Chapter 48; Athena

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"Lies are neither bad nor good. Like a fire they can either keep you warm or burn you to death, depending on how they're used."

~ Max Brooks


Peter's P.O.V


    I taste salt on my lips. It is a sensation that I am not familiar with. Beads of perspiration drip down my brow as as I drag the oars back and forth like clockwork. The boat rocks ever-so-slightly as Henry shifts in his seat.  It is with great effort that I take to fight against the current, my arms straining under the action. I recall myself barely breaking a sweat when I first travelled via boat. My face is impassive but deep, deep down I am enraged.

    I quickly remind myself not to let it get to me, it is only a matter of time until I get what I've been thirsting for since I stepped foot on the island. Whitecaps begin to appear more frequently as the distance between the boat and the shore increases. The boat cuts through the waves like butter, steadily moving closer to Skull Rock with each row. Henry stares in fascination as we near the cave, his eyes never leaving the rocky island for a second.

    I know we've reached our destination when I feel the boat scrap against the cave floor. Henry is the first to get off, followed by me. I grab the ropes from the boat and tie them down to the chain attached to the rocks.

    "It's been a long time since I've stepped foot on this shore," I say as I get to my feet.
    I turn around, indicating to Henry that we're going up the stairs. I stop in my tracks at the foot of the steps, grabbing a nearby stick. Enchanting the piece of wood with my magic, I draw a line in the sand.

    "What's that?" Henry asks.

    I wave my hand over the line, activating the charm. "It's a protection spell."
    I drop the stick on the ground before turning to face Henry.
    "Let's go," I say, walking up the stairs. "It's time."

    This place holds many memories for me, like the day my father banished me here many centuries ago. I even though the incident happened many, many, many years ago, I can still recall the details. . . My mother had sent me off to the farmer's market to buy new clothing for the new year.

    It was tradition in my family for the head of the household to be given that job, but my father was never around to do that. He was never around as he left my mother before he knew she was pregnant with me. My mother was a very. . . Troubled person growing up. It wasn't that she was stupid, no, she was brilliant, she just had trouble making choices. Choices that most people wouldn't have any difficulties making.

    And unfortunately, one of those bad choices led to my mother having an accidental pregnancy when she was a teenager. I'd never met my father, but my mother told me that he was a kind man, a man that would never hurt a fly. But I was never sure if she was telling me the truth or if she sugar coated it for my sake. I never held it against her for not marrying the man before having me.

    My mother never made it seem like it was my fault, she constantly reminded me that I was the best thing that ever happened to her. I never expected to bump into the infamous Dark One at the farmers market. The sound of the villagers yelling in fear should've singled for my cue to leave, but instead I went towards the noise, eager to see what the commotion was about. If I knew that I'd come across The Dark One, I'd have ran home instead.

    I skid stop as I spot a dark skinned man in a dressed in crocodile skin clothing. If I wasn't sure if that he was the infamous Dark One when I first laid eyes on him him, I definitely knew it was him when he cause a fireball to appear in his hands. I recoiled back in shock as he threw a fireball at the shop next to him, the wooden hut easily bursting into flames.
    "I'm only going to ask this one last time!" The Dark One barks.

    His face is scrunched up in rage as he shouts his next few words. "Where. Is. Athena?!"

    My instants scream at me to run but I ignore them, pushing past the crowd of villagers to reach the front. "What do you want with her?" I demand.

    "And who do you think you are?" he asks, pointing a boney finger at me.
    I straighten my posture. "I'm her son."
    However, his reaction wasn't like one I expected.
    "Really?" He giggles insanely. "So you're the whore's son."

    I grit my teeth. "She's not a whore."
    "She's as much a whore as you are a boy," he retorts.

    I feel my blood boil at his words.

    "Where is your mother, boy?" the man—no, beast, asks.

    "Why should I tell you?" I throw back.

    "Because I'm The Dark One," he says. "And everyone's afraid of me."
     I bravely raise my chin. "I'm not."
    "Really? Let's see how brave you are after I do this!" The Dark One then throws a fireball at me.

