Chapter 44; Good Form

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"We cling to our fairy tales until the price for believing in them becomes too high."

~ Ransom Riggs


Alice's P.O.V


    "Ouch!" I cry out, placing my finger in my mouth.
    "Are you alright?" Henry ask, turning to face me.
    "I'm fine," I say, yawning as I place the needle and trousers on my lap. "I'm just a bit sleepy."
    I pick the needle back up, resuming with my work. How the boys manage to constantly tear holes in their clothes will aways be a mystery to me. 

    "Don't you want to join them?" I ask, nodding towards Andrew and Jerome who are currently racing each other at the rope climbing course.
    "Yeah! Go, Drew!" cheers the Lost Boys as Andrew overtakes Jerome.
    Henry shakes his head. "No, that's not really my thing."
    "What isn't your thing? Playing with the older boys, or exercising early in the morning?" I tease.

    "Both, I guess," Henry  shrugs, giving me a shy smile.
    I laugh. "I don't blame you, I'd kill Peter if he made me exercise this early in the morning."
    "I can't— Ow!" Henry exclaims abruptly, standing up.
    I turn around to see one of the Lost Boys, Devin, if I'm not mistaken, pointing his spear at Henry. Devin scoffs.

    "So you're the kid Pan's been looking for all this time?" he asks, nudging Henry with the tip of his spear.
    "Ask him," the younger boy replies, stepping out of the older boy's reach. Devin grunts, swiping his spear at Henry.
    Henry jumps back. "Stop it!"
    I place the trousers and needle down, getting ready to intervene.

    Henry's cry catches the older boys' attention, and they stop whatever they're doing to stare.
    "If you can't take this," Devin nudges Henry with the spear. "How are you going to handle what Pan has in store for you?"
    Henry's eyes dart to the ground, looking for any possible weapon he could defend himself with. His eyes fall on stick lying on the ground then darts back up at Devin.

    The older boy nods his head, encouraging Henry to pick the stick up. Henry gulps, bending down to grab the stick. His action causes the other boys to start chattering excitedly among themselves. I watch at the both of them get into position, Devin gets into an offensive stance while Henry gets into a defensive one. As soon as Henry is armed, Devin  makes his move. I get to my feet, my eyes never leaving the young boy.

    Sure, this may be just a playful fight, but you never know when things can start going downhill.
    "Not bad," Peter says as Henry blocks Devin's blow.
    Speaking of going downhill.
    Devin takes a step back placing his spear behind his shoulder. The other boys stop cheering, their attention on  their leader as he pushes himself off the tree.

    "But wouldn't it be more fun if you had real swords?" he suggests, striding towards the duo.
    "Peter!" I chide, shaking my head in disapproval. The brunette silences me with a withering glare.
    "I've never used a real sword," Henry says.
    "This is Neverland," Peter says. "And you have the heart of the truest believer."

    Peter places his left hand on Henry's shoulder. "You can use whatever you want." Peter pauses, guiding the younger boy's dominant arm up with his free hand. "You just need to believe, Henry."
    Devin watches the two of them with a smug look on his face.
    "Close your eyes and believe you're holding a read sword," Peter commands.

    Henry obeys, and the stick turns into a real sword. His eyes widen in surprise when he sees the sword in his hands. Devin takes a step back, nervously looking from Peter to the sword in the Henry's hand.
    "What are you waiting for?" Peter asks. "Go on."
    Henry to charges at Devin, swinging his sword at him. The other boys cheer as Henry does so.

    "Go on! Go for it!" Peter cheers. "Keep going! Come on!"
    Henry swipes his sword at Devin's spear, cutting the wood in half. Devin looks at the piece of wood, then at Henry's sword in fear. Devin is defenceless, his once sharp spear now reduced to a stump.
    "Come on, Henry!" Peter yells, egging the younger boy on.

    I watch in horror as Henry brings his sword to Devin's face, causing the older boy to drop what's left of his spear. The Lost Boys cheer as Devin cries out in pain, falling to the ground. He slowly gets to his feet, cupping his cheek with his hand. Devin removes his hand from his cheek, revealing the deep gash running down his cheek.
    Henry drops his sword in shock. "I- I'm sorry. It was an accident."

    Peter walks over to him. "Henry, don't you know the best thing about being a Lost Boy?" Peter asks, picking the fallen sword up.
    "You never apologize," he finishes, handing the sword back to Henry. Peter faces the Lost Boys as Henry takes the sword from him.
    "Come on," he says.
    The Lost Boys clap, cheering loudly.

