Operation 01 - Where It Begins!

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(The art above and in later chapters are all my works. In this case, I own the guy's pic and the texts but not the ID background. Credits go to the creator's of Panzer Waltz :3 )

The year is 1958. It has been more than a decade since the Beast War started. At this point, humans have slowly made progress to recapture territories lost to the Beast hordes. Metal Maidens have now become the official weapon of choice to combat them, with various countries and commanders assigned to command them.

1958 - Normandy, Gallia. At the staff headquarters. About 7:30 AM.

Name: Luciano Grazzini
Age: 16
Place of Origin: Italia
Gender: Male
Commander No.: 23479

"So you're the man they call Mr. Scarface, huh?", said an officer as he analyzes Luciano's records.

"Yes, sir."

"Hmmm...you're records seem legit. I'm glad you do have talent, as should be expected of every commander."

"Not just talent - I am also patriotic, sir."

"Whatever. Make sure you don't cause anymore problems."

"Yes, sir!"

Sergeant Luciano Grazzini is one of those upcoming commanders, fresh from graduation. Nothing is special about him, average build, average looks, average...everything. Except two things: the scar on his face, and his mind. What promoted him to that rank is because he has a talent for strategies, hardwork, and possesses a complex mind that could win battles. He, however, lacks experience...yet.

Luciano has been assigned to Frunze Academy, a well-known institution that trains several Metal Maidens. To get there, however, requires permission from the higher ups, which he recently has now, and a journey through hostile territory. Thus, he has already been assigned a Metal Maiden to assist him - both as his escort and as his first recruit.

Luciano walked his way through the hallway, his destination was the garage were he will meet his new companion. He walked with a cool demeanor, serious glaring eyes, and giving off a no-nonsense vibe.

Regardless, someone approached him just as he entered the garage. A tall man, with brown skin and a white outfit, approached him with joy.

-- --

"Hey, Graz-san! How was it? You got permission?"

"Yes, Rufus. And please, don't call me that."

"Why not?! We're best friends, right!?"

"Not yet Rufus. And please don't be a nuisance."

"A nuisance? How can you say that?!"

Rufus Rothschild. One of the sons of the Rothschild family, that same family with connections to the BW Organization, another important group involved with Metal Maiden developments. Personally, he is a nice and open person, but I think laziness is what defines him. He is still one rank below me.

"For one, you're still a Corporal yet you don't address me as Sergeant. How rude. Rufus, start taking your career seriously."

"Haha. That isn't necessary, we're friends anyway so I don't think it matters, Graz."

"I don't care Rufus. You still have to follow protocol. Until you're not promoted, address me as Sergeant, Rufus."

Sigh. We spent some time talking with each other anyway. So much, I did not notice a certain girl with pigtails having trouble arranging some supplies near a car.

"Graz, Graz, Graz. There are advantages to being a Corporal. Like having the freedom to hang out with people and observing other talented dudes to gain experience."

"You mean looking at girls, thinking of girls and hanging out with girls, Rufus?"

"Haha. Correct! But, I also observe other officers and their strategies. Very smart, isn't it?"

Geez. See what I mean? This is how "honest" and "open" he is...

"You can't learn everything just by doing that. You'll be mistaken for a stalker, idiot."

"That is what I aim for, Graz! A good officer is a good stalker! And never underestimate my skills!"

"Give me a reason not to."

"A reason? Oh, wait, what is this? Your wallet?"

I was caught off guard when he said that. I immediately inspected my pockets and he was right. That was my wallet!

"What the f@#%? How did you...!?"

"Hehehe, see what I mean?!"

Rufus gave my wallet back. It pissed me off so I tried to leave as soon as possible - but he stopped me and grabbed me by the hand.

"What now?!"

"You've forgotten something."


"My advice. I wanted to advice you something."

"Hmph...what is it? Spit it out so I could leave..."

Then all of a sudden, Rufus' eyes sharpened and glared at me with a different mood.

"The Beast Tanks...don't underestimate them..."


My eyes were stuck looking at him. He was serious this time. I did not notice that the girl I mentioned earlier, just hit her head with something.

"I heard reports that the Beast Tanks in this area are behaving strangely. Keep an eye out for them."

"Really? Well...thanks for telling me that -"


A yell echoed through the garage that caught our attention. That girl earlier, fell on the ground as she carried a large crate. Immediately I went to her and helped her get the crate off her.

