Chapter 50; The Race Against Time

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"Whatever you love, that is your weakness."

~ Holly Black


Alice's P.O.V


    "Oh, God, is he unconscious?" Emma asks, shaking Henry.
    Regina blanches. "Henry, can you hear us?"
    "He passed out as soon as his heart went into Pan," Neal states.
    "Is he breathing?" Regina asks worriedly.
    I grab his wrist, checking for a pulse. "I-I can't find a pulse."

    "What he hell did you do to him?" Emma demands as Peter descends from the sky.
    "Oh, I didn't do anything, Emma," Peter says, walking towards us. "It was Henry. He offered me his heart of his own free will."
    I place my hands over his chest, administrating CPR. "Come on, Henry. Wake up."

    Emma unsheathes her sword. "I'm gonna take it back from you."
    Peter raises his eyebrows looking at her as if the whole idea was absurd. Emma lunges forwards but Peter teleports away from her. He reappears a few feet away, and picks up something from the rocks.
    "I don't think you have it in you," Peter says, startling Emma.

    Peter repeatedly tosses Pandora's box in the air as he walks around the room. "Rumpelstiltskin didn't. Why should you?"
    "Where is he?" Emma asks, keeping her sword pointed at him.
    "What did you do to him?" Baelfire asks.
    "Oh, he's right in this box," Peter says, holding Pandora's box up for them to see. "Safe and sound. Out of the way."

    "Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore. And neither can you," Peter states, looking down at the box in his hand.
    "Really?" Emma asks, nicking Peter's in the arm with the blade of her sword. "How'd that feel?"
    "Like a tickle," Peter replies.
    I stand up, annoyed. "That's enough!" The adults look at me in surprise as I storm over to him.

    "Peter Pan you better give Henry back his heart or so help me—"

    "Forgive me for this, love," Peter says.
    I let out a humourless laugh. "Oh, you're gonna have to beg for my forgiveness at this rate."
    He cuts me off by wrapping his arm around my waist. I open my mouth to protest but Peter silences me with a wave of his hand.
     "I'm sorry."

   That's the last thing I hear before I black out.


Felix's P.O.V


    "Gold is in a box. And David can never leave Neverland," Snow White says. Distress obvious in her voice.
    "Mary Margaret, that doesn't matter," her husband consoles her. "I've already made peace with that. What matters is Henry."
    "How much time do we have left?" Prince Charming asks, turning to face The Evil Queen.

    "Maybe an hour before the preservation spell wears off," she replies.
    Baelfire sighs. "If he's airborne, he can be anywhere on the island."
    "Now is just as much time I suggest we get looking," Captain Hook says.
    The Evil Queen ignores Hook's suggestion, storming over to me.
    "Where is he?!" she demands, grabbing me by the collar.

    "Gone," I reply smugly. "There's nothing you can do. He's already won. Pan never fails."
    "You won't talk? How about I make you talk?" she threatens, moving her hand back to rip my heart out.
    The Saviour grabs The Queen by the wrist, stopping her from ripping my heart out. "Regina wait."
    "There's no time!" The Queen cries, turning to face the blonde woman.

    "I don't think torture is our best move here," The Saviour says, pulling The Queen to the side. "Look at these kids. They've been to hell and back."
    The Evil Queen's eyes dart to the younger Lost Boys and her face softens sympathetically.
    "We need to try something else," the blonde tells her.

    "Yeah, we've tried looking all cuddly. They don't respond to reason. What else do you have to offer?" she asks.
    The Saviour's notices Cassie crying in the corner and she sees twins comforting the toddler.
    "It's alright, Cassie," Asa says, patting the younger boy on the shoulder. "Mummy will come for us, just wait."

    "Yeah, Alice will save us," Isaac agrees, flashing him a smile.
    Cassie sniffs, rubbing his eyes. "I wuant mama."
    "What every kid wants," The Saviour continues.
    Snow White looks at her daughter, confused.

    The blonde woman turns back to face The Queen. "A mother."


Alice's P.O.V


    I wake up lying on a cot in an unknown part of Neverland. I rub my eyes, throwing the blanket off myself. Sitting up on the makeshift bed, I throw my legs over the edge.
    "Good, you're awake." I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around to see Peter leaning against a tree with ease.
    "Where am I?"

