Chapter 4; I'm Being Taken, Call Liam Neeson!

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"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen."

~ Winnie The Pooh


Alice's P.O.V


    The short weekend flew by quickly, and before I knew it I was in Lewis's car, staring at the sunset on my way home.
    "I'll miss this when I leave for Australia tomorrow," Lewis blurted out of a sudden.
    "This?" I asked, gesturing towards the open road.

    "You know, the sleepovers, hanging out with you guys," replied Lewis, turning the car around the corner.
    "It's only for a couple weeks, right?" I ask, looking at him.
    "Yeah, but you guys won't be there with me. And I hate visiting my father and his new girlfriend," said Lewis.
    I can still remember how pissed off Lewis was at the whole idea of leaving the country to "bond" with his father.

    "Please video call me while I'm gone," said Lewis, turning to face me.
    "I'll try, just don't miss me too much," I tease.
    "You wish," replied Lewis, laughing.

    "Do you need some help with your bags?" asked Lewis, stopping the car outside my house.

    "It's alright, I'll manage," I reply, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Thanks again for the ride."

    "Hey, Alice!" shouted Lewis, rolling down the window. "Don't get into too much trouble without me."
    "You bet I won't!" I shout as he drives out the driveway.
    Chuckling, I open the front door and step into the house. I totally ditch unpacking my bags and just dump them in a pile in my room.

    After a few minutes of digging through my clothes, I finally find another baggy shirt to wear. I blast music on my phone as I make my way to the bathroom, humming along to Fall Out Boy's lyrics. I place my phone and night wear on the counter, next to the bathroom sink then peel off my dirty clothes and step into the bathtub for a long relaxing shower.


    After my shower, I dried my hair and tied it up in a loose bun, letting my bangs hang out. I slip on my shirt, with the hem of the shirt dropping just below my knees, and the sleeves slightly above my elbows. I wash my face thoroughly before walk out of the bathroom and heading for the kitchen to get something to drink.

    Hmmm, what should I drink? I think to myself, staring at the different packets of drinks.

    "Hot chocolate it is," I say out loud, spotting a packet of coco powder.

    Ten minutes later, I'm walking up the stairs headed to the library/study. I open one of the French doors with my free hand and enter the library, breathing in the smell of books as the lights turn on.

     This is the stuff nerds get high on, I think, smiling to myself. As I walk along the carpeted floor, looking at the rows of books and sipping my hot chocolate, I remember there's a fireplace. I make a mental note to light the fireplace as I look at the books.

    "Hmmm, this looks interesting enough," I say as I pick up an old-looking book.

    I place my mug and the book on the small table beside the dark brown antique loveseat then  walk over to the fireplace. Picking up the box of matches on top of the fireplace, I light one of the matches, careful to not get soot on my shirt.

    I drop the match on the dry kindling and hope that the wood catches fire, and it does. I stand up, satisfied that I managed to light the kindling, and make my way back to the loveseat. I sit on the loveseat and pick up the book as I get comfortable. Taking a sip of the hot drink, I open the first page of the book and read the first sentence.


    I turn to the next page excitedly, the book had turned out to be more interesting then I thought it would be, and I was almost finished with it. My palms were sweaty and I was on the edge of my seat absorbing every single detail. I was about to turn the next page when the windows flew open forcefully, and a shadow like figure flew inside the room. I jumped off the loveseat, spilling the contents in the mug onto the carpeted floor. Then all of a sudden, the shadow dived down and grabbed me.

    I scream bloody murder and somehow found myself still lying on the brown leather loveseat, with the book sprawled on my chest.
   I pant. "Oh, thank God that was just a dream."
    For some reason I felt a draft in the library. A shiver run up my spine as I notice that the balcony doors were wide open and the curtains were swaying in the breeze.

    Wasn't it closed when I entered the room? Maybe the wind blew them open?  I tell myself as I look at the open doors.

    My brain was screaming at me to get out of the room, but my damn curiosity got the best of me and I decided to walk over to the balcony to investigate. I peered over the curtains, not fully sure if there was danger lurking nearby. I breathe a sigh of relief when I don't see anything, but I knew I was totally wrong when I saw the demon who's been haunting me for months land onto the balcony.

    I cover my mouth in shock and attempt to shrink back into the shadows, unnoticed. But I fail to stifle a gasp when he looks right in my direction. He smirks and advances forward at lightning speed. I try to run but I am suddenly pushed against a bookshelf. The demon boy from my nightmare then covers my mouth with his hand, preventing me from screaming.

    "I'm only going to say this once," informs the boy. "I am going to remove my hand and you are not to scream. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Make your choice now, love."
    He takes my silence an an answer and slowly removes his hand from my mouth. He then grabs my wrist, proceeding to drag me towards the balcony.

    I have to leave. 

    I bring my leg back and kick his leg as hard as I possibly can. He lets go of my wrist and falls to the ground, cursing. I use that chance to run for it, sprinting towards the door, only to find that the demon boy has beaten me to it. His dark green eyes stare into my light brown ones menacingly.

    "Wrong choice, love," the he growls, grabbing me forcefully. I struggle to escape his grasp again but wince as he tightens his grip on me. My heart skips a beat when I see him reach into his pocket.
    "I guess we're doing this the hard way," the demon hissed, blowing a powder-like substance in my face, knocking me out cold...


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Edited: 20.11.2017

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