    I lift my hand up, absorbing the flames before the fireball can hit me. The villagers gasp. I bring my hand back down, smirking at the old man.
    "Oh, did I forget to mention that I have magic, too?" I ask, cockily.

    The Dark One doesn't respond. Instead, he raises his hand up, causing a young man to wrap his hands around his neck. The man gasps for air as The Dark One uses his magic to strangle him.The sickening sound of of bones snapping tells me that he's dead. The man collapses onto the ground with a thud. The Dark One then turns to face me.

    "Take me to your mother. Or another innocent will die." he says. "You may have magic, but you can't protect everyone."

    I tense at his words. He's right.

    "What do you say, would you like me to kill another villager?" he asks, cheerfully.
    The villagers wait for my answer with with bated breath. I shake my head, shoulders slumping in defeat. "No. No, I'll take you to see her."
    "Excellent," he says.

    I close my eyes before teleporting us to my house. The Dark One knocks on the door to the cottage I share with my mother. My heart is in my mouth as I hear her approaching the door. The hinges squeak as the door swings open. "What took you so long—"

    She stops mid-sentence when she sees the creature next to me. "Peter, what did you do? Who is this man?"

    "Why don't you leave your mother and I alone?" The Dark One says. "We have something to discuss."
    "Do I know you?" my mother asks, a guarded look on her face.

    "You don't remember me? I'm not surprised."
    There is a beat of silence before look of recognition crosses my mother face. "You're finally back."
   "Yes. I'm back."
    I frown, giving my mother a look. "You know this man?"
    She nods.

    "Who is he?" I ask.
    "I'll tell you later," she says. "After I talk to him."

    "But he's—"
    "Listen to your mother, boy," The Dark One snaps.
    I glare him, clenching my fists.
    My mother squeezes my shoulder, flashing me a smile. "Don't worry, he won't hurt me."
    I sigh, turning around.


     I twirl my dagger in my hand. It's been almost an hour since my mother sent me off and I've been at my wits' end ever since she made me leave. I'm on the verge of a nervous tic when an ear piercing screams sounds in the air, causing me to drop my dagger. It came from the village! I sprint through the forest, ducking under low hanging branches as I go. I smell the burning stench of  smoke before I see it.

    A dark cloud hanging over the village like death itself. The sight breaks my heart. My childhood neighbourhood is in ruins. The cottages that aren't burnt to a crisp are still on fire. Dead bodies lie on the ground in dozens. Their eyes wide open. I clench my fists. This has The Dark One's handiwork written all over it.

    WaitMother! She was with him.

    I close my eyes, willing myself to picture my house in my mind's eye. It takes me a few tries before I successfully manage to teleport myself back home. And to my horror, my home is in flames. I franticly scan our property for my mother, breath hitching when I spot a motionless figure on the ground.

    "NO!" I drop to my knees, cradling my mother's dead body.
    "It's a shame she had to die." I hear the monster behind me say.
    I jerk my head behind me, glaring at the beast. I stand to face the dark skinned man.
    "YOU!" I shout. "You did this!"
    "Of course I did," he says.
    "WHY?!" I demand. "WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?"

    "She had you," he replies bitterly. "You were never supposed to exist."
    "Why do you care?!" I shout. "You never knew mother!"
    He giggles. "Actually, I did."

    "You can't be serious."
    "Oh, but I am."
    "Why?" I ask, placing as much hate in that word as possible. "Why'd you kill her?"

    "Because of you," he says, pointing a boney finger at me.
    "Why? I've never done anything to you!"

    "On the contrary, you did."

    "What did I do that was so horrible to make you had to kill innocent people just to get back at me?" I demand.
    "You were born."
     I throw my hands in the air. "That doesn't even make sense!"

    He carries on as if I hadn't spoken. "You were never supposed to exist. Your mother, she was a foolish woman to keep you."

   "What does any of that have to do with you?" I snap.

    "Because unfortunately for you, your existence is a threat to my legacy."
    "How could I possibly be a threat?!" I demand. "I don't even know you!"

    "Neither do I, but it's not your fault that my blood runs through your veins."
    I stumble back, shaking my head. "No. No, it can be true."
    "Unfortunately for you, it is." He giggles. "Because, whether you believe it or not, I am your father."

