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The waves crashed against each other, and the sound of seagulls screeching reached John B's ears as he let out a small groan, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.

He glanced at the clock and let put a deep sighed. It is only 6 in the morning. He turned his head to the other side as he felt movement beside him, and Sarah had turned in her sleep.

Lately, John B has had trouble sleeping ever since JJ and Valera. He couldn't sleep much, always getting looped into memories.

Memories that only ended up with him waking up crying, leading Sarah to comfort him when she should be sleeping.

John B turned on his side, staring at Sarah as she slept. It hurt. He would admit it, the way his heart ached whenever he saw Sarah.

Memories of Valera flashed through her when he looked at her. It wasn't fair to Sarah, so he never told her,

Valera was his best friend, his pseudo sister who shared the same face as his girlfriend,

The memories haunted him. Whenever he walked through his home, it felt like he could still hear the laughter of JJ and Valera.

He made himself busy instead of dealing with it. He became a mechanic, a dream of JJ'S.

Sarah had told him that it was great that he was trying to honor JJ, but that he shouldn't give up on his dreams for someone else's.

John B didn't do it for JJ. He did it for himself because fixing cars, it felt like JJ was beside him, helping him fix his van again, and Valera telling them that tape fixes everything.

There were a lot of memories of JJ and Valera helping him fix his van when it broke down on the way to school or just in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes, they didn't help at all, just messed around, JJ chasing Valera around with a bug he found or Valera scaring JJ with made up stories, and he would just laugh as JJ told him to hurry up.

It was good memories that John B had while fixing cars. It felt like they were with him, and Sarah might not understand that, but it was his problem, his way of dealing with things.

"..it's creepy to stare at someone while they're sleeping." Sarah's voice snapped him out his thoughts, and Sarah smiled a little at him,

She reached her hand up and brushed his hair to the side, "you okay?"

John B shrugged, "I will be."

Sarah stared at John B for a moment. It was the same response that he kept giving her every time she asked if he was okay.

"I will be." Is what he kept saying, but as long as Valera and JJ were gone, John B will be fine, no matter what.

It's only been a few months, and Sarah barely sees John B on most days. He's usually busy fixing cars, or with Pope and Cloe in the ocean, searching.

Pope and Cloe were barely on the island, always searching day and night, and they didn't really know what they were searching for.

Bodies or just hoping that they didn't find the bodies.

Sarah barely sees Pope. He only comes back to the island when there's a storm or if he and Cloe need to restock.

Pope rarely looks at her, and she'll admit it. It hurt, but she knew Pope was in love with her sister, and she knew it hurt him when he looked at her,

It hurt her to look at herself in the mirror sometimes. She would stare at herself for only mere seconds before looking away,

She would always wonder if they were in pain. If they were happy, her mind was always filled with those kinds of thoughts.

"..now, you're the one that's staring." John B quietly said, and Sarah sighed, sitting up,

"Just thinkin'." Sarah muttered, standing up, and John B sat up, running a hand through his hair.

"..how about you and me hang out today? Just the two of us?" John B suggested, and Sarah smiled,

"Yeah, that'll be great."


"..you moved that drawer for the fifth time in the last ten minutes." Wheezie leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms, watching as Rafe moved the drawer once again.

Rafe turned his head to look at her, "Do you think it should be near the window next to the bed or by the closet?"

Wheezie sighed, "By the window, that way when JJ returns, and he tries to sneak out, or sneak in, he'll hit the drawer."

Rafe chuckled, nodding his head, "Maybe I should put child locks on the window."

Wheezie watched as Rafe moved the drawer once more.

Rafe had brought a house a while ago, it wasn't that big but it wasn't that small either, it had enough rooms.

Wheezie moved in with him, and Rafe had offered Sarah to move in, but she declined, deciding that John B needed her more.

Rafe moved what was left of Valera's stuff into an empty room before fixing it the way it used to be.

After he finished with Valera's room, he moved on to fixing JJ'S room, having to go to the maybanks house, collecting what was JJ'S stuff, giving Luke a nice beating before returning home.

Rafe has spent weeks on JJ'S room, redecorating it every few minutes, mumbling stuff about how it wasn't right, before getting frustrated with himself.

Wheeize was often awaken up at night by Rafe's shouting and stuff being thrown around,

She didn't say anything besides help him. She knew that people dealt with grief in different ways.

"Hey, um.." Rafe scratched the back of his head, deciding to grow out his hair a bit,

"What do you think about the walls? The creamy colors?" He questioned, and wheezie glanced around the room.

The walls were pained a creamy color, just perfect for someone like JJ, a bed in the middle of the room, the drawer next to the window,

It wasn't much, but wheezie knew that Rafe was probably just waiting for JJ to come back so he could pick out the rest of the things he wanted in his room.

Wheezie thought it was just sad, but Rafe wasn't taking his medication, and she wasn't going to force him. She remembered the first she did,

She would rather have this version of Rafe than the other version.

"Why don't you order pizza or something? I'm almost done here." Rafe told her, and wheezie nodded,

Wheezie pushed herself off the frame, walked down the hallway, and searched the living room and kitchen for Rafe's phone before she found it on the counter.

As she was walking over, the phone started to ring, and startled her. She was debating on letting it ring, but she decided against it at the last minute.

She answered the phone,

Hello?" It was silent on the other line, and wheezie was going to hang up when a voice stopped her.

"Help....help us.." wheezie's eyes widened as the quiet voice that came from the other line, but she recognized that voice anywhere.

A scream came from the other line, making her jump back in fright, before the call ended.

"Oh God, oh my god, Rafe!"


1224 words

First chapter!


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