Chapter 49; Think Lovely Thoughts

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"Our pasts may shape us, but it doesn't define who we become."

~ Alyson Noël, Dark Flame


Alice's P.O.V


    Baelfire brings his hands back, pulling the oars with him as he does so. The boat moves slowly, but steadily towards the menacing Skull Rock. I can see light coming from inside the eyes of skull. I cran my neck to get a better look at the opening, hoping to catch a glimpse of Peter or Henry, but all I see is more rock. Rumpelstiltskin is the first to step off the boat, followed by Regina, then the others.

    "These are Henry's shoes," Emma points out, gesturing at the footprints in the sand. "Wendy was right. They are here."
    Something seems off to me, there's no way Peter would leave the entrance to this place unguarded. I'm the first to notice the fine line drawn in the sand. I open my mouth to warn Emma of the obvious trap but she rushes forward before I manage to get the word out.

    "Wait! It's a—"
    She rams into the invisible wall with a thud. She's flung into the air and falls face down in the sand.
    "Trap. . ."
    Emma grunts.

    Baelfire rushes to her side. "Are you okay?"

    "I think so," she replies, standing up.

    "What was that?" Baelfire asks his father.
    "Pan cast a protection spell," Rumple answers.
    "There has to be a way to break it," Regina says, summoning a fireball in her hand.
    "Um, Regina, I don't think that's a good idea," I say.
    She ignores me, throwing the fireball at the invisible wall.

    The fireball hits the wall, ricocheting off it just like Emma did a few seconds ago.
    "Woah!" all of us exclaim, ducking.
    "Careful with that!" Baelfire warns.

    "Yeah," I snap. "Watch it."

    The Dark One gives us a look like he expected that. "Try all you want but Pan's magic is too powerful."
    "At least for you," he adds, pointing at Regina.

    She glares at him, but the expression disappears as he walks past the invisible wall, remaining unfazed. "Wha—"

    "How did you do that?" Emma asks.
    "The spell is designed to keep anyone who casts a shadow from entering," The Dark One explains.
    Realisation washes over Baelfire at his father's words. "And you don't have one. You were telling the truth about ripping your shadow off."

    "And Pan knows it," Rumple says. "That's why he cast the spell he did. This isn't about keeping you out, it's about drawing me in. He knows I won't give up the chance to finsih what I came here to do."
    Baelfire gapes at him. "You really did come here to save Henry."

    "I gave you my trust with that box," Rumple says, pointing at Pandora's box. "Now I need you to give it back."
    Baelfire extends his hand out to give his father, but Regina snatches it from his before he can do so. "Hey!"
    Regina gives Rumpelstiltskin a look as she walks up to him. "You better come through, Gold. Or I'll make whatever Pan has planned for you look like child's play. You understand me?"

    The older man smiles, taking the box from her. "Well a simple "good luck" would've sufficed."
    We watch in anticipation as he makes his way up the stairs.
    "So what are we supposed to do now?" Regina asks.
    "What about the spell my father used to rip off his shadow?" Baelfire asks.

    "You think if I knew how to do that, I wouldn't have done it already?" Regina replies.
    "The moon," Emma says, looking up at the moon though a hole in the ceiling.
    "The moon?" Regina asks, following her line of sight.
    "The moon is what causes our shadows, right? What if there was a way to block it out using magic?"

    "What, you mean like an eclipse?" Baelfire asks.
    I cock my head to the side. "Is that even possible?"
    "Maybe," Regina answers, clasping her hands together.
    "So?" Emma asks.
    "I need help," Regina says.
    Emma looks at Regina. "With magic?"

    "It requires a lot," Regina replies. "I guess we're about to find out how much of my lessons paid off."
    "Follow my lead," Regina says, slowly raising her hands in the air.
    Baelfire and I trail behind them, making our way over to the two women. We watch as Emma and Regina concentrate their magic on the moon, causing clouds to swarm over it.


Peter's P.O.V


    "This is it," I say as Henry and I reach the top of the stairs. "The place where you're going to save magic."

    "Why does it have to be here?" Henry asks, taking in his surroundings.
    "Well, because this is the location from which Neverland's magic emanates."
    "What's the hourglass for?" he asks.

    "Marks how much time we have before Neverland's magic runs out," I say. That's a lie. It actually marks how much time I have before I die. You see, even though I have Alice here in Neverland, I still need The Heart Of The Truest Believer. The shadow specifically stated that I needed both Alice and Henry to gain immortality and power.

