School Ghosts

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This is from the same conversation as the last one, ironically. I wish I had more of these to tell, but I don't =(



"Do you have any other stories like that?"

"One other. I was in ninth grade, and was going by the counselor's office on my way to class. Outside there was this couple, they were nice, I didn't really know them though. But I thought the girl was pretty darn cute."


"They had been together for two or three years though."

"Oh yeah you're not breaking them up anytime soon."

"Anyway, so the girl said something that I didn't think anything of at the time. She said 'it's time we go,'. I didn't think anything of it, I just started heading to class.

"During second period, over the announcements the counselor announced to keep the kids in class when the bell rang."

"Are you okay Papa? You look like you're about to cry."

"Yes. Over the announcements they announced that that morning on the way to school, the couple had been killed."


"I knew where she lived, she lived over a hill that it was inclined all the way up and over, and then the driveway was right there. They had hit a patch of black ice, or ice and snow combined, and spun out of control onto the side of the road. A truck came by and turned, he couldn't see them, and hit them and killed them instantly."


"Are you sure you're alright?"

This time the father nodded.

"I saw them at eight o'clock outside the counselor's office, but they died at seven thirty."



"The girl had said 'it's time we go," and I didn't think anything of it. I still can't really understand it." 

"I wish I had some stories like this to tell, but I haven't got any except for one, and it isn't really that interesting. I don't think it's considered a real ghost story."

"Well, for the fact that I'm (insert age here, I forget XD) and I've only got two, your probably not going to have any either."

"But at the same time, 

"Some things just can't be explained."

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