Chapter 6; Playing With Fire Gets Your Fingers Burnt

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"When you eliminate the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth."

~ Sherlock Holmes


Third Person's P.O.V


    Alice knew that she probably shouldn't have laughed but she couldn't help herself.
    "Why are you laughing?" asked Peter, scrunching his face in confusion.
    "That's impossible, Peter Pan doesn't exist. He's just a fictional character from a fairytale. I should know, I've read the book." said Alice.

    "What?" repeated Peter, furrowing his eyebrows.
    "Never mind, I'm probably just dreaming. It wouldn't be the first time." said Alice, dismissing the subject.
    "I can prove that you're not dreaming." said Peter.

    "Sure, knock yourself out," said Alice, rolling her eyes.
    Peter placed a hand on her shoulder, and in a blink of an eye, they were back at the beach. Alice shook her head at him. "This doesn't prove anything," Alice claimed, shaking her head. "I'm a lucid dreamer, I could easily do that on my own."

    He furrowed his eyebrows, confused at her words. "Well then, if you're so smart, how do you suppose I prove to you that you're not dreaming?"

    "Firstly, I should have ten fingers—" She glanced down at her bound hands, counting all ten fingers. "—hmm. That usually works. Well, then I should be able to feel pain."

    "Pinch me," she ordered.

    "Pinch you?" Peter repeated.    

    Alice rolled eyes in annoyance. "Yes, are you deaf?"

    Despite himself, Peter couldn't help but be confused. "Mortals are such strange beings. Very well then."

    "Ow!" exclaimed Alice, her eyes widening when she realised that he was telling the truth and that she wasn't dreaming.

    "Believe me now?" He asked.

    "How— How is that even possible?" stuttered Alice. "This can't be real."

    "Magic." replied Peter, as if that explained everything. "I could always pinch you again if you still don't believe me."

    "No, I believe you, okay? Just—" Alice took a deep breath before speaking again. "Just send me back.

    "With pleasure," he replied, sending the both of them back to the tent and sitting her back down on the cot.

    "No, not back as in back in the tent. Send me home," Alice amended.


    Annoyed, the brunette yelled, "What do you want from me?"

    "What makes you think I want anything from you?" asked Peter, shaking his head.
    "Then why am I here?" demanded Alice.
    "You wanted to come here. Don't your remember?"
    "I don't remember giving you consent to kidnap me," Alice snapped.

    "Of course you did, my shadow only visits children who feel lost and unloved." said Peter.
    "I'm not lost or unloved, for that matter, you must have the wrong person."
    "Yes, you are, you just don't know it yet." said Peter, matter-of-factly.
    Alice clenched her teeth in annoyance and tried to stand up, which almost made her fall back down as she stood up too fast.

    "I am not lost or unloved. I have friends, and a family." stated Alice confidently.
    "Some family." Peter scoffed. "A dead mother and a father that's hardly ever around."
    "How did you—" Alice shook her head. "Whatever. That doesn't prove anything."

    Peter ignored her and teleported them to a bedroom. The room had a minimalistic feel to it, containing only a queen-sized bed and a couch. Alice glanced down at her hands to realise that they were no longer bound together.

    Alice's eyes darted around the room as if expecting another person to jump out. "Where are we?"
    "My tree house," Peter answered.
    "Of course we are."

    "You know, I don't appreciate your tone, Alice." said Peter sternly.
    "And you should know that I don't care." retorted the girl as she crossed her arms.
    Peter glared at her, but before he could say anything, there was a knock at the door.

    "Come in Felix." said Peter, not taking his eyes off Alice.

    There was a click as the door swung open and Felix entered the room.

    "Listen very carefully. I need to be somewhere else so Felix here is gonna watch over you while I'm gone. If I hear from him that you tried to escape—"

    "—You'll kill me?" she quipped.

    "Careful," Peter warned, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

    Alice glanced at the open door, contemplating whether she should try to escape. She was quick on her feet, she might just make it out—

    "Don't even think about it." said Felix monotonously, kicking the door shut with his foot.

    "Don't think about what?" asked Alice innocently.

    Felix rolled his eyes and set his club down on the floor. At that moment Alice noticed another door at the side of the room.
    "And where do you think you're going?" asked Felix, noticing that Alice was walking towards the door.
    "I'm just gonna explore this place, I refuse to sit here with you." said Alice.

    To her surprise the door was not locked and it opened with ease. She walked out the room and saw a short corridor with other doors.
    "How big is this tree house?" wondered Alice out loud.