    Peter then encourages Henry to raise his hand in the air in a victorious gesture.
    "Yeah!" Henry shouts, pleased with himself.
    I wait until Peter dismisses the boys before approaching him.
    "What?" he asks, feigning innocence when he sees the glare on my face.
    "You know what," I snap. "Why'd you do that?"
    "I have no idea what you're talking about," he smoothly replies, moving to walk past me.

    I grab him by the arm. "Why'd you encourage Henry to attack that poor boy? You of all people must know that Henry's pliant."
    He shrugs my hand off. "The boy needs to learn."
    "Learn what?" I ask. "To grow up to be a cold hearted person who finds pleasure in the suffering of others?"
    "So what if that's what I'm trying to do?" he asks.

    "You're incorrigible," I say, pushing past him.


Peter's P.O.V


    "I'm going to find Hook," I  announce, getting to my feet. "Watch out for Alice while I'm gone."
    "What are you going to do?" Felix asks.
    "I'm just going to have a little chat with him."
    "Alright, so where is she?" he asks.
    I jerk my head to the left, where Alice is applying a salve to Devin's injured cheek.

    "I should've known that she'd be helping Devin," Felix says. "What'd she say about the fight that Devin and Henry had this morning?"
    "She said I was incorrigible."
    Felix soffs. "She doesn't know the half of it."
    "Exactly, that's why I'm going to win The Game."
    "You sure about that?"

    I furrow my eyebrows. "What makes you say that?"
    "I heard what you said to The Dark One when he threatened to hurt Alice," Felix says. "I might've been under a sleeping spell, but I can identify your voice anywhere."
    "And what exactly did you hear?"
    "You defending her," Felix replies. "You stood up to him while you were immobilized."
    "I would've done that for you, too," I state.

   "That's not the first time you've done that," Felix points out.
    I narrow my eyes at him. "If you're insinuating that I'm going to lose The Game just because I'm protective over her, you're dead wrong."
    Felix shrugs. "We'll see."
    "Just keep an eye out for Alice," I order.
    "Make sure she doesn't do anything remotely stupid," I add before teleporting out of the campsite.

    I re-appear on a cliff, standing a few meters away from Hook. I watch as he brings a coil of rope towards the ledge for Prince Charming to climb up.
    "Don't pull him up yet," I say just as he prepares to throw the rope down.
    "I want to talk," I say as he turns around to face me. "Alone."

    The one-handed pirate drops the rope onto the ground, walking towards me. "What do you want?"
    "To offer you a deal," I say. "Come back and work for me, like the old days."
    He scoffs. "I don't miss the old days."
    "What if I were to offer you something very hard to come by?" I pause, teleporting in front of him. "A passage off the island."

    "Still not interested," Hook replies, shaking his head.
    "What if I were to sweeten the deal? You can take someone with you."
    Hook shakes his head. "Emma would never leave her son."
    "She did once before," I state. "And you can be there to pick up the pieces. We've known each other a very long time, Killian. We've done business before. And I think this is the perfect time to restart that relationship."

    "What if I'm not interested?" he challenges.
    "Of course you are," I say, taking a step towards him. "Because that's what I've always liked about you."
    "You're good at surviving."
    Hook sighs. "What do you want me to do?"
    "Be my employee," I say. "Do my dirty work."
    "What dirty work?"

    "When the time comes, I'll let you know. But first, I need a signal that you've taken my deal," I say.
    "So my word right now wouldn't be good enough?"
    "You know me," I say, teleporting behind him. "I like action. I'll know you've taken my deal when I see the prince's dead body up on that peek."
    "Oh, you'll see that anyway," Hook replies, turning around to face me. "He's on his last legs, thanks to Dreamshade."

    "I want to see you kill him before the poison," I say. "I want to see your hook inside his body."
    "And what if I don't take your offer?" he asks.
    "Remember the last time you didn't listen to me?" I whisper threateningly.
    I grab the wine skin bag from his belt and hold it up to him. "Have a drink."

    Hook takes the bag from me.
    "You know it always helps you think." I retort, teleporting back to camp just as Prince Charming begins his ascent up the hill.


Henry's P.O.V


    "I'll be right back," Alice says. "Don't run off on your own, alright?"
    I nod. "Sure."
    Alice flashes me a quick smile before walking off. I smile to myself as I watch her go. I like Alice. She's watched out for me and started treating me like a younger brother ever since I stepped foot on the island. She's like the older sister I never had.

