Paradise on Earth

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" JJ and Lera." John B announced, tears streaming down his face as he stood in front of a tree that he spent hours craving JJ'S and Valera's names. He had to make sure it was perfect, but no matter what, it never seemed perfect to him.

It wasn't perfect. His best friends were dead, JJ, his brother, and Valera, the girl he thought of as a sister were dead and just gone.

"Gone not dead." Is what Sarah had told him when they pulled the truck out of the ocean.

The cross was gone, but so were Valera and JJ. There were no bodies, but with the amount of blood that was in the truck,

There was no way they could've survived that fall. Everyone knew that Sarah knew that, but she didn't want to believe that they were dead.

She just believed that they were gone, not dead. She had told everyone that she wouldn't believe until she saw their bodies.

She needed confirmation this time. She couldn't mourn her twin sister again. She couldn't mourn her half-brother without truly knowing they were dead.

Still, she came to the Vigil, and she was comforting John B. It was harder on John B than it was for her. She would admit that.

John B knew Valera and JJ better than she did. He knew them longer, and they were his family as well.

She was the one who had to pull John B back from the tree when he was almost ready to tear the whole tree down because he didn't think the cravings were perfect.

She reassured him that it was, but she knew that for John B, it would never be perfect.

Kiara was there was well, but she wasn't speaking, if she spoke, she will only break down into sobs, screaming at the universe for taking her friends again, for taking JJ away from her.

He was her best friend, her person, and nobody else would ever fill that gaint hole that JJ left behind.

She was the one who brought the photo. The photo of Valera and JJ.

It was taken years ago, neither remembered when it was really taken, but at that point, Valera still had brown hair, and JJ still had a baby face. They were young and happy.

The second kiara brought out that photo. It was like a bomb exploding in the dam that John B had.

John B just broke down into sobs, his body shaking as he cried, Sarah and kiara instantly wrapping their arms around him, crying along with him.

Pope stood behind them, tears streaming down his face as Cloe, who barely knew them but cared for them anyway, was there beside him, crying as well.

It was just them who showed up. Kai and Dawn were invited, but they never showed up.

Rafe all but ignored them, he ignored Sarah, couldn't even look at Sarah.

To Sarah, it felt like she was losing another sibling, but to Rafe, it brought so much agony and pain to even look at Sarah,

She had the same face as Valera, and rafe hated it.

He caught himself saying her name whenever he actually saw Sarah. One time, he actually did call her Valera, and that just seemed to have broken both of them more.

What broke them more was wheezie. She had heard rafe calling Sarah Valera, and wheezie just couldn't hold back anymore.

"Why did she have to leave again!? Why did she have to go and die again!" Wheezie snapped, tears streaming down her face,

"Why'd she have to leave me again?" Rafe rushed over and pulled wheeize into a much needed hug.

He couldn't hold on to that guilt, grief , not anymore.

Wheezie already lost Valera. She couldn't lose him either, and she wasn't. He vowed to do everything he couldn't for Valera for wheezie.

He was going to do things right, this time for wheezie.

Everyone dealt with their griefs their own way, most of them destroying themselves in the progress while others trying to be better, to do better.

Then everything came crashing down with one single phone call that wheezie was going to let it ring to voice-mail.

It was Rafe's phone, it was just on the counter while rafe was doing God know what around the house that he brought with his own money, and wheezie moved in with him,

He had offered Sarah, but Sarah was staying with John B.

Wheezie heard the sound of hammering, and she sighed. She knew deep down what Rafe was doing.

He made a room for Valera, and he fixed all her stuff the way it used to be. It brought new stuff to replace the things that ward broke, but he finished with that a day ago,

Now, he was fixing JJ'S room. He had gone to the maybanks and collected all of JJ'S stuff, and he may or may not beat the shit out of Luke Maybank, almost killing him in the progress.

He would've killed him, but he wouldn't be no good to wheezie in jail. Luckily for him,Luke knew what was good for him and didn't go to the cops.

He didn't care that JJ was dead.. was just gone. He didn't even ask about JJ at all.

Wheezie didn't know why Rafe was doing what he was doing, The rooms were off limits anyway, but she guessed it must be some sort of comfort for him.

That or he was just high at the moment.

The phone continued to ring, and something inside of Wheezie forced her to pick up the phone, answering it.

"Hello?" It was silent on the other line, and wheezie was going to hang up when a voice stopped her.

" us.." wheezie's eyes widened as the quiet voice that came from the other line, but she recognized that voice anywhere.

A scream came from the other line, making her jump back in fright, before the call ended.

"Oh God, oh my god, Rafe!"



Paradise on Earth starring

Madelyn cline as Valera Cameron

"Nothing kills a Pogue but a Pogue."

Madelyn cline as Sarah cameron

"Gone, not dead."

Drew starkey as Rafe Cameron

"Deep down, a part of me still believes they're alive, so, yeah, I made them rooms for when they came back."

Hero Fiennes-tiffin as Kai DeLuca

"It's my fault!"

Rudy pankow as JJ maybank

"Well, on the bright side, I got a cool ass scar."

Chase stokes as John B routlegde

"I'm sorry, what?!"

Jonathan Davis as Pope Heyward


"Wait, wait, you got stung in the ass by a jellyfish?"

Madison Bailey as Kiara carrera

"I'm not in love with Jayj. There's a difference between love and platonic love."

Thomas Doherty as Dawn DeLuca

"I will back down if it means you get to be happy."

The rest of OBX characters themselves!

First book
The girl in the shadow

Love interest for Valera
Pope and Cloe

Love interest for JJ
Kai / Dawn

This is all FANFICTION!

Thank you for reading!

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