    "You're safe," he assures me. "Don't worry, the others won't be able to use you against me now."
    I make my way towards him, clenching my fists. "The only one who should be worried is you."
    Peter looks at me, confused.
    "How dare you trick an innocent boy into giving you his heart," I say, pointing my finger at him accusingly.

    "I didn't—"
    I cut him off. "And you still have the audacity to kidnap me. Again."
    "I'm just trying to protect you, love," he says, reaching out to me.
    I recoil back in disgust. "I was perfectly fine before you kidnapped me and dragged me into this hell hole! How dare you manipulate Henry to give his life up for you! He's just a boy!"

    "I had no other choice!" he snaps. "I was dying!"
    "You could've found another way! You didn't have to take his life in order to save yours!" I shout.
     "Did you even hear what I just said?! I was dying! There wasn't enough time—"
    I raise my hand and slap him as hard as possible, not giving him the chance to finish his sentence.

    I glare at the demon in front of me. "You're sick, sadistic bastard."
    He just stares back at me in shock. Peter slowly brings his hand to his cheek in disbelief.
    "I'm going back to Emma and the others. Don't you dare follow me," I threaten.
    Peter takes a second to regain his composure. His face flushes red, but not because he's in pain.

    No, he doesn't feel pain. He isn't hurt, he he's livid. I turn around to leave but Peter grabs me by the forearm, pulling me back.
    "Let. Go. Of. Me. Pan," I snarl, using my other hand to pry his fingers off.
    Peter doesn't loosen his grip on me, if anything he tightens his hold on my arm. I raise my hand up to slap him again but he catches my wrist before my hand makes contact with his face.

    "What did you call me?" he asks icily.
    I look him dead in eyes and repeat what I had just said. "I said, you're a sick, sadistic, bastar—"
    He pushes me against the tree, pinning my wrists above my head. "I did this for you!" He yells. "For us!"

    A shiver runs down my spine at his murderous glare. I cannot recognise the person before me. Peter, what have you become?


Ray's P.O.V


    Emma kneels down in front of us. "Guys," she begins. "Listen to me. We are not going to hurt you. I know you're loyal to Pan and I get that, but you're making a terrible mistake. For a long time, I thought I was never going to find my family. I was an orphan like all of you. A Lost Girl. And I was reminded today that I am not alone." she pauses, looking at her parents.

    "That I have a lot of people who love me."

    The couple smile at each other.

    "And of that can happen to me, it can happen to you," Emma says, looking straight at Felix.
    "Pan is the only family we need," Felix replies defensively.
    "No, family doesn't do what he did," Emma says. "Pan lied to you and made you do terrible things."

    She points at her son. "He lied to Henry and convinced him to give up his own heart!"
    "To save the island," one of the younger Lost Boys, Brendon, says.
    "No." The Saviour shakes her head. "To save himself."
    "Don't listen to her," Felix says to the us. "Pan cares about all of us."
    "No, he doesn't. We care about you," she says standing up.

    "We can take you home with us. To our land."
    Some of the Lost Boys perk up at that sentence.
    "There's no reason to fear Pan anymore," she continues. "Until he absorbs the power from Henry's heart, he can be stopped."
    "You just have to tell us where he is," Mary Margaret adds.

    "Why should we trust you?" Andrew shouts from behind me.
    "Yeah, we've only just met you guys," Jerome says. "Who knows what your true motives really are."
    "I swear, we aren't lying to you," Emma says.
    Felix stands up. "Leave now while Pan still allows you to breathe."
    The captain places his hook on Felix's shoulder, forcing him back down.

    "That's the only hope you'll get," Felix says.
    Emma makes her way towards him. "Where's Pan?"
    "Not. Telling." he replies.
    "Can you really bring us home?" Brendon asks, causing all of us to look at him.
    "Shut your mouth!" Felix snaps.
    Emma kneels in front of the younger boy. "Yes, with your help."

    "His thinking tree," Brendon mumbles.
    "NO!" Felix shouts, horrified. He would've lunged at him if it weren't for Hook holding him down.

     "Yes," the older Lost Boy sitting next to him, Jared, says. "His thinking tree."
    "STOP IT ALL OF YOU!" Felix cries out, trashing in Hook's grip.
    "What is that?" Emma asks Brendon.

    "That's where he goes when he wants to be alone," Brendon tells her.
    "You can find him there. It's not far," Jared adds.
    "No!" Felix jerks forward but Hook keeps him in place. "Don't trust her!"
    "Can you tell us where that is?" The Saviour ask Brendon.
    "But you have to swear. . ." Brendon trails off, looking at the other Lost Boys.

