Chapter 43; Nasty Habits

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"We often allow guilt to consume us but we must realise that we can start over at any given time."

~ Unknown


Alice's P.O.V


"I don't think Henry likes it here."
"What makes you say that?" Peter asks, blocking my counterattack with his sword.
"He isn't socializing with the other boys," I say, swinging my sword at his legs.
Peter grunts, jumping just before my sword hits him. "I don't expect him to open up to the other boys so easily. He just got here."

"Yeah," I say, blocking Peter's side cut with my sword. "I guess it'll take him awhile to get used to all of this."
"What did you and Hunter do last night?" he asks, swinging his sword in an overhead cut.
I bring my sword up, blocking his blow. "Not much, we just had a Harry Potter marathon. Hunter kept insisting that Draco Malfoy looks exactly like him, but I don't see it."

"What time did you go to bed?" Peter asks, recoiling back as I thrust my sword forward.
"I don't know," I say, blocking the multiple blows he throws at me. "I must've fallen asleep halfway though the marathon because I don't remember falling asleep."
"Wanna take a break?" Peter asks, slowing down.
"Yes, please."

I stake my sword into the grassy ground and rest my head on the hilt, exhausted.
"You know if you wanted to rest, you could've just said so earlier," Peter says.
I wave my hand dismissively as I try to catch my breath. "I'm alright. I just... Need to... Lie down... For awhile..."

"Okay, but just so you know, I won't hold it against you if you admit that you're tired," he says.
I shake my head, straightening myself. "I'm not tried. Anyway, how was last night? Was Henry the errand you and Felix had to attend to?"
"Yes," he replies, not missing a beat. "Henry was the only person we had to attend to last night."

He's lying to me.

I can tell by the way he answers my question. I'm suddenly glad that I decided to study "The Body Language Of Liars" for my English project in my final year exam last year as it helps me tell when someone's lying.

For instance, Peter just made two mistakes in the way he answered my question. He repeated the words "last night" and provided too much information by telling me that Henry was the only person that they had to attend too. That and he emphasized on the word "only" too much.

I nod my head at his answer, deciding not to confront him about his lie. Peter not knowing that I'm aware of his lie gives me an advantage. I'm just going to let things play out and wait until he slips up to find the truth.
"Are we going to have a bonfire tonight?" I ask.
"Yes," he answers. "It's a tradition for us to have a bonfire party when we have a new recruit."

"I that case, I'd better take a shower now," I say, handing Peter my sword.
He opens his mouth to say something.
"And don't you dare say that I need one," I interrupt.
Peter smirks. "I was going to say, don't take too long, or I might just join you."
I smack him in the chest. "Pervert."

"Hey, I'm not the one who stares at your arse when you walk by," Peter says.
"That was you, not me!" I exclaim, walking off.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, love," he shouts.
I roll my eyes, walking down the path to the waterfalls.


I watch the Lost Boys whoop as they dance around the fire to the beat of the drums. I smile, remembering how it felt like when I first arrived here. It feels like a century ago when I first got here. My smile disappears as I spot Ray dancing in the crowd. Am I the reason why he feels lost and unloved? Or is it because he felt that his parents abandoned him? I guess I'll never know.

A cloaked duo dancing with each other catches my attention. They look oddly familiar, like Lewis and Will. I squint at the duo, an inaudible gasp escapes my mouth as realisation washes over me. They are Lewis and Will. I rub my eyes, thinking that I must've mistaken some boys for my childhood friends. But deep down, I know that I haven't mistaken anything.

It really is Lewis and Will dancing along. I know that it's my fault that the two of them can hear the music. I've disappointed them and it seems like I've made them come here for nothing. Why do I say that you ask? Well, I fear that I might be slowly falling for Peter. I have no way to be certain, but I hope and pray that he will fall for me before I'm certain that I have fallen for him.

I shake my head, pushing those thought from my mind. Now's not the time for wallowing in guilt and selfpity. Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death. And I supposed it isn't always a rational thing, guilt is a weight that will crush you whether you deserve it or not. I turn to face Henry.
"Hey, you alright?" I ask, noticing that he's sitting alone.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Henry replies.
I can tell that he's lying but I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to press him. Thankfully, Peter notices the younger boy and stands up.
"You don't want to join in the celebration, Henry?" he asks, sitting down next to the two of us.
"Nothing to celebrate," Henry replies.

"Nothing to celebrate?" Peter repeats, chuckling. "Henry this whole party is to celebrate you."
"Me?" the younger boy asks in disbelief. "Why?"
"Because you've come to save magic, of course," he says matter-of-factly
Save magic? What else hasn't Peter told me?

Henry raises his eyebrows, unimpressed.
"And I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of a celebration than that. Just look at them," Peter says, nodding towards the crowd of Lost Boys dancing around the bonfire, banging their sticks and drums to the beat.
Henry looks at the boys, then back to Peter. "I'm not like them. Or you."