    "Why'd you kill all those innocent people?"

    "They were witnesses. They saw me here today," he says.
    "What about me?" I ask, furious. "Are you going to kill me, too?"

    A sinister grin appears on the beast's face. "No. No my boy, your fate will be much, much worse."
    What could be worse than this?

    The Dark One puts his hand on his pocket as if he's read my mind. He pulls his hand out, revealing a transparent bean in his hand.

    I stare at him as of he just sprouted two extra heads. "A bean? You ruined my life and destroyed my entire village just for a bean? Everyone's got it wrong, you're more crazy than ugly."

    He places his hand on his chest in a mock hurt look. "I am not ugly. I am unique."

    "Whatever," I say, rolling my eyes."In what way is a bean worse than the death of my loved ones?"

    "Allow me to demonstrate," he says, throwing the bean at my feet.

    The bean explodes in a flash of white as soon as it touches the ground. I jerk my hands up to my face, shielding my eyes from the bright light. I barely have the chance to escape when I feel myself getting sucked into the ground. I scream as I'm pulled towards the light. The world is a blur of wind and white noise. My eyes widen in disbelief when I see source of the light.

    The light is coming from what looks like a whirlpool in the ground. The air around it pulls me towards the white light, threatening to engulf me into its depths. I dig my nails into the ground, clawing at the dirt. I look up at the monster who caused me so much pain. "Why are you doing this?!"

    "Because my son can never know about you," he says. "As far as he knows, you don't exist. And I'm going to make sure it stays that way."
    The Dark One then throws a fireball in my direction, causing me to fall inside. I black out as I fall in.

    I wake up to the sound of bird calls and the smell of salt.


Alice's P.O.V


    "How do we stop Pan?" David asks.
    "Pan took Henry to Skull Rock," Wendy says. "But you haven't got much time."
    "Then we stay behind," David says. "Someone needs to guard the Lost Boys when they wake up."
    "You don't need to stay behind," Emma says.
    I nod my head. "Yeah, I can stay behind to guard them."

    "No, David's right," Mary Margaret says. "You get him home, tell him we love him."
    "Tell him yourself, when you get back from Dead Man's Peek," Emma says.
    The Prince and The Princess both look at her, confused.
    "Gold can cure you back in Storybrooke, we just need to bring some of the water with us," Emma explains.

    Mary Margaret walks over to her daughter and engulfs her in a hug. "Don't give up." She then looks at The Dark One over Emma's shoulder. "Thank you."
    "Well apparently that's the only thanks I need these days," Mr Gold replies monotonously.
    "Tink and I'll take care of things here," Hook says.

    "We'll meet you back at the Jolly Roger when you find Henry."

    "Promise me if your father and I don't make it, you get him back home," Mary Margaret says.
    "We're all going back home," Emma states. "Together."
    Mary Margaret smiles, giving her daughter a quick hug goodbye. "We'll see you later."

    David engulfs Emma in a hug and kisses her forehead. The sight caused my vision to blur, reminding me of the time my father used to do that when my mother was still alive. I quickly wipe the unshed tears away, turning to face Baelfire. "I'm coming along, too."
    He opens his mouth to protest but I interrupt him before he gets a chance to. "I might just be the only person who can talk some sense into Peter. I'm not staying here."

    "She's right," Tink says.
    The group looks at her in confusion.
    "Pan listens to Alice, if anyone can stop him from doing something, it's her," Tink elaborates.
    Wendy frowns at Tinkerbell's words. No doubt she's thinking that she should be going instead of me.
    "Then it's settled," Emma says. "You're coming with us."
    I nod. "Let's save Henry."


Short chapter this time because as I said in my last A/N, my longer chapter make no sense because it's too long for me to re-read or edit them. Don't worry, I won't make you guys wait too long for the next chapter. I'll try to post it by tomorrow if possible.

And on that note, I'd better get started with writing the next chapter. Bye, guys.

~ Alice xx



Do you guys like my versions of the characters stories or would you prefer it if I kept to the original plot of the TV show?


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Edited: 1.11.2018

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