    "Swear that you'll take us with you," he finishes, looking back at Emma. "All of us."
    "I promise," the blonde woman says. "We are going home."
    Brendon looks at her skeptically.
    "All of us," she assures him.

  "To Pixie Woods?" Regina asks. "That's where he is?"
    Brendon nods his head towards the woods. "It's just north of here. It's where the pixie dust used to grow."
    "You know where that is?" Emma asks, standing up.
    "Aye," Hook replies. "The whole region is deserted now. No one but Pan has set foot in those woods in centuries."

    "Then let's make history," Baelfire says.
    Emma takes a step towards him. "We're gonna need you back here. Once we get Henry's heart, it's a race back. We need help on both ends."
    "What do you need from us?" David asks.

    "Let's gather up the Lost Boys and get them aboard the Jolly Rodger," Baelfire says. "Prepare the ship to fly."
    All of the Lost Boys grin at that, all of them save Felix and two of the members of The Bloodlust Trio. Andrew and Jerome look pissed that their in this situation while Hunter, on the other hand appears happy to be going home. Lewis, Will and I cast each other worried glances.

    There's only one thing on our minds: Where's Alice?


Felix P.O.V


    I watch in silent fury as Brendon tells The Saviour where to find Pan. Pan's going to be so pissed when he finds out that his once-loyal Lost Boys ruined his plans. The blur of movement to my right catches my as Lewis, Ray and Will stand up. I glare at them as they approach me. "Traitors."
    "We were never loyal to Pan in the first place," Will retorts.

    "Where is she?!" Ray demands, pulling me up by the collar.
    "Look at that, the runt's finally defiant," I say, feigning interest.
    "Don't test me, Felix," Ray growls.
    I chuckle. "You don't scare me, you're all bark and no bite."
    "You don't want to make me angry," Ray threatens. "I've accumulated a lot of pent up anger in the past few years that I've yet to release."

    "Did he take her?" Ray asks icily.

    "What if he did? What could you possibly do about it? Ask him to give her back nicely?" I taunt.
    "Dude, I wouldn't piss him off if I were you," Lewis says warningly.

    "He won't hurt me," I scoff. "He's called a runt for a reas—"
    I'm cut off by Ray punching me in the abdomen, knocking the wind out of my lungs.

    I gasp, struggling to pull the air back. Ray remains unfazed, not rubbing his knuckles in pain like I had assumed he would. Who would've known that the boy had a good right hook? Ray brings his hand back to hit me again but Will stops him. Ray shrugs his brother's hand off and pulls an arrow out of his quiver. He holds the tip of the arrow to my throat. "Answer me."

    "I'm not going to hold him back this time," Will says.
    I tense up, feeling the tip of arrow dig into my skin. "Yes," I spit out. "She's with Pan."
    "I'm going with you guys," Ray tells Hook.
    "Me, too," Lewis and Will say.
    "You guys can't—"
    "In all due respect, Hook, you really can't stop us," Ray says.

    Hook eyes dart to the long bow in Ray's hand then to the sharp sword in Will's hand.
    "I'll tell the others," he says, walking off to find Emma.
    Ray pulls me closer towards him. "I swear, if he hurts her, I'll kill you."
    And with that last word he punches me, causing me to double over in pain. He then let's go of me and walks off with Lewis and his brother.

    I wipe the blood from my mouth with my sleeve. I don't fight Prince Charming as he pulls me to my feet and drags me towards the beach. I've lost this fight and I can only hope that Pan has better luck with them. I always say Pan never fails but this time I'm not so sure. The odds are stacked against him, and for once he has a weakness. And she will be his downfall.


Sorry that I took so long to update this chapter, I've been having writer's block. Ugh, I hate it when that happens -_-  Sorry that there's not much fluff in this chapter, I'm saving that for the next few chapters

I apologise for making you guys wait so long for this crappy chapter. I really intended to make this chapter fluffier but it was getting way too long so I moved it to the next chapter

I'd better start writing the chapter before I receive more death threats. Btw, the threats you guys left in my last chapter was really amusing 😂😂 well, imma go now, bye, guys 👋

~ Alice xx


I'd like to wish a very happy belated birthday to @stellabella420 🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉 this one's for you


Felix or Peter? Can I just have both of 'em? 😂


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 1.11.2018  (why am I doing this at 2 in the morning?)

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