"Sure you are. You're still a boy. Maybe a song will get you on your feet," Peter says, bringing his pipes to his lips. He blows the first few notes, making me go under a trance-like state again.
Henry shakes his head. "Sorry. I... I don't hear anything."
Peter stops playing the pipes, disappointment etched on his face. "Interesting."

"You see this pipe's enchanted, Henry," Peter says. "It can only be heard by certain children."
"Like who?" Henry asks.
Like me.
Peter opens his mouth to say something, but stops when he spots Felix. The blonde boy makes his way towards the bonfire, pushing a Lost Boy aside as he stops in the middle of the crowd.

"You'll find out soon enough, I promise," Peter says, standing up.
Henry turns to face me. "Is he always this cryptic?"
I nod. "Always."


Peter's P.O.V


"What?" I ask, approaching Felix. "I know that look. What happend?"
"Baelfire," he replies. "I'm afraid he got away."
"Well, then why didn't you get him back?" I demand angrily.
"I tried," Felix responds, ticked off. "I followed his trail and found two of our sentries knocked out." Felix pauses. "By a sleeping spell."

"The Dark One," I say. "Looks like father and son have be reunited."
"They'll be coming for the boy. We should move him someplace safe," Felix suggests.
"Not now, Felix," I say. "Where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin."

Finally, a chance to mess with The Dark One. By the time I'm done with him, he'd have broken his family apart.
My lips curl into smirk. "Go join the party, Felix. The real party's about to start."


Seated on a rock in the middle of the clearing, I watch my Lost Boys dance around the bonfire. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind extinguishes the dancing flame. I angle my body to the side, covering my eyes and nose with the crook of my arm. The wind stops abruptly, knocking everyone out as it does so, everyone but me. I smirk, standing up.
"We have a guest," I announce to no one in particular.

"No doubt someone who knows how much I like guessing games. Who could it be? I guess—" I raise my hand up to re-light the bonfire. "—The Dark One."
"Come to save Henry, haven't you?" I lower my voice. "How exciting. The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family . . ."

I thrust my hand towards the torch next to  him, re-lighting the fire. "You can come up now, Baelfire."
The said man emerges from behind the ferns, his crossbow aimed at me. "The name's Neal now."
"New name, but the same old tricks," I  quip. "It's heartwarming to see father and son working together, especially after you abandoned him, Rumple. It is really a family reunion."

"What are you waiting for?" Rumple demands.
"I got this," Bae replies, releasing his arrow.

I catch it right before it hits me. "Clever. But we've been though this before, Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?"

I remember plenty," he begins, lowering the crossbow.

I drop the arrow, letting it clatter on the ground.

That's why I didn't coat the tip," Neal finishes.
I turn my hand over just in time to see the purple ink spreading to the rest of my body, paralyzing me.
"Grab Henry," Rumple says, walking over to his grandson.
"Well, how about that?" I say. "I'm impressed."

I watch as Baelfire picks his son up, placing Henry over his shoulder. "But are you sure you're really saving him, Bae?"
"What could be worse than leaving him here with you?" he asks, turning to face me.
"Why don't you ask your father?"
Baelfire looks at Rumple then to me.

"Sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us," I warn.
"What— What's he talking about?" Baelfire asks, turning to face his father.
The Dark One doesn't take his eyes off me. "Don't listen to him."
I smirk. "You mean you haven't told him?"
"Told me what?" Baelfire asks, out of the loop.

"Why, about the prophecy, of course," I say, matter-of-factly.
"What prophecy?" he demands, looking at his father. "What's he talking about?"
"The prophecy that says you've been tricked. Your father isn't here to rescue your son," I say as Baelfire turns to face me. "He's here to murder him."

Rumple glares daggers at me for spilling his secret.
"Oops," I say, smirking. "Was Bae not supposed to know about that?"
Rumple takes a step forward, but stops when he notices Alice lying on the floor near him. He chuckles, kneeling down next to her. I force myself to keep my eyes off her, pretending to be unfazed by the action.

But my attention is drawn back to her when Rumple caresses Alice's cheek.

"And who is lovely thing?" Rumple mocks, looking up at me. "Another one of your toys?"
"Don't. Touch. Her," I snarl, glaring daggers at the old man.
Rumple sets his hand on fire, bringing the flame dangerously close to Alice's face.

"It'd be a shame if anything were to happen to her," he taunts, smirking.
"If you harm one perfect caramel brown hair on her head, I swear, I'll make sure both you, and your family, die a painful death," I threaten.
"Leave her alone," Baelfire tells his father. "You are not going to kill innocent people. Not again."

"And what makes you think she's innocent?" Rumple asks, turning to face his son. "She could've helped Pan kidnap Henry!"
"I don't care if she did. I'm leaving now. With or without you!" Baelfire shouts, storming off with Henry in tow.
"You'd better make yourself scarce before the squid ink wears off," I growl. "Or I might just kill you myself."

Rumple  gets to his feet. He stops right before he leaves my camp boarders, glancing back at me one last time, before entering the jungle in search for his son. Letting out a cry of anger, I channel all the magic I possess to get out of this position. It takes me awhile, but the squid ink eventually wears off. I rush to Alice, checking if she's alright. Luckily for Rumple, she's fine.

