Chapter 3.

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On our way to eat, Amelia shows me a bit of the campus. She arrived yesterday, and like me, she is a freshman, but she already knows a lot about this place. Maybe I should have done a little more research.

The university is really nice, I have to admit it. Everything is well maintained and clean. The buildings themselves are attractive. The brochures were not lying about that.

The cafeteria is practically empty when we get in. It's not very late either, but I'm starving. I spent the last two days packing my bags and a good part of today doing nothing. Let's just say that my "eat" schedule has been a little inconsistent lately.

We leave the cafeteria to sit outside and enjoy the warmth of the day. We sit face to face on a wood table, both of us with a plate of French fries in front of our eyes. It isn't the best food, but I'm craving something fatty and comforting. Amelia doesn't talk about what she heard concerning my conversation with my father. I feel bad she had to witness that, but I'm sure she can understand.

Amelia is a funny and talkative girl, which is fine by me. She is also a bit shyer than I thought. She wants to major in literature and psychology. I'm more a business-oriented person. I realize that we are rather different, but so far, we are getting along. She seems to be patient and very kind, which is perfect because I don't really do that.

"Rose, is that you?"

I lift my head from my plate of fries, frowning. As far as I know, I don't know anyone here. Or it might simply be destined to somebody else wearing the same name. But still, I curiously watch a blond girl approaching our table until she stops next to it, a huge grin on her full lips.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I politely ask, more confused than ever.

"I'm Maddie. We met last year, at Brian's party, before the Summer holidays." She sounds so sure of herself that I give her a new look while I work on my memory. Her bob haircut is nicely realized, she has blond, almost white hair. She is maybe a tad taller than me. Her lips are covered with a light red lipstick, which brings out her blue eyes. I like how she is dressed, a simple gray t-shirt tucked into her light blue jeans. I try to remember her, but nothing comes up in my mind. I have been to so many parties and met so many people there. I focus my reflection on the party she mentioned when all of a sudden.

"Yeah! You're Shay friends, right? We talked for an hour outside about so many things I can't even remember," I chuckle. My reply seems to please her because her smile widens.

"Sorry," I apologize with a smile, "I have trouble remembering people," I laugh and she joins me.

"Don't worry, I wasn't sure it was you, but I had to try."

"I'm happy to see you again. By the way, this is Amelia, my roommate," I present. Amelia smiles, as does Maddie. They exchange a 'nice to meet you' before Maddie brings her attention back on me.

"I can't believe you're here. I didn't know you wanted to study here! "

"Same," I chuckle. I honestly took my decision at the last moment. Sort of. "We should hang one of these days," I offer.

"With pleasure. If you want I can introduce you to my friends now, we are sitting not far from you," she proposes. I turn to Amelia who shyly shrugs.

"Yes sure, why not. But we don't want to disturb."

"You won't. They're going to love you," Maddie grins.

We grab our plates before following Maddie. We walk towards a small group of people sitting on the grass, indeed, not very far from where we were. On the way, I throw my empty cardboard plate in a trash can.

I am eager to meet new people, and so quickly. I already miss my friends and I hope that making new ones will help me to feel better. I know no one will ever replace them, but that doesn't mean I won't make good friends here. It would at least be a good start to get to know a few people on my first day.

"Hey! This is my friend Rose, and her roommate Amelia," Maddie says, still smiling.

"Nice to meet you, sit wherever you want," a blond boy offers with a smile.

I gladly accept his offer and sit next to Maddie, while Amelia sits on the other side.

"I still can't believe we found each other here," Maddie says "The world is indeed a small place."

"It's destiny," I lightly chuckle.

"Is there a story we should know?" asks one of her friends.

"We've met at a party and had great conversations, but we since haven't seen each other," Maddie tells.

"That's cute," the girl who asked the question replies with a smile.

"By the way, let me introduce them to you. Here you have Josh, Charlene," Maddie shows the boy and the girl who just talked, "Chalie, Ashleigh and-"

"And I'm Zach." A boy presents himself while I am trying to follow Maddie's presentation. He reaches out his hand to me and I shake it with an amused smile.

"So, what are you studying?" Zach asks. His smile is bigger than Maddie, in a way, he somehow reminds me of Max. I still have no news from him, I hope he is alright.

"I'm want to major in business. What about you?" I smile back.

"You already know what you want to do with your life, that's cool. Personally, I'm still undecided, but I think about going into finance, I'm good with numbers," he laughs.

"Well, that something you could help me with." I join him in his laughter.

"Come on, you're at university now." I hear among low chuckles. Curious, I turn my head to follow the new conversation and notice Amelia's red embarrassed face.

"What's happening?" I slightly frown.

"Your friend is a little prude. She refuses to go out with us on the pretext tomorrow there is orientation." A boy, who's name I already forgot, explains. He seems to laugh nicely, but from Amelia's reaction, she doesn't seem to take it that way.

"Or she thinks she's too good for us." A girl adds with a smile. She gives a little nudge to Amelia, who blushes even more.

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