Chapter 5.

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I go back into the room more messed up than I left it. Who does he think he is? I will follow his advice when he'll apply them to himself. I've met friendlier people too.

Another one who made my day...

And to think I went out for a smoke to calm myself down.

Amelia is on her laptop when I enter. At least, I have a nice roommate. I smile at her when I get in. I'm glad she doesn't ask me anything. I increasingly appreciate her respect for the privacy of others.

I imitate her, I settle into my bed with my laptop. I choose a movie on Netflix and plug in my headphones before I go through my texts and social media. I finally smile when I read Max has arrived and that his roommate seems pretty cool. I miss my friends. I hope their first day was better than mine, but I can't help being a little jealous. We've never been apart, I know it's selfish of me, but  I can't help but be sad knowing that we won't be having fun together before a while.

Too fast, the first day of the class arrives. I wake up to the sound of Amelia's alarm. Groggy, I hide my face in my pillow. I'm not ready to face the world. Not yet. During the past few days, I bought what I needed from the store at the university. It was pretty expensive, but at least I didn't have to go to town. I also went to orientation where I met new people. My favorite moment was when I could finally hold my student card, making official that I was not a high school student anymore. But now, all I want, it's too stay away from any reality.

"Come on little Koala, the sun is shining bright and an amazing day is awaiting us." I can hear Amelia chuckling near me.

I groan, but she is right, I have to wake up. I drag my sleepy body to the bathroom, I hope the shower will wake me up. I enter in a free stall, not leaving my flip flop while I secure my clothes, I don't need to soak them like I did when I took my first shower here.

The hot water is a benediction. My night was short. My mind kept racing about everything and nothing. I was in a kind of bubble these last few days, not realizing that my life is about to change. At least, those days were better than the first. I stretched my muscles, massaging the stress away from my shoulders.

 When I come back into the room, I find Amelia eating a cereal bar on her bed. This girl is so cute. I do a quick makeup that I keep it neutral, the same for my outfit. No need to attract too much attention today.

Finding my way to my classes isn't as difficult as I thought it would be when I first arrived. Yesterday with Amelia we went around and looked for our rooms to be sure not to get lost today and it worked.

I turn on my laptop for the class before I take a new look at my schedule while I wait for the lecture to start. I'm pretty satisfied with it. I managed to place most of my classes in the morning, I only have one in the early afternoon.  Even if I have to say goodbye to sleeping in, I'll have my afternoons free. I like it that way.

"Not smoking?"

"I beg your pardon?" Lost in my thought, I automatically turn around, not even sure of what I've heard.

I immediately lose what little smile I have.

"Oh. It's you."I recognize the guy from the other day when I was "illegally" smoking inside the walls of the campus. His words are still stuck in my mind even though I tried to forget every once of this afternoon. He does not at me, busy sitting his bag on the desk behind me. I am not sure I like the fact he remembers me.

I turn back to face my laptop, I want this day to go smoothly.

This business introduction class goes nicely, although, I'm glad to leave.

I leave the room at the same time as my not friendly unknown and I realize that in my class he is the only person I know, I need to befriend people. 


I look up. I spot Maddie's hair coming towards me. I have not seen her since our first and last meeting when I arrived. I'm a little tense to see her knowing how our meeting went, but the smile on her face gives me a kind of reassurance. Moreover, she told me that she wanted to see me again despite the incident. I'm not against the idea of making a friend.

"How are you doing?"Maddie asks after she stopped in front of me. Her smiles soften my concerns.

"Not too bad, I'm trying to make it through this first day!" I chuckle.

"Tell me about it," she rolls her eyes before chuckling with me.

"I was wondering, what do you say we go for coffee sometime? It would be nice to catch up," she smiles. She seems genuine.

"Yes, that would be nice." I smile back. Despite what happened the last time, I want to spend some time with her. I can't hold her responsible for what happened. We had a good time the very first time we've met, so why wouldn't we now?

"Cool. Let me reach you later, we'll schedule that. I'm sorry, I got to go, I'm already late. I see you later," she winks.

I slightly shake my head with a smile as I watch her walk away. This girl is crazy.

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