    "It's pretty big." answered a voice behind her.
    Alice spun around to see Felix standing behind her, with a dagger in his hand.
    He smirked at her surprise. "What, did you think I'd let you run off without me?"
    Alice rolled her eyes and tried to open the door to the nearest room, but it didn't budge.

    Alice pulled harder at doorknob but it still remained closed.
    "It's locked." said Felix plainly.
    Alice ignored him and walked to the next room, but it was also locked. The was only door that Alice didn't try to open yet was a room with the double doors.

    This looks promising, thought Alice tugging the doorknobs.

    Alice stood rooted at the doorframe when the doors swung open,  staring at the contents of the room in awe. There were rows and rows of bookshelves occupying half the space in the room and they were all written by authors that she recognised.

    How the hell does he know my favourite books? thought Alice, walking into the room.
    "Pan has been watching you for months." answered Felix, twirling the dagger in his hand like a coin.

    "I said that out loud, didn't I?" asked Alice, shaking her head.
    "Yup," replied Felix, plopping down on the love seat next to the door.
    Alice shook her head and peered at the different books displayed on the shelves. In the end she settled for a book titled "City Of Heavenly Fire".

    How ironic, Sebastian Morgenstern is exactly like Peter, thought Alice chuckling as she opened the book.
    "Who's Sebastian Morgenstern?" questioned Felix.
    Alice almost dropped the book at the sound of his voice, she had totally forgotten that he was still there.

    Ugh, I should really stop saying my thoughts out loud, cursed Alice silently.
    "Yeah, you should, " said Felix, grinning. "So who's this Sebastian?"
    "No one, he's just a character from this book." said Alice, looking at Felix's direction.
    "I highly doubt he's like Pan." said Felix.
    "Why do you keep calling him Pan?" asked Alice.

    "Because we're not supposed to call him by his first name," said Felix. "Never mind that, describe this Sebastian."
    "Well, Sebastian's very arrogant, and possessive. He also kidnapped a someone against her will... In other words, he's a prick." said Alice.

    "You really don't like Pan, do you?" asked Felix, chuckling.
    "You have no idea," replied Alice, going back to her reading.


    I can't believe it just ended like that, thought Alice, slumping lower down in her chair as she closed the book.
    She looked up outside the window and noticed that it was already late at night. Alice looked over to the place where Felix was sitting and saw that he was fast asleep.

    Great, maybe I can escape now, thought Alice, seizing the opportunity.
    As she tiptoed towards the door, she noticed a small dagger encased on one of the bookshelves. She quickly grabbed the dagger, then opened the door as quietly as possible and bolted down the corridor, headed towards the bedroom.

    Alice opened the treehouse's door and climbed down the ladder attached to the tree. She knew that Felix would not stay asleep for long and she planned to get as far away from the treehouse before he woke up.

    She jumped off the ladder, the dagger in her hand, and bolted towards the dense jungle. Alice sprinted through the jungle not knowing where she was going, but to her, anywhere was better than with Felix and that demon. After awhile, she looked back and was convinced that she had made a good distance from the treehouse.

    She stopped running and tall tree, wheezing. Not even a minute later, Alice heard a twig snap nearby. She immediately jerked her head towards the sound, cursing herself for letting her guard down.
    "Come on out, Alice. I know you're here." taunted a familiar voice.
    Pan, thought Alice, almost dropping the dagger.

    How the hell did he find me so fast? wondered Alice, tightening her grip on the dagger in her hand.
She pressed herself against the tree, hoping that he would walk past her. Her breath hitched as she heard his footsteps get louder. After a few minutes, the sound of his footsteps slowly died down.

    Alice breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the lord for her stroke of luck. But that relief was short lived as a hand was suddenly placed over her mouth. Before she could react, she was grabbed by her waist and pressed against someone's hard chest, Peter's hard chest to be exact.

    "Bit rude running away from me, don't you think?" asked Peter.
    She elbowed him in the ribs and turned around to face him. Glaring, she pushed him against the tree, placing the dagger against his neck, under his Adam's apple.

    "You've got fire, I like fire." said Peter smirking, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
    "Well, little boys who play with fire get their fingers burnt." retorted Alice.
    "Oh, don't worry about me, love." he assured her. "I can stand your fire."
    Alice ignored him and pushed her dagger harder against his neck, drawing some blood.
    "Where the hell am I?!" she demanded.
    Peter smirked. "You're in Neverland."

Cliffhanger... What do you guys think of my story so far? I apologise if there's any spelling mistakes and/or errors in this chapter, I haven't edited it yet. Don't hesitate to dm me to tell me if I've made any mistakes or if you have any suggestions for this book.



Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3 xx


Edited: 20.11.2017

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