Chapter 40; The Heart Of The Truest Believer

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"Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music."

~ George Carlin


Peter's P.O.V


    "Have you done it yet?"
    I use the blade of my knife to shapen my machete. "Yes, I just did."
    "How much did poppy powder did you put in her food?"
    "Enough to keep her asleep for us to carry on with our plan," I say, dragging the blade down. "I also assigned Hunter to watch over her and charmed the tree house so I'll be notified when she wakes up."

    Felix whistles a low note. "That's a lot of precautions."

    "Well, you know me, I always have a back-up plan."
    Felix scoffs. "That's an understatement. Even your back-up plans have their own back-up plans."
    "There's a reason why I never fail."
    "Are you sure that your excessive precautions will keep Alice at bay?" Felix asks.

    "No," I say, shaking my head. "That girl always manages to find a way."
    "You might as well handcuff her to the bed," Felix says.
    I look up. "That's actually not a bad idea."
    "Jeez, I was just joking. I didn't think that you'd actually consider that."
    "What?" I ask. "I was just stating that it wasn't a bad idea."
    "How do you think Alice does it?"

    "Whenever you give her a challenge or an obstacle, she always manages to find a way to beat you at your own game."
    "I honestly don't know how she does it," I say. "But I do know that she'll be the death of me."
    Felix chuckles. "You can say that again. It's so weird."
    "What is?" I ask.
    "You and Alice." he replies.

    "The two of you are practically polar opposites, but I guess it true what they say about opposites, they attract," Felix says. "Instead of repelling her like you repelled Wendy, you're attracting her like flies to honey."
    "Alice is nothing like Wendy," I say darkly. "Wendy was weak, she didn't have a fire like Alice."

    Felix nods. "She was so scared of the boys, it was pathetic."
    "I still can't believe how gullible she was to trust the shadow," I say.
    "Yeah, she singlehandedly tore her family apart by doing so."
    "She never ceases to amaze me with her stupidity," I say. "Remember that time when she-"
    I stop mid-sentence, feeling a presence on the island.

    Felix places his hand on my shoulder. "Pan?"
    I standing up, smirking. "Our guests have arrived."

Felix grabs his mace. "I'll alert the boys."

    "Do they remember the plan?" I ask.
    "Yes, they have it memorized."
    "Good. I'll have my shadow accompany you in case anything happens."

    "Alright, but what's the purpose of your shadow accompanying me again?" Felix asks, standing up.
    "I'll be able to focus on my part if I know that you're in good hands," I say. "The shadow will make sure that you're safe when I can't be there."
    "Careful now," Felix warns. "You know what Alice would say if she were here."
    I sigh. "Don't remind me."

    Felix whistles, signaling for the Lost Boys to get into their groups. I spot most of my Lost Boys in the crowd, the only boys who are missing are Lewis, Ray, Will and the younger boys. I've decided to keep those boys in the dark, just like with Alice.
    "I'll see you later," I say. "Don't screw up!"

    And with that said, I teleport myself out of the clearing.


    I watch in silence as Henry runs down the trail, approaching my hiding spot. I pull my hood over my head, walking up the trap that I've set. A fallen log right in the middle of the trail. It might not seem like a trap but it is. Henry would be too preoccupied with out running my Lost Boys that he wouldn't see the log. I wait till he trips until over the fallen log then make my appearance.

    It's showtime.

    Time to get into character. I take a deep breath, hiding my bad intentions behind a façade of trustworthiness. I emerge from behind the ferns and grab Henry by the back of his shirt, pulling him off the trail.
    "Come on," I say, helping the young boy to his feet. I pull him towards my hiding place behind the ferns, making sure that the Lost Boys don't see us.

    I catch a glimpse of the group as they run past us. "Where'd he go?!"

    "This way!" one of the boys in Felix's group shout, leading the others away from us.
    "Thanks," Henry says, looking up at me.
    "Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island. We must be careful," I say, taking my dagger out of my boot.

    "Are... Are you a Lost Boy?"

    "I was," I lie, cutting the ropes on Henry's wrists. "But I escaped. And now they're after me, too."
    "How?" Henry asks. "What happend?"
    "No time for questions," I say, grabbing Henry by the shoulders. "We must keep moving. Come on."

    And with that the two of us start sprinting. I map out the island in my head, navigating a route to where I ordered Felix's group to pass by. I can hear the voices of my Lost Boys in the distance, indicating that they've already arrived at their destination. "Where'd he go?" one of my Lost Boys, ask.

    I wait until the voices of my Lost Boys slowly get softer before speaking again. "I think we lost them."
    "Okay," Henry pants, sitting down on a boulder. "Can we rest for a minute?"
    I nod. Damn it, I shouldn't have pushed the boy too hard, I hope he doesn't pass out on me.

    "You're new," I state. "Did the shadow take you, too?"
    Henry shakes his head. "No. I was kidnapped by some people who work for Pan."
    I exhale sharply, almost forgetting to keep up my act. "I'm sorry. If he sent for you, he wants you.  And if Pan wants you, he will get you."

    "Why does Pan want you?" Henry asks.
    I put my hand under my bandana, pulling out a necklace filled with fine white dust. "Pixie dust," I say. "I stole it from him 'cause I thought I could use it to fly away and go home." I pause, letting the necklace fall back onto my shirt. "But it doesn't work. It's useless."

    "Don't worry," Henry says. "My family's coming to rescue me, and you could come with us."
    I look at the boy in disbelief. "You really think that you're the first boy to believe that his family's actually coming for them?"

