Chapter 45; Truth Or Dare

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"I like people too much or not at all. I've got to go down deep, fall into people, to really know them."

~Sylvia Path


Peter's P.O.V


    I ruffle Alice's hair. "I'll see you later."
    "But you just got back!" Alice protests, resheathing her sword. "And I need someone to practice with."
    "I've got to run an errand," I say.
    "Another one?"
    "It's a big island," I say. "It can't matain itself."
    "Can't you have someone else do it? Like Felix?"

    "He's busy training the Lost Boys, and he doesn't have magic like I do, remember?" I say.
    "I'll make it up to you later."
    "Good," I say, pecking her on the lips. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
    "Define "stupid"," Alice says, using quotation marks at the word "stupid".

    "Well, don't run off on your own without telling anyone," I say.
    "I wouldn't dream of it."
    I roll my eyes. "Sure."
    "Don't roll your eyes at me, young man," Alice chids, crossing her arms
    "Young man? I'm a few centuries older than you."
    "Well, you don't age in Neverland so that doesn't count," she retorts, playfully sticking her tounge out.

    "And I thought you were the mature one. So much for acting your age," I mutter.
    Alice scoffs. "Really, Mr I-am-a-few-centuries-old? If you were to act your age, you'd die."
    "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
    "What? Trying to get rid of me?"
    "So what if I am?"

    "But I thought you loved me!" I say, placing my hand on my chest as I give her a mock-hurt look.
    Alice rolls her eyes. "You wish. Better get back before I replace you with someone else."
    My face scrunches up at the offending notion. "You could never replace me."
    She raises an eyebrow. "You sure about that? Cause there are many boys on the island."

    Ray, I clench my fists. She's talking about Ray.
    "Aww, are you jealous?" she asks, poking me in the cheek.
    "What? No."
    "You are!" she exclaims. "Look, you're blushing!"
    My eyes widen and I use my magic to make a mirror appear in my hand. I peer into the mirror and see my own reflection staring back at me.

    Frowning, I send it back. "I am not!"
    Alice grins cheekily. "Well, you fell for it, didn't you?"
    "You lied to me," I state, wrapping my arms around her waist.
    "Naughty girl, I ought to punish you."
    She rolls her eyes. "What are you gonna do?" she taunts. "Have Felix babysit me again?"
    "I was thinking more of locking the library doors."

    She gasps. "You wouldn't!"
    "Not so tough now, are ya?"
    She shakes her hands like she's planning on strangling me. "Do you want me to freaking murder you?"
    "Can't reach my neck," I point out.
    She narrows her eyes at me. "Why I outta—"
    "—gotta go," I say. "See you later, love."

    I teleport out of the training grounds before she attempts to actually strangle me. I reappear in the middle of the jungle, in front of Rumpelstiltskin. I watch at he holds his arms out in front of him, concentrating on what he's doing.
    "You can't see the future here," I tell him, making my presence known.
    He looks up, startled.

    "It's impossible to see the future in a place where time stands still," I say matter-of-factly.
    "I may not see the future, but I can make one happen."
    "Was that a threat?" I scoff. "And here I made you your favorite breakfast."
    "Eggs in a basket." I say, pointing at the eggs cooking over the an open fire. "I thought you could use it. You seemed a bit down in the dumps."

   "I'm fine."
    "Sure you are, Rumple," I say sarcastically. "You've lost your son, Neal. Again. And Henry's unattainable because . . . Well, you'd have to go through me, and we both know you can't."
    I bend down, picking up an egg from the frying pan. "You still like the yoke runny, don't you?"

    Rumple steps back. "What do you want?"
    "Well, if you won't eat, then I will," I say, biting into the egg white. "I'm just trying to point out the silver lining in your cloudy life," I say, placing the egg back onto the pan.
    "That by killing you, it'll put an end to all our troubles?"

    I chuckle. "We both know that's not going to happen, because the only way for that to happen is if you die, too."
    "You, can go," I say, taking a step forward. "Leave the island."
    "And abandon my son? And Henry?" he asks. "I don't think so."
    "Look," I say. "Even if you save them, which you won't by the way, what's the point?"

    "They'll never forgive you for all the horrible things you've done."
    "You don't know that," he says.
    "Have you forgiven your father?"
    He doesn't reply.
    "You see my point?" I say. "Back to that silver lining, then . . ."
    "You have a nice girl waiting for you back in Storybrooke," I say. "Belle, is it? Stop this foolishness and go back to her. Make a new start."

    "She looks fertile, maybe a new child?" I suggest. "You and I both know that's the only future for you. Assuming you want to live."
    "Enjoy the eggs," I say, walking off.


