Chapter 5; Avoid Strange Boys With Blond Hair

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"And so... The adventure begins."

~ Unknown


Third Person's P.O.V


    The sound of birds chirping woke Alice up from her groggy state.
    "Wait— Birds?" Alice mumbled, bolting up.
    Ouch, thought Alice looking up.
    Sunlight streamed through the bars and into her eyes as she tilted her head. Which caused her to cover her eyes with her hand.

    Realization dawned upon her and she realized that she was in a cage made of woven pieces of bamboo.
    What the hell? thought Alice, looking around.

    She was trapped in a cage.

    The demon boy from my night terrors, he kidnapped me, thought Alice, feeling a anxiety attack coming.

    She took deep breaths and tried to focus to something, anything else to distract herself. Her eyes darted around, and she noticed that there were about a dozen pairs of footprints around the cage.

    Oh great, there's more than one person holding me captive, thought Alice.
    At the corner of her eye, she noticed a loosely woven piece of bamboo sticking out from the door of the cage.
    I'm getting out of here, thought Alice fiddling with the door.

    She tugged on the door with both hands, trying her best not to make a sound in case her captors were nearby. With one final tug, the cage's door swung open with a loud creak. Alice knew that if anyone was near her at the moment they would've heard that sound. Not too far away from the cage was a blade the size of her forearm.

    It wasn't much, but at that moment, it was all she needed, and Alice figured that the owner who had left it there was long gone. She carefully walked towards the machete and tested the balance of the blade. She had learnt self defense and fencing during her time in school so she had a vague idea of how to use different weapons.

    This is definitely not a sword, but it'll do for now, thought Alice, getting up.


    Ten minutes later she heard shouting from the direction she came from. And soon those shouts turned into yells, like a battle cry.
    I guess that they've found out that I'm missing, thought Alice, picking up speed. During that time she managed to cover some ground between herself and the place she was held captive.

    The further I am from that wretched place, the better, thought Alice as she willed herself to sprint faster.
   A few minutes of endless walking later, Alice came to a stop at a beach.
    What the hell? I'm definitely not in the city anymore. Where am I? Wondered Alice, looking at the horizon.

    The sounds of the waves lapping onto shore and the birds chipping distracted her from her current situation. Suddenly, Alice heard a twig snap behind her. She spun around and saw the source of noise, it was a boy. He looked about eighteen years old and he was rather tall. He had long wavy blond hair and had a thin scar running down the side of his face.

    He wore a long cloak and had the hood of the cloak up, covering part of his face. Only then did Alice notice the mace that he was carrying.

    "Who are you?" asked Alice, raising an eyebrow.
    "Who I am doesn't matter," said the blond, swinging the mace off his shoulder. "What matters is that Pan sent me to get you, so you can either come with me willingly and fully conscious, or unwillingly and unconscious."

    "I'm not going anywhere with you. And who's Pan?" asked Alice, raising her machete in an defensive stance.
    "You'll find out soon," said the boy.
    "I already said that I'm not going anywhere with the likes of you. Now tell me who's Pan," demanded Alice, waving the machete threateningly.
    "So, you're not going to willingly come with me?" asked the boy, although it sounded more like a statement.

    "You got that right, Blondie," replied Alice as she walked past him.
    "Well, I'll be going now. Tell this "Pan" that I said— Hey!" exclaimed Alice, dropping her machete as the giant picked her up and slung her over his shoulder as if she weighted no more than a feather.
    "Put! Me! Down!" shouted Alice, hitting his back at each syllable.

    "No," replied the boy monotonously as he walked headed back in the direction that Alice had previously ran from.
    "Let me go!" shouted Alice, kicking and hitting the boy.
    Sighing, the boy set her down on the ground with a thud.
    "I am so going to kill—" began Alice, but she was cut off as the boy gagged her, tying her hands together for good measure.

    "There, much better," said the boy, smirking.
    Alice glared daggers at him as he picked her up and swung her over his shoulder, again.
    "I can see why Pan picked you, all of all people," said the boy, chuckling as he continued walking down the trail.
    Alice swore silently and squirmed in the boy's hold.

    "If you don't stop that, I'll have to knock you out," warned the boy.
    Alice ignored his warning and kicked him again.
    The boy scowled. "That's it."
    Alice felt something hard hit the back of her head. Then, she was out like a light.


    Alice woke up on a cot, bound and gagged. She was in a tent made entirely out of different patches of fabric stitched together. She could hear the faintest sound of someone talking outside the tent in hushed whispers.
    "Be back in awhile... Watch the girl..." said a voice.

    "See you later, Pan," said another voice.
    Alice heard shuffling directly outside the entrance of the tent, and saw the tent flap being lifted up. Alice saw the boy that knocked her out walk into the tent carrying his mace.

    "Good, you're awake. Pan will be pleased when he gets back," said the Blondie.
    Alice tried to say something but her gag muffled her words, and she groaned in annoyance. Luckily for her, the boy took the hint and removed her gag.
    "What?" he asked plainly.

    "You're a real jerk, you know that?" asked Alice, glaring daggers at him. "And don't you dare put that gag back on me."
    The boy rolled his eyes and sat down on the cot opposite her, twirling a dagger in his hand and glancing at her every now and then.

    "Who's this "Pan" I keep hearing about, anyway?" asked Alice, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
    "That would be me," replied a voice with a strong British accent behind her.

    Alice turned around and saw an extremely good-looking boy. He had wavy, dirty blond hair and forest green eyes which glinted with mischief. He wore an outfit entirely made out of green cloth and he had two leather cuffs on both of his wrists. He had an arrogant and confident aura surrounding him and he held himself with pride.

    "It's alright, Felix, you can leave us now," said the boy, Pan.
    So that's what his name is, thought Alice, watching the boy, Felix, walk out of the tent.
    "Hello, Alice. I'm so glad I could finally meet you in person," said the brunette.
    "Is Pan really your name, or is it just a nickname?" asked Alice.

    "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" asked the boy. "I'm Peter, Peter Pan."


Yay! I've FINALLY introduced Peter to the story. The next few chapters should be wayyyy more interesting than the previous chapters now. I hope you like this chapter.

~ Alice


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Edited: 20.11.2017

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