Lance - Set in Motion

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Lance could not sit still, not even for a moment. He was always in motion, whether it be dancing about the castle ship, or tapping his fingers on his thighs as he rested in his room. Lance fidgeted with anything and everything that could be messed with.

It wasn't his fault, not really. He wasn't intentionally being annoying, and he wasn't aiming to be disruptive. He just...moved?
Standing still wasn't something he could do, despite his attempts. Sure he could be still for a few moments if he really concentrated, but Lance preferred to not think that hard. So Lance fidgeted, fiddled, and moved in any way that he could.

Of course it wasn't entirely a bad thing! No, lots of good had come from his inability to keep still. No one else aboard the castle ship could tie a hundred different knots without looking at his hands. No one else aboard the castle ship was ambidextrous. And none of the other paladins could recite exactly what each button, lever, or pulley within their lions did from memory. But Lance could. Because Lance fidgeted.

However the habit wasn't always a good thing either. His leg drumming patterns annoyed Pidge to no end, especially because there was no discernible rhythm to it. His finger snapping annoyed Shiro, his foot tapping annoyed Coran, and any and all zips and buttons on his clothing had been removed by an irritated Allura. Meanwhile to Keith he was just annoying. But Lance couldn't help himself.

Hunk observed as Lance fiddled with a small bit of tech he had discovered somewhere. It made a clicking noise when pressed, and Lance had been at it for several minutes. Luckily, it was just he and Lance in the rather large kitchen, and Hunk had been putting up with Lance's habits since the start of the Garrison.

However, this noise was particularly infuriating for some reason. Hunk stared about the room, trying his best to ignore the irritating click coming from beside him. If only Lance had a quieter object to fidget with.

Unconsciously Hunk tore a failed recipe idea in two, and then paused as sudden inspiration struck him. He quickly tore the paper into more strips and turned to Lance.

"Hey Lance, let me show you something" Hunk said quietly, scared about sharing his coping mechanism. But if it stopped the stupid, never-ending clicking? It was worth it.

Hunk demonstrated how to make his a star, expertly folding the thin strip with gentle hands. He then removed a jar from his pocket and poured his other stars onto the table.

Lance wanted to ask why he made stars, but he'd been friends with Hunk for ages. He knew that the gentle giant would explain in his own time, he just needed a moment to steel his nerves first. Lance fiddled with his sleeves while he waited for Hunk to speak again.

"I make these to calm myself down" Hunk explained, self-consciously prodding at the stars before him. "They help me relax."

Lance smiled at Hunk, glad that his friend had found a way to relieve his anxiety, even if he didn't quite understand how the little stars helped.

"That's great, buddy!" Lance encouraged, clapping his friend on the shoulder. Hunk smiled and placed a few strips on the table, before leaving Lance to his own devices.

Lance picked up one of the strips, twirling it slowly through his fingers as he thought. Hunk always had a knack for addressing issues in a roundabout way. It infuriated Lance sometimes, but he understood. Hunk wasn't a confrontational person, but he had this self-need to help everybody he could. Thus he improvised, giving gentle prods in the right direction but never directly addressing the issue. Lance knew Hunk had told him about the stars for a reason, and some way, somehow, Hunk thought the paper stars could help him. 

Lance sighed, swapping the strip of paper to his other hand. Hunk was a kind soul, a heart of gold in a world where not everybody was a good person. He loved hunk- he really did. But sometimes he had no idea what the bigger paladin was trying to tell him.

Lance looked down at his hands, and gasped in shock as a smile lit up his features. Hunk was a genius, disguised as a lovable engineer.

There in his hands was a tiny paper star.

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