    "What did Alice say she was going to do before you left the tree house?"
    "Well..." Felix begins. "Her exact words were, "I'm going to go into the room to emotionally torture myself— I mean I'm going to read a book"."
    I chuckle. "She's a dramatic lass, isn't she?"
    "That's an understatement— Wait," he pauses, pointing at something over my shoulder. "I saw something move there."

    Bringing my binoculars to my eye, I spot Emma and the rest of her group making their way though the jungle.
    I lower the binoculars. "Look at them go. So determined to find their missing friend."
    "Speaking of that friend, what should we do with Neal?" Felix asks.
    I look at him over my shoulder. "It's time to move him. Take him to the echo cave."

    Felix turns around, gesturing for the Lost Boys to lower Neal's cage.
    "The game is about to get interesting," I say.


Alice's P.O.V


    "Okay, Andrew, your turn," Jerome says. "Truth Or Dare?"
    "I dare you to—"
    "What's going on here?" Peter asks, approaching us.
    "We're playing Truth Or Dare," I tell him. "Do you guys wanna join?"
    Peter glances at Felix unquestioningly. The blond boy just shugs. "Sure, why not?"

    "Well, it's Andrew's turn now, so let's get the ball rolling, shall we?" Hunter says.
    "I dare you to stand in front of that tree and let Will throw a knife at you," Peter says, handing Will a throwing knife.
    "Alright," Andrew replies, standing up.
    "But," Peter continues. "If you flinch, you'll have to do another dare."

    Andrew nods. "Sure, I always liked a challenge."
    The two boys stand up and walk over over to the nearest tree. Andrew steps up to the tree, facing us and Will gets into position a few fews away from him. He brings hand behind his ear, then hurls it towards the boy. Andrew remains still, not even blinking as the the knife hits the tree, less than a centimeter away from his face.

    Peter nods his head, impressed. "Not bad."
    Jerome waits until Andrew and Will sit back down to continue talking.
    "Your turn, Alice," Jerome says, turning to face me. "Truth Or Dare?"
    "You sure?" he asks.
    "Yeah, bring it," I challenge confidently. But the words he says next wipes the grin off my face.

    "I dare you to kiss Ray."

    "Say what now?"

  "You heard me," he replies.
    I shoot Ray a look, asking him if he's alright with this.
    He shrugs. "It's just a game."
    "Oh, and one more thing, you have to kiss him like you mean it," Jerome adds.
    I get up from my seat and walk towards Ray.
    "Let just get this over with," he says.

    Ray cups my cheek with his hand, pressing his lips against mine. I hesitate, but eventually start kissing him back. Ray takes the kiss slow and easy, not deepening the kiss just yet. I want to pull back but Jerome stops me by shouting, "Kiss him like you mean it!" Ray immediately takes that as a sign to kiss me harder, and more passionately.

    I tangle my hand in his hair as he continues to deepen the kiss. This reminds me of the time the two of us kissed for the first time in the cave by the waterfall. I almost forget that this is a dare, and that the two of us aren't alone.

    "Okay, Alice, you can stop now. You've completed your dare," Jerome says. I can hear the satisfied smirk from his tone.

    Ray clears his throat, pulling back. He glances at me before returning to his seat without another word. I make the mistake of looking at Peter, who glares at Ray, seething with rage (and a hint of... jealousy?). I shake my head, sitting back down. I must be seeing things.

    "Okay, who's next?"


    "Your turn, Alice," Henry says. "Who wants to ask her this time?"

  "I do." Will faces me "Truth or Dare?"
    I'm surprised that he'd even look at me, much less speak to me in front of the Lost Boys. "Um, Dare."
    Will grins.
    Please don't give me dare that will embarrass me, I silently plea. I didn't mean to leave you guys.

    "I dare you to sing a song to Pan and Felix," he says. "It can be any song you want."
    "Any song?"
    Will nods, winking at me.
    Oh. Oh. So he meant that song. I grin, recalling mysef telling Will a few years ago to dare me to do that if it was ever my turn to go.
    I stand up, making my way to where Peter and Felix are seated. Luckily for me, they're seated side by side.

    "I must confess," I sing, flashing Peter a seductive smirk. "You're lookin' fresh."
    I place my hand on his bicep. "Yep, I'm impressed, go ahead and flex."
    Peter smirks, flexing his biceps just to humour me.

    "Everybody be hatin' the way that you stealin' the show, 'cause ooh you be killin' it like little Terio," I say, running my hand down Felix's jawline.

    He flashes me a smirk.
    "Ooh, you can get it, anything you want, and can nobody ever tell you no," I sing. "Don't need no filters on pictures before you post them on the gram."

