Chapter 41; Lost Girl

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"We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming- well, that's just like saying you can never change your fate."

~ Unknown


Peter's P.O.V


    I grit my teeth, studying the new arrivals in silence. I didn't think that they'd be so stupid as to come to Neverland to try and get Henry back. I shake my head in disappointment when I spot Hook sleeping in cot a few meters away from me. He's a absolute git, that one. He spent half his life trying to escape my island to kill The Dark One. And now he's back, and with The Dark One, too.

    The woman sleeps soundly in a makeshift cot next to Hook's cot. So that's The Evil Queen I've heard so much about. I'm disappointed, I thought that she'd be more ruthless, more, what's the word I'm looking for? Ah— Heartless. I assumed that such a infamous person would be heartless. Who would've thought that a Henry, a young boy, would be her weakness.

    My eyes land on Prince Charming and his wife, Snow White. I stare at them with distaste. Out of all the people in the group, I hate that couple the most. They're repulsive, always being so positive and cheerful about everything. I could just sneak past the camp borders and slit their throats, but what fun would that be? I'd rather watch as they tear themselves apart, which I'll definitely get them to do.

    My eyes dart to a blonde woman whom I assume is The Saviour. The blonde stirs in her sleep, then bolts up. The sound of the children crying must've woken her up. I watch as she stands up, unshealthing her machete as she does so. She turns to face Prince Charming and Snow White. I don't have to worry about her seeing me as I'm well hidden in the shadows.

    "Guys," she whispers. "Wake up."
    Her parents don't respond. Emma then gives up after her first attempt at waking them up and treks into the jungle alone. I wait until she's far from the campsite before making my move.
    "You hear that, too?" I ask, making myself known, my arms crossed over my chest as I lean against a tree.

    Emma gasps, spinning around to face me. She raises her machete up, keeping the blade aimed at my chest. She looks me up and down, checking to see if I'm carrying any weapons.
    "You're Emma, right?" I ask, pushing myself off the tree.
    I spare a glance towards the campsite. "I wonder why they can't hear the crying."
    "Who are you?" she demands.

    "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" I question. "I'm Peter. Peter Pan."
    Emma immediately pushes me against the tree, holding her machete to my throat. "Where's Henry?" she growls.
    "You've got fire," I note, chuckling. "I like fire, but, not from you."
    "Where's my son?" she demands, not taking the machete off my throat.

    "Henry's still alive, if that's what you're worried about," I reply, unfazed by the blade that's against my neck.
    "Why the hell did you take him?" she asks.
    "He's a very special boy, Emma."
    "I know," she says. "That doesn't answer my question. What do you want with him?"

    "I came here to see who I was up against," I say. "The Saviour. I gotta say, I'm not disappointed."
    "Why do you say now?" she asks. "You're gonna tell me how I'm never going to see Henry again?"
    "No," I say. "I'm going to help you find him. I'll give you a map."
    Emma gives me a skeptical look, taking the machete off my neck. She takes a step back, never taking her eyes off me.

    I take a piece of parchment out of the pocket in my woollen blazer. "A map that will lead you straight to your son."
    "If this is some kind of trap—"
    I chuckle. "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. The path to finding Henry is on this parchment."
    "Why are you giving it to me?" she asks.

    "See, it's not about finding Henry. It's about how you find him, and, Emma, you are the only one who can," I say, holding the piece of parchment out for her to take.
    She takes it from me, and opens it to reveal a black piece of paper. She gives me an irked look. "It's blank."
    "You'll only be able to read that map when you stop denying who you really are," I say.

    I wait till she looks down at the map again, then teleport myself back to my campsite. With a wave of my hand I transform my usual green attire into a replica of Henry's clothes.

    "Hey, Pan— What are you wearing?" Felix asks, looking at my attire.
    "I'm getting ready for when The Saviour and her gang to come and take Henry back," I answer. "The Evil Queen is using her magic to find the campsite as we speak."
    "Should I get the boys ready?"
    "Yes, make sure they don't forget to dip their arrows in Dreamshade," I say.

    Felix nods, then starts barking orders at the Lost Boys.


    "No one's here," Snow White says as they walk past my camp's boundaries. "Maybe your spell was wrong, Regina."
    "Yes," The Evil Queen says, annoyed. "Blame me . . . Again."
"Guys, hold on," Emma says, spotting me. "Is that . . . ? Henry!"
    I turn around to face the group. "Hi, Emma."
    They stop running towards me.

    Emma is the first to speak up. "Where the hell is Henry?"
    "You broke the rules," I say, ignoring her as I walk across the hill. "That's not fair. Bad form. I expect more from you, captain."
    "Aye," Hook replies. "And you'll get it."
"Give Henry to me," Emma demands.

    "Sorry. Can't. Don't you know?" I pause, turning to face them. "Cheaters never win."
    My Lost Boys come out from their hiding places at my cue. The swordsmen whoop, getting into their position, while the archers nock their bows, pulling their bowstrings to their cheek. Emma's group prepares themselves, too. Getting into their own defensive positions.

    Prince Charming raises his sword, while his wife, Snow White, pulls an arrow out of her quiver, nocking her bow. The Evil Queen flexes her fingers, getting ready to use her magic.
    "Watch out for their arrows," Hook warns. "They're laced with Dreamshade."
    My archers, having waited for my command, start shooting at them.

