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I was woken up by the noise Taehyung was making. "Will you quit that?!" I retorted, bastard. This weird kid, really. Can't he see I'm trying to sleep here?

"Sorry, hyung. I need to make foods for Summer. Bye." Oh, so he can cook now? Ugh, that's why nobody understands him, what he did, and why he did it exept Summer, his girlfriend. But he still was okay. He's attartive too in his unusual way, he attracted girls' attention.

Whatever. I looked at my watch and man, I'm already late! The weather is so nice like the only thing I wanted to do today is sleep and hibernate in my bed. If I could marry my bed I would.

But I can't.

"Ugh." I shrugged. This is the thing I was worried about, living in the same roof as Taehyung! I get super weird and all when he's around.

I took a shower and ready myself to school. I wouldn't have attended school in the first place but I need to. I hate it.

I was walking around the school grounds as the crowd started screaming. Well, is it my fault that I'm super cute? No, scratch that. I'm swag.

I didn't have to try at all. I got what I wanted, because we had power, too- being the son of a wealthy family, we don't own the whole thing but I was like a VIP in this school.

The only popularity I had was among the students in it. I cannot believe how I got stuck in it, though.

I can have whatever I wanted. From pocket money to girls. But I didn't need any of those things. I had my eyes on a certain someone, and that someone is Euna.

I'm a well known topic of the school, which is why I could never admit thatㅡ the almighty Sugaㅡ has started crushing on her, a 'common' girl, it would deal a huge blow on my reputation. We weren't all that different, which is what I started noticing over time.

"Yoongi!" I hear everyone shouts my name.

I took a glance at a distance and I spotted her.

She looked just as beautiful as she always does. The way her ebony hair flowed her back in loose curls.

I feel like an inexperienced middle schooler, who is just finding out what having a crush means, if they call it that. I had my feelings for her for like four years now. I don't know but I wished that I never created my high image of myself and I didn't have to descend just so I could reach her.

*bell rings*

I rushed towards my classroom and I arrived just a little late. Everyone stops to stare at the source of the rude intrusion, and even the professor pauses for a second.

A second later I stroll in, all smiles with a hand tucked into my disheveled uniform. I saunter to the front of the room and drop  my late slip on the desk in front of the professor. The professor simply sighs, used to my antics at this point.

He asked for some introduction so I did. "I'm Min Yoongi but my friends call me Suga."

I put my hands on my pocket as I chewed on my bubble gum.

"That's it?" my teacher said as he looked me in the eyes.

I spit my gum, "I'm Suga and I'm available anytime. If you have some time you can go to my house five blocks away from here. Call me." I winked at the girl sitting in front of me and I swear I could throw up. Look at her. I think she's about to die because of me. Oh well.

The teacher glared at me and roll his eyes, annoyed by my show of disrespect and handed me a piece of paper. I look for a spot to sit and I settled myself near to Namjoon.

"Nice one," Hoseok scoffed. "You just earned yourself a day at detention." He pointed out his index finger pertaining to the piece of paper I was handed earlier and I just realized that it's a detention slip.



"I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry I'm late." I heared a familiar voice approaching the classroom,

It's her.

"Namjoon, psst!" I whispered, lowering myself. "What?!" Namjoon yelled as he does the same. Idiot. He didn't have to yell.

"Move!" I slyly pushed him out his seat making him groan "Okay! I'm just doing this because you're older than me," he clicked his tongue standing up and settling himself near the book shelf.

Our teacher gestured his hands signalling her to take a seat.

She settled herself beside me, yes!

Dang, she's very pretty today. I wish she could look at me for the first time,

"Ugh!!!" She exclaimed and bowed her head,

I swear my heart beat fastened in a millisecond. She's really cute.

Well, the classes were boring and this teacher is really annoying. And the fact that I had to do actual work just to get a good grade, however rich I was.

"If only Suga was here,"

Wait, okay.

My ears and cheeks started to redden. My blood is boiling and I swear I can feel my body heat up. Does she like me too?