"Are you alright?"

"No..sir...Ahh!! I-I mean yes, sir! I'm fine! No injuries!! In good health sir!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down..."

I held her hand and made her stand up again. When she was alright, I turned my back to find Rufus waving his hand and smiling as he says:

"Hey! ... Good luck - Sergeant Graz!"

With a now-go-away look on my face, I waved back. Sigh, finally he left.

I got back on track, I looked for the plate number of the car - and the girl - that I was assigned to. Plate no. C7GZ41. I searched all over the place...then I finally found it.

!! Wait a sec! Isn't this the car that the girl with pigtails was a while ago? Don't tell me...

"Oh, your back! Could I assume this must be where you were assigned, sir?", the girl came to greet me.

"Umm...yeah...No. C7GZ41...is this it?"

"Yes it is! Oh, but I need to check your ID, sir!"

"Sure..." I handed my ID to her.

"Let's see...Commander No. 23479...Luciano...OH! SO YOU'RE THE LUCIANO GUY!!"

"Sigh...yes I am..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Luciano Grazzini! Everything is ready. Give the order to sortie!"

"Yeah, sure."

Oh no...another idiot will be with me...how awful...

Anyway, we got in the car. I sat at the back seat while that girl drove. Behind me were the supplies she prepared, I think they were codons, iron, food, or something. Regardless, we finally began our journey when she shouted: "Hehe...START YOUR ENGINES!", and started the car's engines. Does she really have to say the obvious?

Once we were out of the headquarters, we introduced ourselves.

"So...what's your name?"

"ZOE SHERMAN AT YOUR SERVICE, COMMANDER!! I am a Sherman IV Type Metal Maiden! And this fellow on my shoulder is called Jumbo!"

"Jumbo? I never thought a turret can become a pet."

"Jumbo is a good scout and friend, Commander!! Wait till you see what he can do!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hope so..."

After that, I laid back at the car seat and rested. I closed my eyes thinking of...things. So a medium tank type Metal Maiden is under my command, huh? No choice...I have to be stuck with her from now on. I just need to think of some tactics that makes use of Shermans like her...

Just thinking of that made me sleepy...before long, I fell asleep.

-- -- --

About an hour later....

Luciano and Zoe traveled carefully through the Gallian roads. They pass by small towns and green vegetation. But soon they inevitably began to see broken roads, and damaged buildings - aware of a conflict that still exists.

"Sir, we're nearing our destination......sir?"

"Zzzzzz...huh?...yeah yeah...keep going...zzzz"

"Hehe...commander's kinda sleepy huh?"

Many minutes later, Zoe drove to an unsafe town with two roads, surrounded by damaged buildings, and the noise of battle that could be heard nearby.

"Sir, sir! We have entered a hostile zone. What are your ord-ers?"



"...zz..Ahh!...What?...Where are we?"

"Sir, we have entered hostile territory. I heard gunfire about 100 meters from our current position."

"Well...just drive through that path on the right. We'll take the long route."

Soon, Zoe noticed some Beast Tanks overhead. She stopped the car, took a binoculars, and scouted the enemy.

"Commander, I see enemy scouts moving west. Two LAVs, one MT. Your orders, sir."

"Zzzz...zzz...", the person she was talking to was sleeping.

"Sir?", said the girl trying to wake him up.

"...uhh...wait...Calm down...I know what to do...", the man replied as he just woke up.

"Hehe...are you sure, Commander?", the girl replied.

"Yeah...it may not look like it, but I usually sleep when thinking about strategies."

"Really? I'm not so sure if that is what elites do - "

Suddenly...a large boom fell upon them. An AP round was fired at them, but they managed to dodge it. The car where the commander was luckily stayed intact with minor shrapnel damage.

"What the?! Zoe, we're under attack!", said Luciano as he was about to leave the car.

"Commander, wait! Don't leave that car! Leave this to me!"

Zoe scanned a bumpy road east of their position. She spotted an enemy racoon targeting them.

"Enemy SPG sighted! I'll get him!"

"Wait Zoe! ZOE!!"

Luciano screamed at Zoe trying to stop her. Having met her just now, he still doubts Zoe's abilities. He also felt it could have been a trap. But it was too late. Zoe had already left, and rushed towards the enemy.

And thus my story begins...with the sight of a girl, a Metal Maiden, charging into battle...

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