Empty Spaces

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I got inspired to write this poem when I went out with my dad on a car ride to just get out of the house and I saw all of the empty spaces like parks and how many people weren't outside enjoying the sun. I hope that you guys like it!

When I go outside all I see are empty spaces.
When I look around all I see is empty restaurants and the closed doors of many stores,
All I see is all of the people who aren't there laughing and talking like they normally are.
When I look around I don't see as many people on the bike trails,
I don't see as many people enjoying the sunlight as there should be.
All I see is empty space after empty space with no one there to fill them.
All of the benches are empty and I can't hear the children laughing at the parks anymore.
When I look around all I see are empty spaces.
Empty space after empty space.
But deep down I know that someday those empty spaces will be filled again with laughing children and smiling people,
But for now those spaces will remain empty.

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