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"..okay.."Wheezie stared at Rafe after he listened to the recorded phone call, "we should order extra pizza for them," He chuckled,

"They should've called first, you know." Rafe muttered to himself, and wheezie blinked,

"Are you serious, right now!? What the hell is wrong with you, Rafe?" Wheezie questioned, and Rafe gave her a confused look,

"Um..what's wrong?" He asked, and wheezie took the phone, holding it up.

"They need help, Rafe, not pizza!" Wheezie snapped at him, and Rafe frowned at her, shaking his head,

"What's going on with you?" He asked, reaching to grab his phone but wheeize held it away from him.

"What's going on with you, Rafe. You're not thinking straight. Take your medication." Wheeize told him, and Rafe scoffed,

"I'm not taking that. Just give me my phone."

Wheezie stared at rafe for a moment, "No."

Rafe sighed before taking a step forward and, wheeize, bolted to her room, "wheeize!"

Rafe followed after her, and wheezie ran into her room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

Rafe tried the doorknob before banging his fist on the door , "Wheezie, open the door!"

Wheezie pulled up Rafe's contacts and clicked on Sarah's.

"Wheeize, please..open the door." Rafe pleaded, but wheezie ignored him as she put the phone to her ear.

It rang for a few seconds before it was answered,

"Rafe, I'm busy.."

"Sarah! I need your help! It's Rafe. He needs help. You gotta help him." Wheezie interrupted Sarah,

"Wheezie! Open the fucking door!"

She heard Sarah gasp from the other line,

"It is rafe that needs help or you?" She questioned, and wheezie heard another voice and the sound of a vehicle turning on.

"I don't need help Sarah, rafe does, he..he hasn't been right since Val, and J, okay? And.. he hasn't been taking his medication, so his grief is worse, Sarah. It's getting worse, and.."

"Can you please just come over and help him?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're on our way, just stay where you are."

"Just hurry."


"..Sarah, wait!" Sarah rushed out of the twinkie before John B could even stop it, and she ran towards the house, trying the doorknob, sighing in relief that it was unlocked.


Sarah pauses as Rafe comes out from the hallway, and a smile appears on his face,

"Val.." He cut himself off as John B rushed in, and his smile disappeared,

"You're not Valera or JJ," Rafe shook his head, "What are you doing here?"

"Wheezie called me here, Rafe.." Sarah was interrupted by Rafe,

"Okay, I'm just gonna have to order more pizza. You Pogues eat like pigs, I just need my phone back, wheezie! I need my phone back!" Rafe raised his voice by the end of his sentence.

"You're not getting it back until you take your medication!" Wheezie's voice came from further in the house, and Rafe sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Sarah, talk to her, will ya?" Sarah gave her brother a weird look before nodding,

"Yeah, I'll talk to her." Sarah glanced back at John B, who nodded at her, and Sarah walked past Rafe and down the hallway until she reached Wheezie's room.

She softly knocked on the door, "Hey, um..it's me, Sarah."

The door was opened a second later, and Sarah was pulled into the room, the door closing behind her and clicking as it was locked.

"Okay, what the hell is going on, Wheezie?" Sarah questioned, turning to face her younger sister.

"Look, there are some things that we didn't tell you or more like dad didn't want you to know," Wheezie told her, letting out a sighed,

"Rafe had a borderline personality disorder.."

"What!? Why didn't nobody tell me this?" Sarah interrupted and wheeize threw her a look,

"Because dad didn't want you to know, obviously, but shut up and let me finish," wheezie snapped, and Sarah looked surprised but nodded her head,

"Val and I, we managed to make rafe take his medication, or well, Valera did, I don't know how she did it but she did, but that's not the only problem,"

"Rafe is also schizophrenic, and he's also hasn't been taking his medication, now, Val made absolute sure that he took that one, but I didn't because he wasn't harming anyone, okay." Wheezie explained,


"He was just making rooms!" Wheezie defended, "he's just. He's just waiting for them to come home,"

Wheezie cleared her throat, "but they're waiting for us to save them."

"What? Wheezie.."

Wheezie pressed play on the recording, interrupting Sarah,

".. help.."


John B stared at Rafe, who was pacing around in the living room. It felt awkward to be around Rafe when he was like this.

John B had never seen him like this before, and it freaked him out.

"Rafe..um.." rafe stopped pacing as John B spoke up, and he looked at him,


"You good, man?" John B questioned, and Rafe hummed, nodding his head, A small smile appearing on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, man, I'm good. Val and Jess are gonna be home soon, and I really want to have dinner ready for them, you know? They've been gone for a long time and they must be hungry." Rafe replied,

John B frowned, but nodded his head, "Yeah, man, they've been gone a long time, but Rafe.."

Rafe's eyes began to water, "they're coming back right? Tell me they're coming."

John B could feel his own eyes water, but he cleared his throat and nodded his head,

"Yeah, they are! They're just um.." He trailed off,

"Their car broke down, and they are waiting for us to come and help them." Sarah finished, walking into the room,

"Wait? Are..are they okay?" Rafe questioned, and Sarah nodded, smiling sadly at him,

"Yeah, yeah, just um, Val told me to make sure that you took your medication,Rafe," Sarah told him, walking over to him

"Did you?"

Rafe shook his head, "No, they make feel weird."

Sarah nodded, "I know, but don't you want to go and help Valera and JJ? They need your help, Rafe, and they need you to take your medication."

"I want to help them." Rafe quietly said, and Sarah smiled at him,

"Okay, let's get you your medication."


1050 words

⚠️Not proofread ⚠️

Rafe's dealing with his guilt and grief in his own way.


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