    "My family's different," Henry states confidently. "We always find each other."

    "You better hope they don't," I say. "Or else Pan will rip their shadows into oblivion."
    He stand up, placing his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "It's going to be okay, I promise. Don't lose hope. All we need is time. Is there a place that we can hide from the Lost Boys?"

    I sigh. "There's a place they can't track us. The echo caves. But it's far."

    The sound of the plants rustling in the distance tells me that the Lost Boys are approaching us.
    "Then what are we waiting for?" Henry asks. "Lead the way."


    "They're close. I can see them," Henry says, running by my side.
    "We're almost to the caves," I say stopping to find my bearings. "Come on. Follow me."
    I turn around just in time to see an arrow impale into the tree beside my face. I let out a cry of surprised, recoiling back in genuine shock. No doubt that was Felix's handiwork.

    "They cut us off," the young boy states, pointing at the direction where the arrow came from. "They know about the caves. We have to go this way."
    "Let's go before they catch up to us, then," I say, running in the opposite direction to where the arrow was shot from. Henry follows me, ducking under low hanging vines and branches as we go.

    We run though the forest, headed for the nearest cliff. It's time to see if this young boy is really The Truest Believer. I run towards the row of trees, making sure that Henry's still behind me. He's almost out of breath as he has to run faster for his shorter legs to match my bigger strides. The yells of the Lost Boys grow increasingly louder by the second.

    Henry and I run through a cave, almost falling off the edge of the cliff.
    "Watch out!" the younger boy warns, extending his arm out so I don't fall off the edge.
    We peer down at the steep drop.
    "They're over here!" A Lost Boy shouts, their footfalls getting louder and louder.
    "What do we do?" Henry asks. "Is there any other way to the echo caves?"

    I shake my head. "No. We're done for." I take the necklace out from under my bandana. "I'll give 'em the pixie dust. Maybe they'll let us live."
    Henry looks at me, shocked. "You wanna give up?"
    "We don't have a choice," I insist, looking over my shoulder to see if the group caught up with us. "They got us. This is the end."

    Henry looks at the pixie dust hanging from my neck then back at me. "No, it's our way out." He grabs the pixie dust and yanks it, the leather coil snaps and falls off my neck. He grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me away from the ledge.
    "What... What are you doing?"
    "Getting a running start," Henry replies.
    "For what?"

    "Everyone knows pixie dust is for flying," he states, matter-of-factly.
    "Don't you remember?" I ask. "The dust doesn't work."
    "That's because you have to believe," the younger boy tells me.
    "I definitely do not believe."
    "That okay," Henry says, popping the cork off. "Because I do." Henry then runs towards the ledge, pulling me with him.

    I swallow, anticipation growing by the second. Let's hope that this is the boy, because if he isn't The Truest Believer, he's going to die. What happens next surprises me. Just before the two of us step over the ledge, the pixie dust starts glowing, engulfing us in a glowing green cloud. I'm speechless. It actually worked. Look away, not wanting Henry to see the smirk on my face.

    Looks like I've found The Heart Of The Truest Believer after all.


  "Okay, so we've escaped the Lost Boys, where do we go now?" the younger boy asks.
    "There. Land there," I say, pointing at an oak tree in the middle of a clearing.
    Henry nods, and the both of us fly down together. I grunt as we land onto the hard ground. The two of us get to our feet, dusting the dirt and leaves off our clothes.

    "See? If you believe, anything's possible," the younger boy says, smiling.
    I smirk. "You couldn't be more right, Henry."
    The smile on his face disappears. "How... How do you know my name? I never told you."
    "Let's make it a game, a puzzle to solve."

    "You lied to me," Henry exclaims. "You are a Lost Boy. You work for Pan."
    "Not exactly," I say, taking a step closer to him. "I am Peter Pan."
    Henry takes a step back, distancing himself from me. "But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad, that you'd help them destory it. Why?"

    "Because I needed their help," I reply. "And it is so much easier to get people to hate something than to believe."
    "Why did you bring me here?" he asks, fear and anxiety creeping into his voice.
    I slowly make my way towards the oak tree. "For quite sometime, I've sought for something extremely important, something more elusive than the greatest of all mysteries."

    "What?" Henry asks.
    "The Heart Of The Truest Believer," I say. "And when you took that pixie dust, Henry, and jumped off that cliff." I pause, knocking on the root of the oak tree three times. "You proved yourself."
    "You are the lucky owner of that very special heart," I announce. "And now, you, and it... Are mine," I say, gesturing to Henry then to myself.

    I draw my machete from the leather sheath attached to my belt and raise it in the air. "Come on, boys!"
    As soon as those words are spoken, Lost Boys start appearing from behind the surrounding trees, each one of them carrying a weapon. They bunch up together, forcing Henry in between their circle.

    I smirk. "Let's play!"


I totally didn't fangirl at all while writing this *sweats nervously* Omfg, Robbie was so hot in this episode. I just can even *screams* someone kill me, I'm unable to even-

Remember when I said that I wouldn't be able to update this chapter because I was going to camp? Well, change of plans... I'm sick... Again 😷😩😢😒 Ugh, and I just started getting better! I hate my immune system so much rn

The only good news is that I don't have to go to school for three days, so I'll have a lot more time to update this fanfic. Well, I'm going to attempt to do something productive (aka, I'm going to procrastinate by reading) Bye!

~ Alice xx


Otp and Brotp in this fanfic?


I found this gif online. Suffer with me.


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


[Edited: 4.04.2018]

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