I wave my hand over the Lost Boys, waking them up.
"Hunter, get over here," I order, picking Alice up, bridal style.
Hunter rushes over to me. "Yes, Pan?"

gently place Alice in his arms. "Watch over her."
He nods. "Yes, Pan."
"Grab your weapons, boys," I order, turning to face my group of Lost Boys.

"What are we going to do?" Andrew asks, picking his sword up.
"We're going to The Savior's campsite," I say. "It's time we pay someone a little visit."


The Lost Boys and I watch in the shadows as Baelfire approaches Emma's campsite. He gently places Henry on the ground before checking the temperature of the coals.
"Emma," he says, smiling.
I walk out of the shadows. "You were so close to finding her."
He bolts up, turning to face me, my Lost Boys surround him.

"You disappoint me," I tisk. "I thought I taught you better. Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."
"I'll keep that in mind next time," Baelfire says, looking at the Lost Boys.
"Well there isn't going to be a next time," I say. "But don't blame yourself."
Felix walks over to Henry, placing the younger boy over his shoulders.

"Your father could've protected you out here, sure. But then who would've protected Henry from him?" I ask mockingly. "Talk about a rock and a hard place."
Baelfire takes a step forwards, so that he's standing right in front of me. "I will get my son back, no matter what it takes."
"You're not getting it. You got him. I got him back," I say, pointing at Bae then at myself. "It's the game."

"No, my boy," I say darkly. "The real problem for you is that there is no escaping Neverland. No one gets off this island without my permission."
"Well, I've done it before," he counters smugly.
I make a mock-surprised face. "Did you? Look at where you are now. It's like you never even left."
"You saying you let me go?" he asks.

"I'm saying everyone's where I want them," I answer.
Henry groans, stirring.
"Something to chew on," I say. I then turn to the boys beside him. "You know where to take him."
Andrew and Jerome grab him by the arms.
"No! Henry!" Bae yells as the duo proceeds to drag him away.

"Oh, don't worry," I say. "It won't be for very long."
"I'm alive!" he shouts, hoping that his son would hear him.
"Just until I reset the board. See, the game is about to change," I say, turning around.
"Don't give up hope, Henry!" Bae yells. "I will come for you! I promise!"


I caress Alice's cheek, waiting for her to wake up. After awhile, both Alice and Henry start stirring, and their eyes flutter open. Alice's nose scrunches as she yawns.
"What happend?" Henry asks, sitting up.
"Oh, you guys fell asleep," I say, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Alice's ear.

"We did?" the two of them ask groggily.
"No, don't worry. It was just a little catnap. The night's still young," I say, looking at the Lost Boys dancing behind me.
"Wait. I-I remember something," Henry says, furrowing his eyebrows. "My dad . . . When I was asleep, I— I could've sworn I heard him calling for me."

"Really?" I ask, inching my right hand up just incase I'd need to cast a memory taking charm on him.
"It must've been a dream," Henry says, dismissing the thought.
"How can you be sure?" Alice asks.
"Because— Because my dad's dead."
"My condolences," Alice says, rubbing him on the back.
"I'm sorry, Henry," I say.

"It makes sense for us to dream about the things we've lost, and the things we hope for," I say, glancing at Alice. "Like your father being alive and your mother coming to find you. But eventually, you'll find new things to dream about. And when you do, they'll start to come true."
"How do you know?" Henry asks.
"Because that's what I did, and now both you and Alice are here."

"Neverland used to be a place where new dreams were born," I tell him. "You can bring that magic back, Henry. And we can be your family." I pause, standing up.
"I'd like to play a song," I announce, Alice and Henry both standing up with me.
"A song for our guest of honour." I make eye contact with the young boy. "Henry."

I bring the pipes to my lips, playing a few chords. I watch as Alice and Henry slowly get into the pipe's trance, dancing along with my boys. I stop playing the pipes, turning to face the younger boy.
I grin. "You can hear the music now, can't you, Henry?"
Henry jumps up. "Yeah!"
I watch my Lost Ones, admiring my hard work as they whoop and dance without a care in the world.

I spot Lewis, Will and Ray's figures dancing the crowd. My smirk widens when I see Alice and Henry dancing along to the music just as enthusiastically. I've finally done it. I finally got them to realise that they're all lost and unloved. That they are mine.


Just so you guys know, I'm going to be switching from Alice's P.O.V to Peter's P.O.V every now and then. I'd write in Third-Person's P.O.V, but, as you can see from my earlier chapters, I suck at writing in Third-Person's P.O.V.

I can't believe I managed to update four chapters in three days, it's a miracle how I managed to write, edit and make an gif so quickly. And my writer's block seems to be gone. remember what happened the last time I said that

That's all for this A/N, I'm gonna make some more edits now, bye, guys!

~ Alice xx


Favorite part/scene of this chapter/episode?

Mine was all the parts Robbie was in


Another video. You're welcome 😏


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 26/04/2018

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