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She pulled me by my collar and slapped me. Around us are hundreds of phones filming us.

Jang Binsoo: "You've only been here for a year and you're already being a fucking slut! Do you know who we are???"

I can hear all of the people around us
whispering something probably bad about me, but I don't give a fuck because I'm used to this.

ㅡ10 minutes agoㅡ

Jungkook's POV

"Where did all of my notes go?" I rummaged through my bag and still couldn't find my precious notes.

"Wait, don't tell me I forgot it at school. Ah shit I did!" I said, messing up my hair.

I quickly slipped my shoes on and ran to school. Those notes are really important because it's about a test tomorrow.

Run, run, run,....

As I reached the school's gate, I saw a group of people standing under the tree nearby. Curiously, I walked towards the tree to see what was happening.

"O h m y g o d..."

I saw a girl being bullied by a group of older girls.

That girl looks familiar? I wondered.

She's the new girl here right? She has moved to this school for a year. Her name is Y/N.

I quickly run to the girl-or Y/N as I helped her to stand up.

"A-are y-you okay?"

Author's POV

He asked her with a concern look.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" He yelled.

"I didn't do anything to her, she just...j-just um... a-aaaaccidently fell, that's it." Binsoo said in a seducing voice, trying to be innocent.

"Then why are there so many bruises on her? How can just a light fall makes her knee bruises? And why is her face red?" He yelled again.

"I-I... I umm, I-I ummm..." She stuttered.

"You what?!?!?" He said.

"Fine! I pushed her, that's what she get for glaring at me!" Binsoo replied.


Jungkook gently helped me up and asked: "Are you okay?"

Why is he even helping me?
I thought a popular guy like him wouldn't help a piece of trash like me.

I thought as I took my hand back when he started holding it.

From afar, I can hear him yelling at Binsoo: "Don't ever try to do that to someone again, understood?"

I heard his foot steps running towards me.

"She got nothing, she's a little piece of shit, why does he even have to care about her? Let's go guys" Binsoo said with her annoying voice back.

I was running until...

"Aishhhhhh that hurts!!!!" I said after tripping over a rock.

I winced in pain as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Yahhh, are you okay?"

I pushed him off and said:
"I don't need your help! Just go away!"

I stood up and tried my best to walk. I didn't want to go home, so I went to a really familiar place to me - a small park.

I quickly hide behind a tree and watched Jungkook walking around finding me.

He gave up and sighed as he walked home.

I slowly sat down on the swing and thought deeply about my life.

Why is my life like this? Why can't I have a normal life like everyone else?
Why can't I just live in peace?........

I felt warm tears dripping from my eyes down to my red cheeks.

I heard a familiar voice said.

Shit, shit, shit,.....

I junped off of the swing and ran behind the tree to hide.

Aishhhhh, It's my dad and he's drunk. Great!

I was shaking when I heard the voice that was calling my name got closer and closer.


I closed my eyes and felt someone tugging on my hair.

"Go home already why are you here???" Her dad said.

He pulled me out with his hand still tugging on my hair and it hurts, so much.

"Yahhh dad let go of my hair! I can walk by myself!!!" I winced.

"If I let go, you're going to run away! It happened last time and it won't happen again! I am not that stupid!"
He said as he pulled me so hard that I feel like my hair is going to literally rip off from my head.

Once I got home, I saw my house as messy as always, cracked pieces of vases, bottles shattered on the floor, stuff being thrown around everwhere,... and my mom sitting in a corner, crying.

The grip on my hair slowly started to loosen, I saw my dad passing out on the floor.

I ran upstairs to my room, quickly closed and locked the door.

I walked to my desk, opened up the drawer took out a pocket knife.

I gently put the knife on my thigh as blood oozes out but I feel no pain.

My childhood was like hell. I can never and will never have an actual family. I started crying again. My priority right now is just to study, so I can find a job, make money and get out of here.

ㅡNext morningㅡ

I got up and get ready for school.

"Wait, where did my backpack go?"

I remembered yesterday, when my dad was pulling out of the park, I left my bag under the freaking tree.

I ran downstairs and saw my mom sitting at the dinning table, drinking.

When she saw me, she shouted:
"Why are you still here? Why did I even gave birth to you? You're the reason why my life is like this! Get the fuck out of here right now!"

I silently cried and ran out of the house. I quickly get to the park to find the backpack.

"Where is it? I remembered I left it here!"

I kept finding until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around amd saw him, holding my backpack.

"Are you trying to find thㅡ"

I snatched the bag out of his hand before he even get the chance to finish his sentence and stood up, walking away.

I can feel someone's gaze behind and realized that Jungkook was follow me.

I turned around:
"How many times do I have to tell you to go away? Stop following me!"

"But I'm also going to school, did you forget that we're in the same school?" He smirked.

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