    "It's almost empty," Henry says, stating the obvious.
    The faint sound of wind catches my attention, causing me to jerk my head towards the source of the noise.
    "Is something wrong?" Henry asks, noticing my weird behaviour.
    "No," I assure him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Come with me."

    I pull him to the side, gesturing for him to take a seat on the rocky platform. "There's something I need to take care of before we get started, okay?"
    Henry nods, letting me know that I can go.

    I dust the sand off my clothes, slowly getting to my feet. The sound of leaves rustling behind me catches me attention, causing me to spin on my heels. No one's there. The only thing staring back at me is a jungle. This island looks strangely familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.
    "What is this place?" I ask out loud.
    "People call it Neverland," replies a voice behind me.

    I flinch, not expecting someone to reply. I turn around, expecting to see a person. Instead of another human, a shadow standsno, floats above the groundin front of me.
    "Who are you?" I ask.
    "I am the sole inhabitant of Neverland," it replies.
    I shake my head. "I'm sorry, where did you I was, again?"
    "Neverland," it repeats.

    "How did I get here?" I ask.
    "You came here through a portal," the shadow says. "I saw you land on the beach."
    "No, I mean how did I get here?" I ask. "Neverland doesn't exist, I made this place up in my dreams."
    "I assume you were thinking of this place when you feel through the portal."

    That's probably the case. The last thing I remember before passing out is hearing The Dark One say, "think lovely thoughts" and this place was the only thing I could think of.
    "How did you end up here?" I ask the shadow.
    "You weren't the only one whom dreamed of this place before," the shadow answers.

    "What's your story?" I ask. "Why are you here?"
    "I gave up my son for external youth," it replies, it's voice full of remorse. "But the price of doing so was that I had to stay in Neverland."
    That sounds awful. "What happened?"

    "My son grew up, he found his way back here a few years ago and killed me," it says. "The only reason why I'm still here is because my soul is still tied to Neverland."
    "That's unfortunate."
    "Not as unfortunate are your fate," the shadow responds.
    I furrow my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

    "It's— It's hard for me to explain. I can show you if you like."
    "Yes, please do," I say.
    The shadow tosses me a green pouch. "You'll need this."
    "What is it?" I ask, opening the bag.
    "Pixie dust, it'll give you the ability to fly," the shadow explains. "Take out a pinch of the dust and sprinkle it over you."

    "Why can't we just walk there?" I ask, doing as he says.
    "The place I'm taking you to is going to be too far to go on foot."
    I watch in awe as I start hovering over the ground.
    "Let's go," the shadow say.

    "Wait," I say, causing the shadow to stop flying away. "What is your name?"

    The entity pauses. "In another lifetime, I was known as Malcolm."


    "Over there," the shadow says, pointing at the huge, skull shaped rock on the middle of the ocean.
    "What is this place? I don't remember seeing it in my dreams," I  say as my feet touch the rocky ground.

     "That's because it didn't exist," the shadow says, floating down next to me. "It was created when I made the decision to stay in Neverland, and give up my son."

    "A giant skull?" I exclaims. "It's glorious!"
    "What's the hourglass for?" I ask, walking towards the rock.

    "It represents the magic supplying your youth, the magic allowing you to stay young," he says.

    "What happens when it runs out?" I ask.

    "Your youth will be taken," he says. "And you'll die."

    The shadow chuckles, shaking his head. "Whomever sent you here must really hate you."

    "Tell me about it," I say, rolling my eyes.

    So this was the terrible fate The Dark One was talking about. I swear, I'm going to find a way out of this, and when I do, I'm going to kill the bastard. I'm going to make sure he, and everyone he cares for suffers.

    "But I thought I was going to stay young forever," I say, confused.

    "Neverland is a place for children to visit in their dreams, not a place for them to live," the shadow says. "You're the second person to try to stay. And in doing so, you're breaking the rules."

    "Any rule can be broken, especially here," I say, gesturing around me.

    "I made this place without even thinking about it," I say, walking towards the hourglass. "There has to be a way."

     "Perhaps," the shadow says, tailing me.

   "Then I will find it. I will find a way," I say, looking up. "I believe..."


    I shake my head, forcing myself to go back to the present. I've been having one too many flashbacks of late. It's quite annoying. It keeps me from thinking straight. I turn around, feeling Rumpelstiltskin's presence behind me.
    "Hello, laddie," I say, turning to face him.
    "Can't believe you've found yourself a girl," he says.

    Straight to the point, huh?
    "I assume you've met Alice?" I say.
    "Yes. May I ask, why is she here?"
    "That's for me to know and for you to never find out," I say.
    "Has she tried running away?"
    "Three times."
    "What about attempting to kill you?"
    I chuckle. "She tried that twice."