    "You can shut down the internet, they don't even understand. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. They don't make 'em quite like you," I sing, walking around them. "No, no, ooh, ooh, ooh. It ain't braggin' if you know it's true."
    Andrew furrows his eyebrows.
    "Where is this going?" one of the older Lost Boys, Connor, asks Troye.
    You'll see, boys.

    "Ooh, where you from?" I sing. "Must be heaven."
    Both Ray and Lewis simultaneously cough. "Not."
    Wait for it...
    I hold back a smile as I place my hands on both Peter's and Felix's shoulders. "You'd be rich if looking good was your profession. Think I'm in love, 'cause you so sexy..."

    I playfully shove them off their seats. "Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talking to my own reflection."
    Ray and Lewis are the first boys to get the joke. Then, Lost Boys burst out laughing, some of them even start clapping.
    I bow at my audience, laughing along with them. "How's that for a good show?"

    They whoop and clap at the priceless expression on their leaders' faces.
    Felix chuckles. "You had me there, Alice." he stands up, dusting the dirt off his clothes. "I speak for all the boys when I say that I wondering where you were going with that."
    "I was expecting you to do something like that," Peter says. "You're too predictable."

    The Lost Boys jeer at their leader's obvious lie.
    I roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure you were, Peter."
    "Let's just move on to the next dare shall we?" he says, changing the subject.
    "Sure, who's next?"


  I hold the bucket of cold water in my hands, making sure that the water doesn't drop down the tree. Thank God Felix held the bucket while I climbed the tree because I don't see how I would manage to climb up here whilst holding the bucket filled to the brim with water. Why am I up in a tree, you ask? Well, long story short, Felix dared me to prank Peter so that's why I'm up in a tree.

    I'm just waiting for Felix to lure Peter under the tree. Then, when Peter's in the spot we arranged, Felix will give me the signal and I'll pour the water out of the bucket. The sound of voices approaching me breaks my train of thought.

    "Where are you going?" Peter asks. "I thought we were going to meet Alice."
    "We are," the blonde boy assures his friend. "She said that she wanted to meet us here."
    "Well, I don't see her anywhere."
    "I'm sure she'll turn up very soon," Felix says.

    That's the signal. I tip the bucket over. The sound of Peter shouting tells me that the water hit him. I jump down from the tree.
    I take one look at him then laugh out loud.
    "Not funny," he says, wringing his shirt.
    "No, you're right. It isn't funny. It's hilarious," I laugh, clutching my sides.

    The water drips down Peter's hair. His clothes hugging on to his body due to the water. I peel my eyes from his abs, but I'm too slow and Peter notices.
    "Checking me out, eh?" he asks, smirking.
    I scoff. "No."
    "Wanna play a game?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

    "Well, I'm going to leave before the two of you begin tearing each other's clothes off," Felix says, walking off.
    "Well, too bad for you," Peter calls out. He waves his hand over his body, drying himself. Peter then wraps his around around my waist, teleporting us back to the tree house. He then scoops me up in his arms.

    He nips at lips. "You've been a very naughty girl today, haven't you?"
    I attempt to push him aside, but Peter just carries me over to the bed, pinning my body onto the mattress with his.
    "Come on, Peter, don't be like this, it was just a dare," I say.
    He ignores me, presses his lips to mine in a passionate kisa. He pulls back, leaving me out of breath.

    He smirks at my breathless state.
    "Naughty girls like you need to be punished," he purrs.


TYSM FOR 200 FOLLOWERS AND 30K READS!!! I was actually having a bad day this afternoon, but seeing you guys blowing up my notifications cheered me up and made me smile like an idiot xD

Sorry for not updating this chapter early like I said I would. I had a mini writer's block and Robbie not being in this episode much didn't help with my problem. Well, on the bright side, you guys got that fluffy part in the end ;)

What did you guys think about the Truth Or Dare scene? It was suggested to me by the amazing Headhuntersimon and the singing part was suggested to me by lovely OneTrueDivergent. Did anyone recognise the song that Alice sang? Comment your favorite emoji if you did.

Oh, before I forget, please follow my baby sister, OneTrueDivergent, she'll follow you back if you ask nicely. Well, that's all for this A/N, bye guys!

~ Alice xx


Here's a little imagine by the only and only neverlandsking, my love ❤ you guys should totally follow her on Instagram and Wattpad

I'm going to be honest, I totally fangirled when you followed me back on Instagram, Angie (did I get your name correct? Sorry if I got it wrong, I suck at remembering/spelling names xD)


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 26/04/2018

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