Operation 06 - Encounter Pt. 2 (Battle)

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I don't want to say this but...I AM SUCH AN IDIOT FOR JOKING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

All of us were shocked the moment Lenny got shot right in front of us with a light ray or whatever. It's not like we knew what it was!

Commander Luciano and Raisa ran immediately to check Lenny's condition. My quiet comrade Prima stayed at the church, knowing immediately what had happened. I winked at her to stay put and hide.

Nelly, Zoe, and I quickly assumed battle formation. I aimed my gun at the enemy Beast Ta...wait...what the f.....?!!

A shadowy figure appeared. Purple. Glowing eyes. And a freaky voice...

"Awww...did I just kill you're friend?", the enemy said.

No way...it's a Beast Girl?! There's a human-like Beast Tank?!! I tried to aim and pull the trigger of my turret, but I was paralyzed with shock...even Nelly and Zoe could not do a thing.

"Heeeeelllooo!!? I. Am. Talking to You All!!!"

This makes no sense. Aren't Beast Tanks supposed to be animals? Why is this one human? No way would a Metal Maiden look like that either!!

"Sigh. You all won't talk? Oh well - "

This...girl...raised one of her turret that looked like a giant mouth and fired another ray at us. Somehow, Zoe managed to push me back from the blast.

"Lena! Get a hold of yourself!"

"Zoe....", I barely replied. Then I saw Nelly fighting the enemy by herself. She blasted her with ACPR rounds. But it did not work. That girl did not feel anything.

"Yaaaaawwwnnn. Come on?! That's it?", she then blasted us with multiple rays of light enough to turn ground into ash. We dodged - luckily.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Heck!! Nelly, what should we do?!! I don't think we can kill her!", I said.

"Surround her!! Suppress her with your bullets to keep her at bay! Don't let her get to the Commander!!", said Nelly as she winked at me and ran off towards the girl. The look of her face was something I never saw before.

She was afraid, losing her cool. So am I.


This was the plan. Circle around the enemy and blast her with whatever ammo we have left while on the move. Nelly is a ATG, she will keep her distance. Zoe is a MT, she will distract her with her shots. I am a LT, I will get as close as possible to get her my attention. If I'm lucky, I might succeed in kicking or punching her, hoping it would do any good.

Prima, who has not yet been spotted by the enemy, is hiding at the church. She will hit the enemy with her SPG once I give the signal.

We don't have a name for this strategy, but it is the best tactic we, the Jagdtiger Squad, have in combat. This tactic had helped us defeat strong HT's whenever we tried to escape. Nelly would wink at us as a signal that this will be the plan.

The battlefield was an open space with trees beyond where the Beast Girl was standing on. She and us were seperated by about 85 meters. The soil was dry and not so rough. The perfect place!

Objective is to protect Commander, Raisa, and the wounded Lenny as they flee. They'd have to run on foot, the car that the Commander had was already destroyed during the Bison attack.


I circled around her with speed, little dust clouds appeared behind me. I approached about 40 meters to her and I fired an AP round. She dodged it. Then I jumped immediately to my right, then fired again. The point of this was to distract her, not kill her. I kept dodging the enemy's blasts.

Moments later, Zoe launched another AP round which almost hit me!! F@$k!!!

"ZOE!! ARE YOU BLIND!!?", I shouted with anger. But she ignored me.

Without a word, Zoe charged straight at the girl. Wait...is she doing what I was just thinking now?! Did she shoot me on purpose to distract her?!!

Zoe tried to kick that Beast Girl, but she grabbed her leg and threw Zoe at me. We both fell on each other, but I managed to aim and shoot her. She dodged it but...

Nelly rushed and grabbed the girl. It worked!!?

"Tsk!! How dare you...Let me go!!!"


From the top of the church, Prima, without hesitation, aimed at the girl as Nelly kept her arms around her. What the...Nelly what are you thinking?!!"

"NELLY!! GET OUT OF THERE!!", I shouted, afraid that she would get hit too.

"THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, LENA!!", Nelly shouted back.

"Ohhh...so this was your real plan...*smirk*...", said the girl as she quickly bit Nelly at her neck, then punched her away. Prima already pulled the trigger and the HE round came towards the girl.

Then...the girl caught that bullet with her other hand, then a huge explosion blasted us away.

We survived, amidst the thick smoke I approached Nelly and checked if she was alright!


"Cough...I am alright...she just bit me here and...ahhh!!..."

"Let's go now to fix that wound alright?", I said as I pulled Nelly up and we left as quickly as possible. Zoe managed to run off too, bringing Prima with her.

We ran away as quickly as we could, it was time to go. As the smoke cleared we could still see from a distance that girl disappeared. We were all shocked.

"What the...where did she go!!?", said Prima.

"Keep running!! She might be going for the Commander!!", I said.

We ran through the forests quickly, hoping to catch up with the Commander, Raisa, and Lenny before that girl does. When we saw them...it was too late.

"HELLO THERE. Teehee..."

That girl suddenly appeared out of the trees right in front of Commander Luciano, Lenny, and Raisa. She was too fast, we could not react and we were too far away. And that battle made us too tired to move.


At that moment, someone got in front of the Commander and Lenny and blocked the blast for them.

It was Raisa. She got shot just below her chest. We were all stunned.

"Everyone....go...now...", she said as blood poured out of her. She was still standing, and somehow had the strength left to shoot the enemy in the eye with her turret, buying us time to get the Commander and Lenny out of there.

"AGGHHHH!! MY EYE!! YOU LITTLE - ", she said as she held her eye in pain.

"RAISA, GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!!", shouted the Commander. But Raisa fell to the ground, so much blood came out, she could no longer stand.

"We need to go, Commander.", said Nelly as she grabbed him and all of us ran off. I carried Lenny, who was still unconscious.

"Nelly, wait!!! - "


It was too late. We ran off and abandoned Raisa. If we had stayed there and fight, all of us would have been dead. And Lenny needs medical attention ASAP - she'll die if we stay here too long.

And everyone was now too afraid to face that monster.

As we ran, the Commander and I looked back to see Raisa one more time...she was smiling at us.

"...no....RAAAAAAIIIISAAAA!!!", shouted the Commander, as he saw Raisa get shot in the head.

I turned away and tried to cry as quietly as possible.

As for the Beast Girl, she left and no longer chased us...

This was a nightmare that I will never forget...

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