    "How'd you find her?" he asks.
    "Magic," I say, matter-of-factly.
    "Of course."
    Curious, I ask. "What do you think of her?"
    "She reminds me of your mother."
    "She's great with kids and she loves reading. Athena would've loved her."
    Rumple nods.
    I notice that he carries Pandora's box in his hand. "Oh, I see you come bearing gifts."

    "Where's Henry?" he asks.
    "Oh, you mean my nephew?" I ask. "You still haven't told the others who I really am?"
    I scoff. "Not even your own son. Why?"
    "Because you're an embarrassment. You mean nothing to me," he says.
    "We both know if that was true, I'd already be in that box," I say, pointing at his hand.

    "You don't think I can do it?" he demands. "You let me inside just to, uh, taunt me?"
    "No," I say. "To see you again. To give you one last chance. Stay with me. Let this go. Let's start over, as a family."
    "Do you really think that I'd believe that?" he asks. "After I was the one who banished you here?"
    "I'm disappointed, Rumple," I say.

    "After all these years, I thought you'd be more. . . Understanding, considering you asked your other son for forgiveness, too," I say. "You traded me for your legacy, then you traded Baelfire for the power of a dagger, and your father traded you for youth."
    My father looks at me, surprised.

    I smirk. "Yeah, I met Malcolm. Bet you didn't think that he'd still be here after you killed him, right?"
    "He's still here?" Rumple asks.
    "Grandfather talks about you a lot, you know?" I say. "He said that one of the reasons why you must've banished me here is because I look like him. A carbon copy of him, to be exact."
    "That doesn't mean anything."

    "I've met my perfect little brother," I say as if he hadn't spoken. "The two of us are a lot more alike than you care to admit."
    "You and Bae are nothing alike," he snarls.
    "Oh, of course we are," I say. "You abandoned us both. And it's nothing to be ashamed of, neither you nor grandfather was cut out to be a father."

    "I regretted leaving Baelfire the moment I let him go," Rumple says. "However, I did not regret letting you go."
    Well, then.
    "I spent my life trying to find Bae, to get him back," he says. "Between you and him, Baelfire is the one I'd want a chance to start over with, not you."

    "But I do," I say. "I do want to make fresh start with you. All you'll have to do is put down that box, and you'll see that it's true. We can make that fresh start you always wanted with grandfather, together, just the three of us."
    "Oh, I'm going to make a fresh start. . . Just not with you," he says, waving his hand over the box.
    I look at him, disappointed.

    Nothing happens.
    "I don't understand," he says, waving his hand over the lid of the box again.
    " 'Cause you don't have it," I say, using my magic to reveal the real Pandora's box in my hand.
    Realisation crosses his face. "You switched them?"
    "Still having trouble believing," I state.

    "In Neverland, all you have to do is think of something to have it. Even something fake."
    I chuckle. "But the real one. . . Let's just see what it can do."
    "No!" he exclaims as I wave my hand over the lid, activating the box. The gemstone on top of Pandora's box glows red as crimson fog seeps out of it.

    "I'm sorry, father," I say as he is engulfed into the fog. "You had your chance. The choice was yours."
    The box whirls and clicks as what's left of the fog renters the box, trapping my father inside.


    I walk back to where Henry is, placing Pandora's box on the rocks by the wall.
    "It's time, Henry," I say, turning to face my nephew. "Time to save magic, to save Neverland.
    Henry makes his way towards me. "What do I have to do?"
    "You must give me your heart, Henry. The Heart Of The Truest Believer," I say.

    Henry scrunches his face, confused. "You mean. . . I have to believe?"
    "No, Henry," I reply, chuckling.
    I exhale. "I mean, you need to give me your heart."
    "But— What will happen to me?" he asks, nervous.
    "You'll become the greatest of all heroes," I say.
    "You can tell me the truth," Henry says, surprising me.

    "I know all magic comes with a price," he says. "Saving it must come with a price, too."
    He's fast, catching on to my lie that quickly.
    "I would never lie to you, Henry. You're right, there is a price," I admit. "You have to stay here on the island with me. Neverland will become your new home. I know it's a huge sacrifice, but isn't it worth it?"

    "Heroes have to make sacrifices all the time," Henry says. "My family taught me that."
    "Then, they'd be proud if they could see you now, because you're about to save them all."
    Henry glances at the hourglass, then back to me.
    "Now are you ready?" I ask.

