Coran - Empty Hallways

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Hunk stared intently at Coran as he fiddled with a small, fiddly, Altean piece of technology. It whirred slightly in his hands, and seemed to emit sparks every few ticks. He had originally been watching Coran as he explained how the "shocking" piece of technology worked. But as Coran had turned to look at the wide bridge window he had tugged at his moustache. Causing Hunk to stare at it for a moment before reaching a rather concerning conclusion about his usually immaculate moustache.

The normally perfect specimen of facial hair was lopsided.

It wasn't overly noticeable, but Hunk was used to looking for small details. But even so he probably wouldn't have noticed if Corans stressed tugging hadn't drawn his eyes directly to it. Hunk brushed the matter from his mind, resolving to deal with it after he learnt how this alien technology. He listened back into Corans instructions, only to realise that Coran had seemed to start his explanation again. Right from the beginning. Coran didn't forget what he was saying. Sure the guy was quirky, and you often couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. And he was enthusiastic. Very enthusiastic. Annoyingly enthusiastic even!

But Coran never lost his place or forgot what he was saying. Hunk watched as Coran tugged at his moustache again, restarting his explanation once more. Hunk rather thought he was beginning to sound like a broken record.

"Coran, are you okay?" Hunk asked, gently placing a hand on the altean's shoulder. Coran started, having been midway through repeating the same sentence he had already said three times. Coran turned to him, shoulders untensing as the shock wore off.

"Fit as ever, number two" Coran said cheerfully, beaming a grin that Hunk knew to be entirely fake. He stared at Coran, noting his moustache, the bag under his eyes and the slight waxy texture to his skin.

"Don't lie to me man" He said, frowning at Corans rather obvious attempts to divert his concern.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Coran insisted. Turning to look back at his tech, conveniently turning his back to Hunk as well. Hunk grabbed the tech from Coran's hands and set it gently on the nearby control panel.

"Coran," Hunk began, struggling to find the words he needed to say. He took a deep breath and looked up into Coran's purple-ringed eyes.

"Coran, I know you better than that" Hunk started, shaking his head as the other began to speak. "We were captured together, we cook together, I know you better than all the other paladins." Here hunk dropped his hand from Coran's shoulder and crossed his arms, trying to find the best way to phrase his concern.

"This act might work on the others, but it won't work on me. Don't lie to me."

Coran stiffened before relaxing, smiling sadly, his defiance broken by Hunk's obviously heartfelt words.

"I should have known- you are the yellow paladin after all." Coran whispered. He moved to the bench, patting the spot beside him in invitation. Hunk sat down and waited for Coran to speak.

"Do you know how many hallways are in this castle?" Coran said, staring at the stars through the window. Hunk shook his head in the negative.

"Three hundred and seven hallways, four hundred and fifty six bedrooms, and three thousand five hundred and eighty four other rooms, not including the bridge" The Altean listed. His eyes were no longer staring at the stars, fixated on something Hunk couldn't see.

Hunk stared at Coran, open mouthed at the revelation of how big the castle truly was. But Coran wasn't finished.

"This castle is designed to hold two hundred soldiers, the royal family, their staff, their advisers, the soldier's family, and a team of over one hundred Alteans solely for maintaining the castle, now there's five paladins, one princess, and me. One castle mechanic trying to do the work of over one hundred." Coran sighed, reaching up to tug on his moustache again. Hunk gently pulled his hand away from the already lopsided piece of facial hair and handed him a strip of paper. Coran smiled, and to Hunk's surprise, began folding it into a familiar paper star.

"King Alfor made these all the time for Allura, I had almost forgotten about them." Coran said, accepting another strip and beginning the folding process.

"Princess Allura sleeps in the Queen's quarters now, but her old nursery is covered in mobiles and strings of paper stars." He reminisced, mind lost in memories of times long since passed. Hunk gently took the list of tasks from Coran and tore it into two sections.

"It's not just one castle mechanic Coran" Hunk corrected, keeping one half and giving the other back to Coran. "I may be new to this, but I want to help. Don't take it all on yourself."

Coran smiled, tucking his now shorter list into the breast pocket on his coat.

"Thank you, Hunk" he said before exiting the bridge, in search of one long forgotten bedroom in four hundred and fifty six. A bedroom that he had travelled to many times, usually with a gift, or perhaps food in his hands.

He was looking for a nursery. A nursery filled with memories, laughter, and garlands of paper stars. 

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