Operation 03 - Raisa x Lenny

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(Read Intel 002 to know what happened to Paris, if you're interested. Also for this page: yuri alert.)


Looking at Paris...it is hard to say it is the city of love it used to be. Abandoned. Ruins everywhere. Broken streets. Though I already knew what happened here, it is sadder to see it personally with my own eyes. To think this was my first visit...

"Even though the Beast Tank invasion forced everyone to leave this place, I am still surprised to see it is still recognizeable at all."

"Paris is a strategic location, Commander. Keeping the monuments and the Eiffel Tower intact is necessary for recognition.", Lenny explained.

"That makes sense. The Beast Tanks will need to know what this city is right away should locate where to attack.", I said.

"Hehe, I guess it's because Beast Tanks want to come here and have fun, Commander!", Zoe said without thinking.

"Idiot. That makes no sense.", I responded sarcastically.

"I do think Zoe has a point Commander. I can imagine Beast Tanks having fun here - doing things like shopping, shooting people, eating expired food, slaughtering people, burning books, burning people...hehe...so much fun...", Raisa responded.

OH GOD. RAISA IS A YANDERE AFTER ALL. She just wants to see some blood. Hearing her say that gave me an uneasy feeling. And I can tell Zoe wants to vomit from what she just heard.

"Raisa has a point. Which is why this city should have been called the "city of blood" instead.", Lenny said.

Okay...Lenny...you're not funny. And please do not give me the vibe that you're a yandere too.

-- -- --

We stopped the car at a small cafe. It's too risky to go to the Eiffel Tower to scout the city so soon. As I stepped out of the car, I noticed this city was a ghost town. No one, nothing, was there.

"It's strange why the Beast Tanks did not turn this city into their headquarters. Nor did they establish a large presence here.", Zoe asked first, much to my surprise.

"Beast Tanks don't have a habit to build HQs, they prefer nomad-like operations. They also probably knew we'd notice had they gathered here.", said Raisa.

"If that's the case, we should start shopping while they're gone!"

F@$# you Zoe. You just want to do stupid things, huh?

"Okay!! Let's do it!!", said Raisa with excitement

Sh@#, not you too Raisa.

"Commander, we should go to a restaurant instead." this time, Lenny said that to me. Somehow, at least her request is more logical.

Lenny and I searched the restaurant for supplies and whatever stuffs we could find. Nothing. After that we looked at different places. Nothing at all. It was truly a ghost town. So far we did not come across any Beast Tank, we'd be screwed if that happens.


Shopping is so fun! Even though this time, there was hardly anything valuable to find. But somehow, my accomplice, Zoe, still enjoys the trip...well, since she has never been here before, it is understandable. We went to a flower shop, nothing much there except a large scissor and...

Oh look! I found a bunch of blue roses! I will be taking them, and give it to Lenny-chan! To show how much I love her! It looks like Zoe noticed...

"Raisa? What are you up to? *smile*"

"Hehe, you'll find out.", I replied. I began thinking of how I should give this to her, what should I say, and other "lovely" thoughts. Then...


Suddenly we were blasted away, we got knocked off balance, but we managed to suffer little injuries. Both of us managed to stay upright as we identified the attacker in front of us. Scanning...an orangutan Beast Tank. HT type. Solo.

Damn you! I was having my fun when you inter-fered....

(Raisa noticed the blue roses she held on the ground, turned into ash.)

"Raisa! Assuming attack formation! I will target the enemy...Raisa? Raisa?!", said Zoe. (She noticed Raisa's change in mood. She was silent.)

The roses...they're...they're gone...I said those words with sadness...deep sadness...deep...deep anger......

That Beast Tank fired at us again, I dodged it but this time it hit Zoe before she could fire back. She got thrown away and got knocked out for a while.

"Die..." My eyes suddenly glew red as I charged right towards the enemy HT. It ran as I pursued it. It fired numerous rounds, I dodged it all with my maneuvers and stunts. I got close to it...then I blasted it point blank with multiple shots, dealing massive damage, then I grabbed that ugly monster and threw it to the ground. Then...I STABBED IT repeatedly with the scissor I found earlier.

STAB...STAB...STAB...I felt so much joy...blood coming out...screams of pain by that bi@#&...yes...yes...it felt good...REALLY GOOD!!


Suddenly someone came towards me and hugged me tight. So tight, I dropped the scissor and almost fell to the ground. But that person held me up so I could still stand. Lenny...it was Lenny...


Luciano and I managed to pursue the HT when we saw it, staying out of sight, until Raisa rushed and killed it. Then when I saw her stabbing it, I immediately rushed towards her.

I hugged Raisa to control herself. I did this worried that she might go crazy again. We've been through so much suffering together, the trauma, the loss, the chaos. At the same time I did not want Raisa to lose her mind because of all that. Never...

"Raisa! Calm down! It's over, you killed it. It's done, you have nothing more to do. Raisa!" I called her loudly to bring her back to her senses. It worked, but then I saw her crying. It moved me a bit.

"Len-ny...Lenny I...had a gift for you...but that monster...it...it ruined it...*sniff*...", she said with tears.

I hugged her even tighter. Then I whispered her in the ear: "It's alright. You're the only one I need. You don't have to bring anymore gifts..."

Then I kissed her on the cheek to calm her down for sure. Finally, she was okay, but then she immediately kissed me back. On the lips. I blushed, since I felt it was not so good timing, and two people saw that. Hmm...well...whatever. Like I care what they think anyway...

"Oookay. I guess everything is alright now?", said the commander, who unusually doesn't emotionally show he cares either. Zoe, however, was speechless and stunned. Hehe, the look of her face made me laughed a tiny bit.


Two girls kissing each other is not new to me. I've seen lots of that in my life. Right now, I was busier analyzing the situation.

The fact that a HT was here means that a Beast Tank expedition is probably coming. We're screwed. We should hide in this city as soon as possible. Leaving right now will only get us spotted.

"Hey, umm..we need to hide. I've got a feeling some Beast Tanks will be arriving here shortly."

"Right, commander. Sorry for the trouble.", said Raisa who has calmed down.

"No, it's fine. Let's just hide somewhere where the Beast Tanks won't detect us with their senses."

Then I carried Zoe, who was paralyzed with shock and opened her mouth wide open. Ridiculous. Is my new recruit this pathetic?!

We hid at a museum. Waiting for what may happen...

--- ---

A/N: I hope I did not offend anyone for this chapter just because it's about Paris. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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