I was about to ask her if heared that right, just to make sure before I proceed, I'm not doing this out of pity to her, but because I truly started to love her.


I paused half way.

She's asleep.


Waitㅡ calm yourself, Suga. Man up!

I fished for my phone in my pocket and cringe on how cheesy what I was about to do. I opened the camera and took a picture of her sleeping. She's beautiful even when she sleeps.

I took a few captures of her and smiled as I scribbled through my phone. How immature can I get? Ugh.

The bell rang and I stood up ready to leave. This is the best day for me.


I opened my locker when I noticed a tiny pink paper stuck on it's door. Wondering who could have opened my locker and put it there. I pick it up,

It's a paper heart.

Examining it carefully, I opened it and it was covered with such a neat and cursive handwriting that I thought someone must have prepared a lot of time preparing it for me.

'Have a good day ahead!'

I smiled.

I don't know why but I wondered who could be behind this prank, because who could it be other than one? Still, I pocketed the tiny paper and went to the court.

I didn't notice that while being occupied by the tiny paper, I didn't think about the following History test even once. History class was the only time I could get a nice look at her. And this resulting to me being awfully quiet. I mean, just observing what was going on.

"Do you like Krissy?" Elise popped up out of nowhere, jeez, that scared me.

Elise is my friend, best friend actually, but we weren't as close as everyone thought we were, though.

"Uh," I put my hands on my chin as if I'm thinking carefully. "No." I answered.

"Then why are you courting her?" Elise questioned once again,

"I'm not. It's a bet." I answered. Yes, it's a bet. Hoseok dared me that if I win Krissy's heart he'll do all my school works for the rest of the year. It's pathetic actually. But I couldn't get to say no, because- you know, I suck at projects alright, I couldn't believe how stupid I am to say yes.

"Then do you like Euna?" She asked again and I found myself smiling.

I wander my eyes and saw her, I tried to smile at her but she look the other way, dang.

Am I being a coward? Should I tell her what I really feel?

The idea was discarded as fast as it took for me to come up with it. I had created this facade of myself and I didn't want to bother ruining it all, if I revealed myself in front of her, the real me, would she feel nothing at all?

I'd do anything for her, even if I shatter my image in front of everyone. I would, really. Except that even if I knew it was unnecessary because even if I did, nothing would change.

"Yes." I confidently answered

"Since when?"

"A long time ago." I grinned like a hungry wolf I am, she's all I ever wanted.

I looked at her one last time, she dropped her books again and I felt like I should have helped but was dragged away by my team from practise.

"Come on, Suga!" Jimin called out,

Why would she like me back.

I'm just a dumb guy who can throw a ball through a hoop.

She will never love a guy like me.


On the other hand, I'm perplexed as to why someone continuously send me a bunch of paper hearts in my locker, motivated by the words 'have a good day' , 'good morning' , and 'smile, handsome guy' as stated in the paper I got for the past few weeks. But for now, two weeks since the initial letter had passed, I started to look forward to them.

I obliged to request to them, it was flattering, actually. And extremely annoying at the same time, too. I didn't why this person was so obsessed in me,

The almost flattering generosity, if they call it that, was unexpected and caught me completely off guard- and yet my curiosity seemed to get the better of me, making me want to find out who the mysterious sender was. I wasn't about to examine fingerprints on my locker, though. I wasn't about to waste my time thinking about this anyway. Let them send what they want to.

What makes me so excited was my plan. I was planning this for the past week, and it had finally dawned on me who this mysterious sender was- just arriving a little earlier.

I knew that early morning was the only time I could succeed in being unnoticed,

I sneaked behind the school lockers and find

her there, in front of my locker. Just about to slide the paper inside.

I couldn't believe it.

I thought it was normal- how I smile out of the blue.

It made me very happy, how she started to skip between steps every day while approaching my locker, how she smile when sliding the little paper and jump afterwards.

It felt good.

I couldn't stand seeing her reaction when she did it, when her nose crinkled when she laughed and the way she pushed her hair behind her ears so it couldn't obstruct her view.

Damn, I started to utterly adore every little thing she did.