    I told her about my family and how they're all characters from a Storybook. I also told her that my family's coming for me. It took awhile, but I finally managed to explain to her that I have two mothers. A biological mother and a adoptive mother. Much to my surprise, Alice didn't tell me that they weren't going to come for me like I thought she would.

    Instead, she told me that she admires my faith in my family and that she looks forward to meeting them. We then started exchanging stories about our families. I told her of how my mother became The Saviour and how she brought back the memories of all the people in Storybrooke. And in return, she told me about the adventures she had with her friends, Lewis and Will.

    She told me about her life before she came to Neverland and how she grew up without her mother. She then told me that I was very lucky to have a family that would always be there for me no matter what.
    I pick up my sword, doodling a rough sketch of my home in the soil. Sighing, I stake the sword in the earth, resting my chin on the hilt. I miss my family. Are they even coming for me?

    I stand up, feeling someone tap on my shoulder.
    It's Devin.
    "I don't wanna fight again, okay?" I say nervously.
    "I didn't come to fight," he says, placing his spear down.
    "I came to deliver you a message," he says, pulling me to the side. "Your family is here."

    "They're on the island trying to find you."
    "Y-You're making this up, because I cut your cheek." I glance around,  wishing that Alice would come back. "You're trying to get back at me."
    "I'm not making it up. Look," he says, handing me a compact mirror.
    I peer into the mirror and see three happy faces smiling back at me.
    "Henry, are you okay?" Regina asks.
    "Henry, can you hear me?" Emma calls out.

    "Mum?" I say, shocked.
    "I'm here, too, Henry!" Marry Margaret adds.
    I look back at Devin. "No. This is a trick."
    "No. No, it's not a trick," Emma assures me. "Henry, I promise you this is real. Kid, it's operation Cobra Rescue. It's us."
    "Y-You're here?"
    They smile at me. "Yes. We've coming to get you."

    I look behind my shoulder, hearing a noise. "There's someone coming."
    I catch a glimpse of Peter Pan walking towards me. "It's Pan. I-I gotta go."
    "Henry," Regina begins.
    "I gotta go," I repeat.
    "We love you," she tells me.
    I look back up and drop the mirror, the glass shatters as it hits the ground.


Peter's P.O.V


    I watch as Hook sits down on a boulder, taking his wine skin bag out. I clear my throat as he brings the bag to his lips.
    I push myself off the tree. "You really should've taken my deal."
    "It doesn't look like I need your help with Emma after all, mate," he replies, grinning smugly.
    "What, you think that kiss actually meant something?"

    "I do, I think it means that she's finally seeing me for the man I am."
    "What?" I scoff. "A one handed pirate with a drinking problem?"
    "I'm no grown-up, but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing," I sass.
    "A man of honor," Hook responds.
    "So tell me," I say, kneeling down. "What would a man of honor like yourself do with a big, fat secret?"

    "Um, well, that depends on what the secret is," he replies.
    "Baelfire," I say. "Neal. Whatever name he goes by these days. The guy Emma loves. Henry's father."
    Hook stands up, wary. "What of him? He's dead."
    "No, I'm afraid not," I say, taking a step forward. "He's alive. And that's not even the best part . . ."

    "He's in Neverland," I say, extending my arms to the side.
    "Is he?"
    "Oh, yes," I say. "Can you believe it? I'm sure Emma would love to know that Henry's father is still alive. But I'd hate for that to get in the way of a budding romance.
     "So I'll leave it up to you," I say, turning to walk away. "To tell her or not."

    I stop right before I'm out of sight, turning back to face the captain. "Let's see what kind of a man you really are."
    I chuckle, walking off.


Oh, what's that? Alice updated another chapter? Me updating so frequently shows that I have a lot of free time. Don't confuse having a lot of free time with not having a life, because I'll have you guys know that I do have a- *laughs maniacally* Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have a life.

I traded my life/soul when I joined fandoms. I have way too many horcruxes atm. I should really stop splitting my soul into different fandoms.

I'll try to update another chapter tonight, but if I don't, then I'll update it first thing tomorrow morning

~ Alice xx


Swanfire or Captain Swan?

Captain Swan ftw!


Quick edit


Should I continue adding little video clips in my chapters or is it annoying?


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 26/04/2018

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