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".. he's sleeping now," Sarah sighed, turning to look at wheezie, who was in the living room with John B, who looked determined but also upset.

"Wheezie, why didn't you say anything before? Rafe needed help a long time ago." Sarah questioned, noticing Rafe's phone on the coffee table, and now John B's expression made sense.

"He wasn't hurting anyone." Wheezie replied, and Sarah sat down next to her,

"He was hurting himself, wheezie, he wasn't properly grieving.."

"Oh, and you were?" Wheezie interrupted, turning her head to look at her,

"You keep saying,"Gone, not dead." What does that even mean, Sarah? Huh? And you weren't even there for when he was actually grieving, Sarah," Wheezie told her,

"He..he was just angry all the time, and if he wasn't angry, he was just sad, and I was alone, I was alone, and I didn't want to keep seeing him like that, so yeah, I stopped making sure he took his medication." Wheezie brought up her hand, wiping the fallen tear from her face.

"You weren't alone.."

"Yes, I was, Sarah. Val is gone, and you left too, and don't say you didn't, you did, instead of being here with me and Rafe when we needed you, you chose to be somewhere else," wheezie interrupted, more tears streaming down her face,

"Rafe needed you, and you left him, and I know your relationship with him isn't great, but he's our older brother, and he's been there for me and Val since we were babies,"

"I know he's needs help, and I am trying, I am trying so hard to help him, but I am alone, and I can't do it alone." Wheezie let out a small sob,

Tears streamed down Sarah's face as she pulled wheezie into her embrace, hugging her, "You are not alone anymore,"

"I am not going anywhere."

John B cleared his throat, "Sorry to interrupt, but if this..is true, then we have to find them. We have to find them and bring them back."

Wheezie pulled back from the hug, sniffling and wiping her tears, "the um, the call came from outside of the island or at least not here in outerbanks."

John B nodded, "Okay, we need to get the others, and tell them we need all the help we can get, and wheezie's coming with this time."


"No Pogue left behind, Sarah. Wheezie's a Pogue, like Rafe is, they're family, and we don't leave family behind, plus, she's old enough, right?" John B looked at wheezie, who nodded,

"Yeah, I'm old enough." John B smiled and stood up,

"Great, you two stay here, I'm pretty sure Pope and Cloe won't be in the best of moods, and someone needs to keep an eye on Rafe." Sarah stood up, sniffling,

"Just be careful, John B." John B nodded,

"I will be. Be back in a couple of minutes."


John B pulled up to the Docks, parking the twinkie close but not far. He glanced around and spotted Cloe's boat before spotting Pope, and surprisingly, Kiara.

He got out his van and ran over to the boat, hoping inside, startling Kiara, and Pope simply glanced at him.

"John B?" Kiara asked, surprised, but she smiled at him, "It's good to see you."

Kiara had barely seen her friends, JJ was always the glue that held the group together, and without him, the group was just simply falling apart, drifting away from each other, no matter how hard they tried to cling to each other.

"They're alive." John B told them, not bothering to beat around the bush.

Pope glared at him as he stood up, shaking his head, "That's not funny, man."

"I'm not lying, Lera called Rafe, but she's in trouble, they're in trouble, and we need to find them," John B explained, glancing between Kiara and Pope,

"Guys, JJ and Valera are alive, and they're waiting for us to save them," John B said, determination filling his body,

"I'm going to find them, and I would really, really like it if you guys help me."

Kiara and Pope glanced at each other, Pope had been losing hope every single day he's out there searching and coming back empty-handed, coming back without Valera and JJ. It made him keep losing hope,

But what kept breaking his heart were his parents, who were always waiting for his return, he saw their disappointment, and their sadness whenever he came back alone with Cloe,

They were waiting, they were waiting for him to find them, and come back with them.

They were waiting for them to come, and if what John B said was true, then Pope would do anything to find them, and finally, he could confess to Valera,

He wasted enough time, and he lost her already, and if she was alive, he wasn't about to let her go again.

"I'm in," Kiara was the first to speak, a determined look on her face, "JJ wouldn't give up on either us, neither would lera, so, I'm not giving up on them,"

"If they're alive, we're gonna find them." Pope nodded in agreement,

"Yeah, we're gonna bring them home." John B smiled,

"Great!" He frowned, "now, we need Kai and Dawn. Do you guys know where they are?"

Kiara sighed, "I know where Dawn is, but Kai has been..he hasn't been around since what happened, but I bet Dawn knows."

"Where's dawn?" John B questioned, and kiara stood up,

"It's better if I just take you there."


"..what is this place?" John B questioned, and kiara chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest,

"Have you never seen a building before, JB?" She questioned, and John B slightly rolled his eyes, huffing, a small smile on his face,

"Of course, I have. I mean, what kind of building is it?" He questioned, following after kiara as she began to walk.

"A company building. The DeLuca industry, Dawn, took over, becoming the CEO." Kiara replied ,

John B frowned, "What happened to becoming a singer?"

Kiara sighed, heading towards the elevator and pressing the button.

"Without lera and Jayj, he simply just gave up on his dreams. They were his biggest supporters," kiara told him, a small smile appearing on her face,

"I remember that time Jayj forced him to sing for everyone, and when Dawn was done.."

"JJ cheered for him the loudest." John B finished with a small chuckle as the elevator doors opened, and they stepped inside, and kiara pressed the button for the top floor.

"Yeah, and Dawn once said that Lera was the one who convinced him that his parents don't control his life, but..he wanted to do it,"

"He wanted to do it in honor of them, but I guessed everything became too hard for him. He didn't just lose lera and Jayj," kiara turned her head to look at John B.

"He lost his brother in the progress."


1164 words


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