    "Then let me help you," I say, taking his hand in mine. I wave my hand over his, casting a spell on it.
    Henry looks at me for confirmation. I nod, assuring him that he's safe to carry on. Henry then sticks his hand inside his chest, pulling his heart out. The golden heart pulses in his hand.
    "Henry wait!" shouts Baelfire, causing Henry to stop.

    "Whatever Pan's telling you to do, don't do it," he says.
    Henry turns around at the sound of his father's voice. "Dad? You're alive?"
    "I am, buddy," my brother says. "And I need you to listen to me. Pan is lying to you."
    "Pleasure to see you, too, Baelfire," I say, my eyes dart to the people next to him. "Not to mention The Saviour, and The Evil Queen."

    I spot my favourite Lost Girl standing next to Emma, disappointment written all over her face.
    "What are you doing here, Alice?" I demand, a spark of worry flaring up within me. "I told you to stay back at camp."
    Alice peels her eyes away from me. "Henry, you need to get away from him now. He's lying to you."
    The raw hurt in her voice when she says that pains me.

    "No. The Heart Of The Truest Believer. It's what's gonna save magic. It's gonna save all of you," Henry says, raising his heart up so they can see it.
    "No, it's not," Regina states. "This was never about magic, Henry. You have to believe us. The only person Pan is interested in saving is himself."
    "That's not true!" Henry exclaims.
    I stand in between Henry and his family. "Of course it isn't."

    "Yes, it is!" Baelfire yells back. "Pan can't live without you dying. If you give him your heart, it's gonna kill you."
    "They're trying to stem your belief," I insist. "But don't let them."
    I place my hand on his shoulder. "Remember, every hero gets tested."
     "Henry," Emma calls out, causing him to look at her. "I know what being a hero looks like, and this isn't it."

    "Why would they lie?" Henry asks me.
    "Because that's what adults do, Henry. You know that better than anyone," I say.
    "Henry, you have to believe us," Regina pleads.
    "Your parents don't care about Neverland," I say, turning to face him. "They know if you give your heart to save it, then you'll have to stay."

    I take a step behind him. "They're being selfish because they don't wanna lose you."
    "Henry, you have to trust us," Emma begs.
    "Trust?!" I exclaim, my voice thick with disbelief. "I'm the only one who's ever been honest with you, Henry. The only one who ever believed in you. This is your choice. Not theirs." I worryingly glance at the hourglass. "You have to chose now. We're running out of time."

    Henry looks at the hourglass.
    "We believe in you, Henry," Baelfire says.
    "Because we love you," Emma says.
    "More than anything," Regina adds.
    "I love you, too," Henry says, smiling at his family.
    Emma smiles back at her son.
    "But I have to save magic," he says.
    Baelfire shakes his head, bolting towards his son. "No, no, no, no."

    I smirk those words leave Henry's mouth.
    "I'm sorry," Henry says, turning back to face me.
    "No!" they all shout as Henry pushes his heart into my chest. Henry drops to the ground as soon as his heart is placed in my chest. The process causes all of Neverland to shake, Alice and Regina falls to the ground while Emma and Baelfire stumble.

    I can tell that all the inhabitants of Neverland felt me absorb The Heart Of The Truest Believer. Alice and Regina get back to their feet, looking over at Henry worriedly. I hover a few metres above the ground, feeling my heart absorb the magic from Henry's heart.
    "Henry!" Emma shouts as the four of then run towards Henry.
    I fly higher as the magic from Henry's heart fuels mine.

    I chuckle as the four of them stare back at me with horror written all over their faces. I can feel the my magic increase in power by the second. I smirk, Alice is finally mine.


ASDFGHJKL THAT HIT ME WITH THE FEELS OMFG *squeals* Robbie was so hot in this episode oml 😍😍😍 I'm dead

Yes, I know I just updated a chapter yesterday. Don't get so excited, this cliffhanger is 10 times worse than the last one. Good luck sleeping tonight MUHAHAHAHA xD

I wouldn't worry too much about it, I'll probably update the next chapter by Tuesday, and if I don't, I'll make sure to add a extra fluffy part in either the next chapter or the one after it.

Oh, yeah, before I forget. As you guys can probably notice, I changed the plot of the story. The original one was that Malcolm (aka Peter Pan) was Rumpelstiltskin's father and Henry was Peter Pan's great-grandson, but I changed it so that the shadow is Malcolm (Rumpelstiltskin father) and that Rumpelstiltskin is Baelfire's (aka Neal) and Peter's father.

Anway, that's all for this A/N, bye guys ☺

~ Alice xx


Possessive Peter or loving/gentle Peter?

Possessive Peter tbh


Here's an imagine, sorry if it sucks


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 1.11.2018

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