'll meet you at the spot."
    Felix nods mutely, walking out of the room. Peter sighs, turning back to face me. "Sorry 'bout that, love."

    I prop myself up on the couch. "It's fine."
    "We'll continue this later," Peter promises, walking out the door.
    "Thank God, that's over," I say outloud. I can't believe that I was so close to saying that I loved him. I could've lost The Game if I blurted that out. I reach for the book lying on the ground and smack myself in the head. God, I'm an idiot!


Felix's P.O.V


    I stand under the shade of a tall tree, waiting for Pan to arrive. I shake my head, he's so going to kill me for interrupting their moment. I scratch my neck uncomfortably, why is it that I always manage to barge into the room when they're in an intimate position. I shudder. God, I'm never going to un-see that. I should really knock instead of just—

    I turn around. "Sorry about that, Pan, I didn't mean to—"
    "Just tell me what you need to tell me, and it had better be damn important because I could've won The Game if you hadn't barged into the room unannounced," he interrupts. "And for God's sake, knock next time!"
    "Greg and Tamara just called in," I say.

    "They've been found out," I say.
    "They what?" he exclaims, fuming.
    I keep my mouth shut, giving him time to process what I just told him. Pan paces around the trees muttering to himself. "They had one bloody job!"
    I wait until he's blown off some steam before continuing. "They also reported that they found some enchanted items."

    Pan grits his teeth, clenching his fists. "What items?"
    I hold the paper up and read the message out loud. "A bag of magic beans and a jem."
    "Describe the jem," he demands.
    "It's a dark purple jem the size of a child's fist," I quote.
    Pan looks surprised.
    "What?" I ask. "What does it do?"
    "It's a trigger, a time bomb."

    "What do you want me to tell them?" I ask.
    He thinks about it for the moment. "Tell them to move on to the next phase."
    I blink. "Come again?"
    "You heard me," he says. "Tell them to blow Storybrooke off the map."
    "So we have to move on to the back-up plan?" I ask.

    "Yes. Go and gather the Lost Boys, we have to get this place ready for our guests."
    "What are you going to do?" I ask.

    "I'm going to make sure Alice isn't there when we proceed to the next phase."


Yay! I've finally caught up with season 3! And you know what that means... MY QUEEN B*TCHES ARE COMING TO NEVERLAND! HELL YEAH! I'm looking forward to writing the next chapter, but I might not post it for a few days as I'm going for a three day camp on Wednesday and I'm not allowed to bring my phone with me ;_;

Well, you guys can go ahead and look forward to the next chapter anyway because it'll be in Peter's P.O.V. I just might make it entirely his P.O.V if you guys want. Comment below if you want me to write a chapter in Peter's P.O.V

Well, that all for this A/N, I've got to start packing now. *winks* Byeeeeee xx

(Hands up if you've got that Troye Sivan reference)


Who's P.O.V do you like best?


Not my gif, but I wish I made it.


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you what <3


Edited: 25/01/2018

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