I'm going to approach her.

"E-euna?" I questioned stopping her mid-way, making sure if it was really her,

"Y-yes." She handed me the paper she was holding,

Straightening myself, I finally left myself smile at the adorable sight before me. She looked like a little child caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar, when it wasn't even something to be ashamed of.

It's true that she's the one who's responsible for the paper hearts left on my locker, but I think she did it out of care, It was just a way of showing that she actually care, for me.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

"Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my inspiration through out highschool. At first, I thought you're just another guy of millions that will break my heart and trust, but I'm wrong."

"E-Euna. Why are you saying-" I was cut off when she started talking again, confused as hell, I started to connect the dots as I sink in every detail of what she's saying

"Everyday, it changes. 'He's just a handsome guy', I thought. Every single day it changes 'He's a handsome and a kind guy' Everyday it adds up until the day it changes to, 'A handsome and a kind guy..' " a pause, silence filled the empty air

"That I love more than myself." She scoffed,

I froze, "Why are you saying these?!" I responded, is she leaving? Or I'm just being paranoid?

"Because it's the truth. I want you to know that I tried, Suga. I really did." I sobbed, "And I needed to say goodbye." She tried to smile and bite her lip to prevent myself from sobbing even more and I swear I felt my heart crack and crumble into peices,

"Why are you saying goodbye?" I asked once again, trying to connect the dots, still, but the problem is, is there any?

"I need to leave. It's the best for me. I need to fly to Vienna to see my Mom and study there. I'm not expecting that you'll love me back but I wish, I just wish that you know that I existed." She sniffed,

"W-Why are you here?" She added as she looked up in the empty ceiling

"She already said yes." I answered, idiot. What a coward guy you are, Suga. You don't deserve her. You just wasted your opportunity.

I cursed at my remark. I hated myself, I lied. How could I lie to her? Come to your senses, young man. You don't want to hurt her but why are you lying to her like that?

Ugh, I shrugged and I swear I didn't saw her like this before, her sparkling eyes are now replaced with a swollen, vulnerable one.

"Who? Krissy?" She smiled once again and I can tell it wasn't a real one.

"Yes." I uttered "A-are you happy?"

Lies. Lies filled the air. Echoing through the hallways and back,

Krissy didn't say yes. The truth is I didn't asked her in the first place, which Hoseok and I agreed that the bet would officially be brought down. It was the time when I realize I had someone in priority. And it was her.

"O-of course! I'm very happy for you t-two." She stuttered as her voice pained,

Damn it, Yoongi. What kind of a jerk do you think you are?!

I couldn't believe myself.

She turned around but before she did, she patted my shoulders, smiled and held her head up high,


My knees started to shake, my palms are sweating and my eyes are starting to pour droplets of tears,

"Are you okay?" I asked,

Idiot. Of course not.

She didn't respond.


I tried to call her by name,


And once again, she didn't turned back as I watched her disappear in the cold alley.

I didn't noticed I was clutching the tiny piece of paper she gave me so tight, it was now crumpled, I opened it and it says,

"I love you and I always will."


It was raining and I swear my body is freezing now that I'm walking in the streets without an umbrella. Stupid. Is it my fault that I forgot to bring any?

I stopped in the middle of the ghostly road as the lights flicker and closed my eyes, creepy. I'm just feeling the rain that washes over my bare face when I suddenly felt like the rain stopped so I opened my eyes, it was still raining.

"What the actual-" I turned around and saw an umbrella just about above my head

"Hi." A girl said as a smile plastered on her face

I suddenly felt my blood rushing towards my stomach and my heart is in my throat whenㅡ I couldn't simply get rid off the nagging feeling that started to bloom in my chest like flowers- feeling that grew, over time, secured their place deeply in my heart,

I froze on my place,

"H-Hi." I smiled, weirded out.

"The name's Euri," she saluted me

She looks just like her.


ⓒbangtanistry 150609

I'm sorry if this is just a lame story T^T amateur me. I tried my best so yeah :3 Thank you for reading! :) Maybe I'll do another part?


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