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"Goodnight Naho~" Said Jimin as he kissed her forehead.

He had tucked her in carefully and had switched all the lights off, only leaving the door open.

" Oppa, can you sing a song." Asked Naho.

Jimin hesitated, before sitting on the edge of the bed and taking a deep breath.

She closed her eyes and smiled, listening to his soft voice.

Slowly drifting to sleep with a smile on her face and a heart at ease

Jimin smiled and stood up, only then noticing his boyfriend's figure leaning against the doorframe.

The blond smiled pecked the older, closing the door softly.

Yoongi took his hand and led him to the bedroom, closing all the lights.

"You took my bed away." Asked Jimin as they both stepped inside.

"Yeah, you won't need it anymore." He said as he climed in his bed.

Jimin blushed but nodded nonetheless slid under the warm covers, next to Yoongi.

Said boy emediatly wrapped his arms around his smaller frame and held him tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere babe." Said Jimin, enjoying how the pet name rolled on his tongue.

Yoongi chuckled.

"I hope so." He joked.

Jimin smiled and hugged him back.

The ravenette broke the hug and sat up. Rising his pillow against the headboard.

He turned on his back, slighlty lifted by his pillow to be half sitting up.

Jimin shifted seconds later, snuggling on his side with his head under the older's chin and his hand on his firm chest, thumb drawing circles on the fabric of his thin shirt.

Yoongi slung his arm over the younger's shoulder, bringing him closer as the smaller leg wrapped around his waist.

"You have a beautiful voice." Said Yoongi, tangling his fingers in the blonde hair.

"Thank you. I think you rap pretty good." Said Jimin.

"Did Jungkook tell you?"

"No, you fell asleep on your computer once and i invaded your privacy." He said, cheek squeezed against the rising and falling chest under him.

"Your lyrics are awsome too." He added.

Yoongi smiled.

His chest felt warm with all the compliments.

"Thank you." He said in his deep voice.


Jimin slowly melted into sleep, Yoongi chuckling and closing the lights.

"Good night Jiminie."

"Good night jagi"


Hey guys!

Just letting you know that there this story will probably end at around chapter 110.

Sorry for this long ass story ^^'

I love you~

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