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After finishing his sentence, I quickky stood up and walked away.

When we reached the school, I can hear the whispers from other students: "Why is that girl walking with Jungkook oppa?" "Are those two hiding something?" "Oh my god, please don't tell me they're dating"...

"Stop following me! I know you've heard this a million time already but please stop following me! It's annoying how people are gossiping about us!" I said as everybody looked at

"You don't have to care about what other people think about you!" He said.

"I said do not follow me! Do you understand human language? Stop being so annoying!" I yelled as I started walking away from him, frustrated.

I walked to my locker and saw that ut was opened.

I saw words painted on it: "loser, trash, bitch, slut,....."

I quickly took my books from the locker and went to my classroom. And as always, there are a bunch of shits drawn on my table. *sigh*

Mr. Jin - our History teacher - walked in.

"Attention please, everyone! Our class is going to be divided into pairs for a project! All of the boys will come up here to pick out a piece of paper from this box right here and in each piece of paper, there will be names of each girls in the class."

The girls in my class started to wheeze because they really wanted to be paired up with this one boy named Lee Jongsuk.

The boys picked out a girl for them and it was finally Jongsuk's turn and the girls looked like they were about to die.

"My partner in this project will be..........................Y/N!!!!"


I scoffed at the girl who frustratedly whined.

"You may sit besides your partner now!"

I looked away from Jongsuk but I can still see him from the corner of my eye that he was approaching me.

"Hi Y/N, I hope we can get along well!"
He softly said, gently waving at me.

All I did was nodded at him.

The bell then rang, it's breaktime. I got out of the class and went to school yard to relax a bit and again, Binsoo was there and blocked me.

"Ooooohhhhh so I heard that you got to be paired up with Jongsuk for the project, huh?"

She said, flicking her hair in my face with a death glare.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She said grabbing my hair and pulled it backward and pushed me making me collapsed onto the hard floor.

"Change your partner right now if you want to live! Watch out for me you bitch!"
She said as she walked away along with her minions walking along.

I felt warm tears dripping down on red cheeks and quickly wiped them away.

I tried my best to stopped crying like this but somehow i still kept my "freaking out" face into class.

~time skips~

Ughhh...it's finally the end of the last period meaning that I can finally leave this place.

But where can I go now? I don't want to go home. I'll get beaten up again. Aishhhh....

I thought as I went up to the school's terrace for some fresh air.

Why do I have such an awful hell like life? What did I do wrong? This world is so beautiful.........b-but.......sadl-ly, ........ I-I d-do-don't belong he-here......

I slowly climbed over the the railing, standing closely to the edge of the building, hands still on the railing and tears falling non-stop. Getting ready to release my hands and .... fall.

I'm going to die.

I've been waiting for this time for so long.

I closed my eyes, with a heavy sigh, I counted....





I shot my eyes open, turning aroung as I saw him.

"Y/N!! What are you doing?!?!?" Jungkook aked with his eye's full of concern.

"W-wh-what are y-you doing here?" I stuttered.

"I'm the one who should ask you that question! Y/N what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Yes I am crazy and you don't have to care about me, go away!" I yelled

"Y/N! You have to stop what you're doing!!!"

After finishing his sentence, I slowly loosen the grip of my hand on the railing and feel myself slowly falling backwards.





Just then, I realized, I was about to fall when Jungkook held my hand back and everything around me started to revolve around and then became black.

Author's POV:

Y/N hit her head hardly against the edge of the building and passed out.

Jungkook started to panic: "Y/N!!!

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" He yelled as people started to help Jungkook pulling Y/N up.

"Someone call the hospital!" A student said.

"Y/N ahhh! Y/N!! Don't make me scared Y/N ahhh! You'll be okay!" Jungkook concernly said.

The ambulance came and everyone was crowding around including Binsoo and her friends.

"What happened?" Binsoo asked.

"I think someone was trying to comit suicide but didn't work out, instead got injured somehow!" Her friend replied.

"I think it was Y/N!" Another person joined the conversation.

"Hah! That's bitch deserves it!"

"But who's that familiar looking person that's getting on the truck with her?" She curiously asked.

"It's Jungkook...." Her minion replied.

"What?" Binsoo's face turned red as she stomped her feet on the ground, walking away.

(On the ambulance)

Half way to the hospital, Y/N slowly opened her eyes, her head hurting a lot.

"W-W-Wh-Where a-am I?"

"You're awake! Don't worry, you'rd okay now! Don't say anything."

After hearing what Jungkook said, Y/N slowly closed her eyes and passed out.

Jungkook quickly asked the nurse sitting across from him: "Is she okay? Please tell me!"

"I'm not sure though. She lost quite a lot of blood so I guess 50/50. But don't worry! You said that she is a really strong girl! If you believe in her, she will be okay! Believe me!"

After arriving at the hospital, Y/N was brought to the emergency room right away. While Jungkook is sitting outside impatiently, praying for Y/N to be fine.

~time skips~

A doctor and a group of nurses came out from the emergency room. When Jungkook saw them, he immediately ran up to the doctor.

"Is she okay?? Please answer me! Is she okay? She's okay right? Just tell me! Please!"

"I-I I'm sorry... uhm, I think you should.............."

End 둘
Author's note

I love cliffhangers *wink wonk*

Hi guys^^ I'm sry for not posting earlier because I was kind of busy from schools and stuff.

Hope you enjoyed this episode anyway~


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