    Prince Charming uses his sword to block the arrows coming at him. One of my boys aims at Show White, a poisoned arrow flying towards her.
    "Mary Margaret!" the prince yells, pushing her aside. He cries out as the arrow nicks him in the side.
    "David!" Snow White exclaims, approaching her husband, worry etched all over her face.

    The prince touches his side checking for blood. "I'm good," he replies, looking up.
    One of my Lost Boys draws his bowstring, aiming at Snow White.
    "Behind you!" the prince cries out.
    Snow White turns around, shooting an arrow next to the Lost Boy's head. The action startles the hooded boy so much that he drops his bow.

    Meanwhile, The Evil Queen uses her magic to stun my boys, knocking out a handful of them. The sound of metal on metal catches my attraction and I turn to face the source of the noise. I turn around just in time to see the captain catch Felix's mace with his hook.
    "It's been awhile, captain," Felix greets, grinning.
    "Not long enough," the captain replies.

    Felix pulls his mace back, the sharp edges scraping on the captain's metal hook. Felix attempts to hit the him, but the captain uses his hook to block Felix's blows. Felix grunts as he brings his mace down, but the captain manages to catch his handle with the curve of his hook.
    "Do you remember what I did to Rufio?" Hook taunts.

    Felix growls, roused up.
    "Well, there's a far worse fate for you," the captain says, using his sword to get Felix's mace off his hook.
    Felix cries out, dropping his mace. My eyes dart to Emma as she takes down my Lost Boys one by one. I watch as she tackles Michael, a sixteen year old boy, one of the youngest boys in his group.

    Emma takes the dagger from Michael's hand and holds it against his neck threateningly.
    "Where's Henry?!" she demands. "Where is he?!"
    Michael stares at her in fear, his lower lip quivering. Despite his fear, he stays silent, knowing better than to surrender.

    Emma takes the dagger off his neck and leans back when she sees the fearful look in his eyes.
    "Emma, are you alright?" her mother asks her.
    Emma looks from her mother then back to the boy lying on the ground.
   I whistle loudly, calling the Lost Boys. All of them stop what they're doing and gather back next to me.

    "Remember what I told you," I say, walking down the hill. "That map will show you where Henry is . . . Only when you stop denying who you really are."
    Emma gets to her feet, releasing Michael from her hold.
    "I'll make sure to send Henry your regards," I say, turning around.
    Whooping, the lost boys run follow me.


    I use my magic to change me back to my old attire.
    Thank God that's over, I hated that outfit.
    I spot Felix sitting alone, not tending to his wounds like the other Lost Boys.
    He looks up as I approach him. "You alright?"
    "I'm fine," he replies monotonously.
    "I know you're not," I press.
    Felix turns around to face me, knowing that I won't drop the subject.

    "I heard what Hook said earlier," I tell him.
    "It's nothing," Felix insists me. "I just wasn't thinking straight."
    "Don't lie to me," I say, softening my tone. "I can read you like an open book, remember?"
    Felix shakes his head. "I just- I just can't help but think that it was my fault that Rufio died that day. I was the one who volunteered to help you find Hook."

    "It wasn't your fault," I say. "Rufio wanted to join you in search for that git. Don't listen to that bastard, he's just trying to get under your skin."
    "Well, he's doing a damn good job at that," Felix says.
    "Rufio was the only other person, besides you, who I loved that was still alive," Felix interrupts. "And I was the person who got him killed."

    I grab him by the shoulders. "Look at me," I command. "Listen to me, Rufio's death wasn't your fault. It was Hook's. Hook was the one who killed him that day. Not you. You didn't kill him, Hook did."
    Felix nods. And that's enough to let me know that he's gotten my message.
    "Good." I nod. "Now come on, let me help you with your wounds."


    I teleport myself to where Emma, hiding in the shadows as I watch her picks wildnberries from the bushes before placing them in a bowl.
    "Don't eat the blue ones," I say, walking up to her.
    She jerks her head back in alarm at the sound of my voice.
    "Congratulations," I quip. "You did it, orphan. You don't mind if I call you a Lost Girl now, do you?"

    "Call me what you like," she replies, turning her back on me. "It won't stop me from finding Henry."
    I chuckle, walking around her. "Oh, I'm counting on that. There's a reason why I tested you."
    "Really?" she replies, uninterested.
    "You haven't forgiven your parents for abandoning you," I say. "Don't deny it. You haven't. That's good. Really good. 'Cause when you find Henry you'll understand him."

    Emma stands up, turning to face me. "What's that supposed to mean?"
    "He hasn't forgiven you, either," I say. "By the time you get to him, he'll never want to leave this island."
    "We'll see," Emma replies, turning to leave.
    "And as for you, Emma, when we're finished you won't just feel like an orphan," I say. "You'll be one."


Hey, guys, sorry about that mess earlier. If you don't know/understand what I'm talking about, I'll just tell you. I accidentally skipped a chapter. Yeah, I accidentally wrote the wrong one so I got confused and published it. Well, at least you guys get two chapters in one day so if you think about it, it isn't really a bad thing.

Well, that's all for this A/N bye, guys!

~ Alice xx


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Edited: 4.04.2018

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