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The alarm clock blared annoyingly in the dimly lit room, awakening the couple.

Jimin woke up first, sitting up tiredly and rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

He yawned, a limp hand still holding his waist. His gaze traveled to the owner of the hand that still seemed to be asleep.

Bed hair all over the place as his head rested on his hand, long lashes pressing against his cheek and lips parted to let a small string of drool drop on his pillow.

He looked utterly adorable.

Jimin noticed that it was the first time he woke up to a still sleeping Yoongi on a school day.

Especially since the end of the year exams were nearing, he should have been excessively stressed, but for some reason the older seemed calmer and more relaxed than ever.

Jimin let a smile creep up his lips as he ran a hand through his boyfriend's dark locks.


His heart swelled slightly at the term.

Yoongi was his boyfriend.

Unfortunately his happy thoughts were stopped by the sudden alarm, ringing for the second time that morning.

"Fucking torture straight out of hell." Jimin muttered.

"Hyung, wake up." He said as he kissed Yoongi's temple.

"Mhm..." The older mumbled, opening one eyes after the other and yawning.

"Morning breath." He said in a chuckle, pulling Yoongi to the bathroom.

He took out his toothbrush and handed Yoongi his.

Both of them brushing their teeth in silence. Yoongi's hand keeping up his loose shirt to rub his empty stomach.

Jimin fixed Yoongi's bed hair before sending him to dress as he walked down the short hallway to wake Naho.

By the time he walked out of the room, the girl was already fully awake and Yoongi was making breakfast.
He went to the room to dress. Picking up a few scattered clothes and making the bed in the process.

The trio ate their meal before they boys cleaned up, leaving Naho to put her shoes on and leave for school.

Jimin had advised Yoongi to let his sister start going and coming from school alone to trust her and let her grow. After a lot of negotiations, the older had finally excepted.

Not long after the two boys left for their own classes.

They both had homeroom together but not all their classes were together. Yoongi have taken mathematics and literature and Jimin picking up sport.

Jimin had most of his classes with Jungkook and Taehyung though.

They walked in comfortable silence, barely reaching the gates before a very bright Taehyung engulfed them in a tight hug.

"Congratulations!" He said with a blinding smile.

Jungkook joined not long after, chuckling at his hyung's childishness.

"Sorry I told him about you." He said to the couple.

They both blushed and looked away.

"I-it's fine. Let's just keep this between us Kay?" Said Yoongi as he scratched the back of neck.

Jimin chuckled.

"Let's get going, we'll be late for Ms Song's boring warning about end of year exams coming up." Jungkook.

"It's no more fun and games! First year of high school is almost over! Don't fool around anymore!" Quoted Taehyung.

"Beware! Your results may determine your future" added Jimin.

The three younger laughed loudly as Yoongi chuckled at their dynamic.

Those three really were destined to be best friends...


"Finally lunch!" Said Jungkook in the locker rooms after their sport.

Jimin lauged.

"Come on, let's go find Hyung and Tae." He said.

Jungkook nodded and they both headed to the cafeteria.

"Hey Jimin!" Said random people in the hallway.

Said blonde smiled and waved at his aquatences, Jungkook doing the same on his sides

They both walked into the crouded lunch room and scanned the room for Taehyung and Yoongi.

Spotting the two already sitting and chatting at a table.

They all at me together before heading to the school gardens and sitting in the shade.

Jimin rested his head on Yoongi's lap as the boy say cross legged.

"Hey guys!" Said a few of their friends.

The group slowly got bigger as they all talked amongst themselves. All of them noticing Yoongi who was a pretty recent add to the clique.

Jimin still resting his head on his lap, as he read a random textbook.

"Already preparing for the end of year?" Asked a girl, Sunhae, as snacked on chocolate snacks.

"Nah, just reading the lesson so I can sleep in class." He answered, eyes still glued to the textbook.

The group erupted into laughter, quickly being cut by the bell.

"Welp, have a good nap." Said Sunhae.

He nodded with small smile, standing up and heading to class.

True to his word, Yoongi sat his head in his palm, elbow on the table, as he slightly shifted his body to make his closed eyes less visible.

Jungkook, who sat on his left, snickered at his expertise in sleeping unnoticed.

Jimin, on his right, chuckled as well and waited for the teacher to be facing the board to quickly tap Yoongi's elbow off the table.

The boy's head suddenly fell forward, hitting his desk pretty hard and making the whole class giggle.

"Something wrong?" The teacher asked dangerously as she threw a glare over her shoulder.

The students shook their heads.

The three trouble makers finding it hard to contain their laughter as Yoongi plotted their death.


Thank you all so much for the support and love.

Love you<3

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