Operation 05 - Encounter Pt. 1

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Location: Gallian forests. Near the Rhine at the Bavarian border. About past 12:00.

Nelly and the Jagdtiger squad escorted Commander Luciano, Zoe, Raisa, and Lenny to Frunze via taking a path through Gallian forests. Here, there were fewer Beast Tanks that appeared, making the journey a lot safer than it was a while ago. Until.....


"Sigh. How much longer?", said Zoe.

"Probably about 20 minutes left to reach Frunze, as long as no obstacles are in the way.", I replied.

"Everyone, be more cautious. I've detected a lot of Beast Tanks west of us. All of them are either LT or LAV classes."

"Gosh, I don't think Jumbo and I will last for another fight."

"Then don't get mad if we abandon you, Zoe!"


"Knock it off Lena. I will have you punished if you dare try to do that."

"Huh? Ahh...I...I was just joking Commander..."

"A joke? You think it's fine to make jokes like that? It's not funny, Lena.", Lena looked at the commander nervously. She did not expect that someone would take her words badly. This commander is serious.

"Think before you say, Lena. What if it does come true?"


Out of nowhere, without warning, a Bison-type Beast SPG fired and almost killed them had it not been for the forest's thick trees covering them.

"Everyone! Battle stations!", shouted the commander before a large number of Bisons arrived and bombarded us, before we even did anything. The bombardment was so noisy and intense, every tree around us was destroyed, and it sort of felt like the earth was shaking.

"We're gonna get killed!! Everyone, RUUUUUNNN!!!", we retreated in formation. No one will leave the group.

It was horrible. We retreated as fast as we could, while explosions kept coming behind us. We went to random destinations. Anywhere. No time to talk or think. Just run.

Luckily we managed to get away. We stopped by a nearby church. It was abandoned, damaged by the conflict.

"Pant...pant...is everyone alright?"

"We're lucky we got away alive. Judging those bombardments, none of us should have survived.", said Nelly.

We looked around inside this old church. We felt the wind passing through the church's holes. We saw some statues broken to pieces. Being here should have given us a moment of peace and security. A feeling of holiness...but that no longer existed...

"I wonder why God let this happen...", I whispered calmly. Regardless, I still believe in God, I only wonder His logic in all this. I don't want to doubt Him.

Everyone was worried. They had no time to care about this church. Commander Luciano and Nelly are thinking for their next actions. Prima and Raisa stay silent. Lena is probably feeling a bit of regret for her "joke". And Zoe...

"I'm scared. I feel like we're all led to a trap!", Zoe was clearly shaken behind me.

"Even if it is, we have to leave ASAP.", said Lena.

"Correct. This church won't hide us for long. Lenny, any ideas?", Commander looked at me, desperate for my analysis.

"Here's my theory: The Beast forces that attacked Nelly, Lena, and Prima were all scouts. When they detected their presence, they notified the main forces and searched for them - and us. When they did find us, they waited for us to get in the forests, using another force to overall distract us to change our courses."

"Those Bisons...they never appeared in our data before. They must be new Beast Tanks.", said Raisa.

"Those Bisons probably had longer range and stronger firepower. No wonder we could not detect them.", said Nelly.

"My God, our enemies are getting smarter...wait! So...does that mean that...?", Commander said as he got the same idea as I had.

"Yes Commander. I believe the Beast Tanks...will assault Paris.", I said.

With their increasing numbers, it may be no surprise that was their goal.

"Commander, I suggest we should head back to Paris before they arrive there. I believe that reinforcements are on their way there now.", I said.

"Right, Lenny. We also need to notify the Gallians soon!"

"If we get there alive...", said Raisa with a bit of worry on her face.

"We will!"

I went out of the church first to scout for any enemies. Exposing myself was intentional; if the Bisons found me, I would hear their shell coming and dodge.

Around me were just trees and grass. I looked closer, there was no movement.

"All clear. You can come out now."

.... ....

Just as the Commander stepped out of the church, I saw a blinding flash. Very fast, it wasn't a shell or bullet.

I could not respond to it, as I felt a trembling sensation immediately afterwards. My eyes shrank. Soon I saw the Commander...shocked...for...some...uggghh...rea...son...

Thud. I fell to the ground......with a pool of blood....in...front of me........


---- ----


I shouted her name as she fell into the ground. She was hit by something.

Raisa passed me by and ran to Lenny, holding her and screaming her name. I told everyone to get ready for battle as I placed my hand on her chest, then I looked at her eyes.

"Raisa, Lenny's heart is still beating. She's still alive."

"We need her at the hospital!! Quick - ", said Raisa when...

BOOM. Another flash hit the ground and blasted the ground in front of us. So close. I thought we died at the moment. I looked at where it went. What I saw shocked me - and everyone else...

A shadowy figure appeared. Purple. Glowing eyes. And a freaky voice...

"Awww...did I just kill you're friend?", the figure said, thinking Lenny is dead (though she isn't).

Everyone of us stayed silent. In shock, Nelly and the others did not shoot back. Me and Raisa could not move.

"Heeeeelllooo!!? I. Am. Talking to You All!!!"

We stayed silent. A monster we've not seen before appeared before us - how can we even do anything?

A talking Beast Tank? Long pale hair. Purple attire. With the appearance of a young child...

It was...she was...a humanoid Beast Tank...

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